Prevención in english


pronunciation: privenʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

prevención = prevention ; countermeasure [counter measure]. 

Example: Consider this title 'A handbook of heart disease, blood pressure and strokes: the cause, treatment and prevention of these disorders'.Example: This article reviews the extent of book theft in libraries and discusses some effective countermeasures that may help reduce the problem.


» medidas de prevenciónprevention effortsprevention measures .

Example: This article looks at the history of AIDS-related information, its format, content, and scope which is essential for targeting and evaluating control and prevention efforts at all levels.

Example: As well as insurance coverage, library managers should consider fire prevention measures e.g. automatic detection and extinguishing systems, and staff training to recognise potential hazards.

» prevención de conflictosconflict deterrenceconflict prevention .

Example: Conversely, cooperation is one of the most effective methods of conflict deterrence = Por el contrario, la cooperación es uno de los métodos más eficaces de prevención de conflictos.

Example: Respect for cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue as well as of equal opportunity are vital elements of conflict prevention.

» prevención de enfermedadesdisease prevention .

Example: Disease prevention is a better management practice than disease control.

» prevención de riesgosrisk managementrisk prevention .

Example: Risk management has to take account of the problems caused by human error, power failure, computer hackers, viruses, intercepted electronic mail and telephone fraud.

Example: All too often, risk prevention is a domain which is left to technical experts, scientists and possibly politicians.

» prevención de riesgos laboralesoccupational hazard prevention .

Example: The most important is that it's a basic principle of occupational-hazard prevention to address hazards before people get hurt.

Prevención synonyms

bar in spanish: bar, pronunciation: bɑr part of speech: noun
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