Pretendido in english


pronunciation: əledʒd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pretender1 = intend ; make + pretence ; purport ; be out to + Verbo ; lay + claim(s) to ; look to. 

Example: The scheme is intended to provide a systematic approach to the arrangement of books on shelves.Example: This account makes no pretence of being comprehensive and for a through treatment of these areas other texts should be consulted.Example: The LA purports to act as a professional body, but some of its bye-laws are the very antithesis of professionalism.Example: Clearly the cataloguer is out to produce a description in a standard order.Example: If librarians would calmly and publicly and increasingly lay claim to this area as their professional domain, they would gradually bring about the change in attitude that many desire to see.Example: Those with more faith than I look to gigantic electronic archives maintained by governments and private companies that will ensure the indefinite survival of the electronic records of humankind.


» pretender hacertry [Pasado y participio tried] .

Example: The searcher is an information worker trying to extract documents or information on behalf of someone else.

» pretender lograr lo imposiblesquare + the circle .

Example: The article 'Squaring the circle: the reformation of archival description in AACR2' is a contribution to a special issue devoted to archival automation.

» pretender lo imposiblesquare + the circle .

Example: The article 'Squaring the circle: the reformation of archival description in AACR2' is a contribution to a special issue devoted to archival automation.

pretender2 = pretend (to) ; feign. 

Example: We do not pretend to have equipped you with an instant expertise in the subject analysis and classification of documents.Example: 'You're sure you know what to do?' 'I'm sure,' she replied, with a confidence still slightly feigned = 'You're sure you know what to do?' 'I'm sure,' she replied, with a confidence still slightly feigned.


» no pretender sermake + no claim to .

Example: The last of these are the ones most directly aimed at a market, they make no claims to scholarship, only to helping students to pass examinations with the minimum amount of effort.

» pretender + poseerclaim .

Example: The present haphazard system of producing needed information experts allows a wide range of personnel to claim information skills.

» pretender serpass + Reflexivo + off asmasquerade asimpersonate .

Example: Tourists are easy meat for this dump of a place that passes itself off as a pub.

Example: Problems with selecting popular science books are discussed including: bias; conflicting viewpoints; and the problem of bogus science masquerading as respectable science.

Example: According to the analysis, intruders cannot obtain any secret information from transmitted messages and impersonate another legal user = Según el análisis, los intrusos no pueden obtener ninguna información secreta de los mensages transmitidos y hacerse pasar por otros usuarios legales.

pretendido = intended. 

Example: In all 20 per cent of visitors went out of the bookshop with a book they had intended to buy, 15 per cent went out with a book they had not intended to buy and 67 went out with both intended and unintended purchases.

Pretendido synonyms

supposed in spanish: supuesto, pronunciation: səpoʊzd part of speech: adjective so-called in spanish: así llamado, pronunciation: soʊkɔld part of speech: adjective declared in spanish: declarado, pronunciation: dɪklerd part of speech: adjective
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