Presuroso in english


pronunciation: hɜri part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

presuroso = fast-paced [fast paced]. 

Example: Access to current, reliable quality news is an important need in the fast-paced environment of all large corporations and service organisations.

Presuroso synonyms

speed in spanish: velocidad, pronunciation: spid part of speech: noun rush in spanish: prisa, pronunciation: rʌʃ part of speech: noun, verb haste in spanish: prisa, pronunciation: heɪst part of speech: noun zip in spanish: cremallera, pronunciation: zɪp part of speech: noun hasten in spanish: acelerar, pronunciation: heɪsən part of speech: verb rushing in spanish: corriendo, pronunciation: rʌʃɪŋ part of speech: noun hastiness in spanish: apresuramiento, pronunciation: hæstinəs part of speech: noun hurriedness in spanish: apresuramiento, pronunciation: hɜrədnəs part of speech: noun look sharp in spanish: mirada aguda, pronunciation: lʊkʃɑrp part of speech: verb travel rapidly in spanish: viaja rapido, pronunciation: trævəlræpədli part of speech: verb
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