Pretencioso in english


pronunciation: pritenʃəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pretencioso1 = hoity-toity ; snob ; poseur ; big head. 

Example: It's the kind of barn where you can learn to ride without feeling mocked or like some hoity-toities are looking down their nose at you.Example: The biggest faux pas according to snobs who take such things seriously is calling a sofa a couch or a setee.Example: This is an interesting little town wholly populated by poseurs and backpackers with a few salty sea dogs thrown in for good measure.Example: You've got such a big head that you could never live with yourself unless you could put us all to shame.

pretencioso2 = pretentious ; hyfoluted ; glorified ; hoity-toity ; high-flown ; overboard ; uppity ; self-opinionated ; arty ; artsy ; artsy-fartsy ; arty-farty ; arty-crafty ; artsy-craftsy ; uppish ; showy . 

Example: Book clubs do not have to be cliquish, pretentious, stuffily self-inflated, or bolt-holes for ethereal literary spirits.Example: I can believe that changing the logo broke some hyfoluted view ofthe library.Example: Some visual display units are no more than glorified television sets.Example: Wine lovers get the urge to splurge and celebrate, often in hoity-toity restaurants.Example: Disaffected and literally unliterary pubescent readers were expected to be hooked by his high-flown style.Example: Whatever its look is, understated or overboard, a crystal chandelier doesn't blend in with all kinds of rooms.Example: He'd been popular earlier on but was now on thin ice with most members of our class due to his pretension and uppity manner.Example: Garfield shows no basis for his immodesty and self-opinionated progress through life.Example: It's a rather arty hangout particularly with writers and theatrical types, who adore both the contemporary street-side cafe and the dining room further inside.Example: An old friend of mine works at that same coffee shop, a vibrant, decadent, and rather artsy hang out for the student population there.Example: The owners love the show, although Michael wouldn't be caught dead at such an artsy-fartsy place.Example: Why they continued to make such arty-farty films that nobody liked or went to see is anyone's guess.Example: It's a rather arty-crafty, ethnic-sandals-and-incense sort of place, a hangover from the Sixties, when there was a thriving hippy colony here.Example: I like the jacket very much, and the skirt, but the embellishment looks a little too artsy-craftsy for me.Example: He had always delighted in ridiculing me by his uppish disobedience, especially in public places.Example: It was considered gauche to be showy during a time of shortage.

Pretencioso synonyms

conspicuous in spanish: conspicuo, pronunciation: kənspɪkjuəs part of speech: adjective ostentatious in spanish: ostentoso, pronunciation: ɑstənteɪʃəs part of speech: adjective pompous in spanish: pomposo, pronunciation: pɑmpəs part of speech: adjective grandiose in spanish: grandioso, pronunciation: grændioʊs part of speech: adjective kitsch in spanish: kitsch, pronunciation: kɪtʃ part of speech: noun sesquipedalian in spanish: larguísimo, pronunciation: seskwɪpɪdeɪliən part of speech: adjective parvenu in spanish: advenedizo, pronunciation: pɑrvɪnu part of speech: noun portentous in spanish: portentoso, pronunciation: pɔrtentəs part of speech: adjective sententious in spanish: sentencioso, pronunciation: sentenʃəs part of speech: adjective highfalutin in spanish: Highfalutin, pronunciation: haɪfəlutɪn part of speech: adjective arty in spanish: pretensioso, pronunciation: ɑrti part of speech: adjective grandiloquent in spanish: grandilocuente, pronunciation: grændɪləkwənt part of speech: adjective showy in spanish: llamativo, pronunciation: ʃoʊi part of speech: adjective tasteless in spanish: insípido, pronunciation: teɪstləs part of speech: adjective inflated in spanish: inflado, pronunciation: ɪnfleɪtəd part of speech: adjective overblown in spanish: marchito, pronunciation: oʊvɜrbloʊn part of speech: adjective splashy in spanish: líquido, pronunciation: splæʃi part of speech: adjective hoity-toity in spanish: hoity-toity, pronunciation: hɔɪtitɔɪti part of speech: adjective pontifical in spanish: pontifical, pronunciation: pɑntɪfəkəl part of speech: adjective high-flown in spanish: alto vuelo, pronunciation: haɪflaʊn part of speech: adjective la-di-da in spanish: la-di-da, pronunciation: lɑdidʌ part of speech: adjective hifalutin in spanish: hifalutina, pronunciation: haɪfəlutɪn part of speech: adjective parvenue in spanish: avenida, pronunciation: pɑrvənu part of speech: adjective highfaluting in spanish: pomposo, pronunciation: haɪfəlutɪŋ part of speech: adjective high-flying in spanish: de alto vuelo, pronunciation: haɪflaɪɪŋ flaunty in spanish: flaunty, pronunciation: flɔnti part of speech: adjective nouveau-riche in spanish: Nuevos ricos, pronunciation: nʌvəjurɪʃ part of speech: noun, adjective artsy-craftsy in spanish: artesanía artística, pronunciation: ɑrtsikræftsi part of speech: adjective high-sounding in spanish: alto sonido, pronunciation: haɪsaʊndɪŋ part of speech: adjective jumped-up in spanish: saltó, pronunciation: dʒʌmpedʌp part of speech: adjective arty-crafty in spanish: artilugio, pronunciation: ɑrtikræfti part of speech: adjective
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