Presupuesto in english


pronunciation: bʌdʒɪt part of speech: noun
In gestures

presuponer = assume ; make + assumptions ; presuppose ; rest on/upon + the assumption that ; be under the assumption. 

Example: The foregoing discussion concerning analytical entries assumes implicitly a conventional catalogue format, that is, card, microform or other printed catalogue.Example: Care should be taken that the question asked solicits the information desired and that one does not proceed to make assumptions beyond established facts.Example: The ISBD presupposes that the description of a publication is a separate question independent of that of its entry.Example: The theory behind centralized cataloguing rests upon the assumption that libraries are duplicating cataloguing.Example: I had been under the assumption that attacking an opponent that was unaware would suffice to catch them flat-footed.

presupuestar = budget ; cost out. 

Example: Over the last 15 years, the cost of periodicals has escalated so much that the amount of money budgeted for periodicals is simply no longer adequate.Example: Using such a method, a reference librarian would have to evaluate and cost out every activity.

presupuesto1 = assumption ; presumption ; presupposition [pre-supposition]. 

Example: Also, in controlled indexing language data bases, there is often an assumption that a user will be prepared to chase strings of references or to consult a sometimes complex thesaurus.Example: Some of these presumptions have served only to perpetuate misconceptions of collection.Example: Computers hold pre-defined and fixed presuppositions, whilst those of humans are unpredictable.


» basarse en un presupuestoassumption + undergird .

Example: However, an assumption must undergird the entire process: All decisions are written in sand, not stone.

» partir de presupuestosmake + assumptions .

Example: Care should be taken that the question asked solicits the information desired and that one does not proceed to make assumptions beyond established facts.

» presupuestos de la mayoríamajority assumptions .

Example: Not so clear, however, is the subtle reinforcement of the majority assumptions provided by such subdivisions as CIVILIZATION OF under the names of indigenous American and African peoples.

presupuesto2 = budget ; budget dollar ; purse strings ; budget allocation ; budgetary allocation. 

Example: Factors here may be: total budget available for the production of abstracts.Example: The library and information sectors have to escalate their fight for every budget dollar, and some struggle to justify their very existence.Example: The problem is spreading rapidly, affecting people at all levels of society some of whom control the fate and purse strings of libraries.Example: If there is no policy of standardization, the librarian will be free to choose any suitable system within the budget allocation.Example: The figures in brackets are the percentages of the 1982 budgetary allocations for research.


» administrar el presupuestomanage + funds .

Example: Command of various techniques for forecasting payments and managing funds is necessary to expend fully without overspending the annual materials budget.

» agotar el presupuestodrain + budget .

Example: By accentuating administrative strengths, archivists can facilitate preservation implementation without draining their budget.

» asignación de presupuestobudgeting .

Example: The accurate budgeting of external 'connect time' cause problems to all.

» asignar un presupuestoallocate + funds .

Example: Despite carefully framed acquistions policy statements regarding fiction in actual fact libraries allocate only a small percentage of their meagre book funds to fiction.

» aumentar el presupuestoadd + monies to + budget .

Example: This also allows funding agencies to place programs into perspective and to evaluate the effects of cutting monies from or adding monies to the budget.

» austeridad de los presupuestosbudgetary stringency .

Example: The impact on union listing activities of growth in periodicals publishing and budgetary stringency is discussed.

» confección del presupuestobudgeting .

Example: The accurate budgeting of external 'connect time' cause problems to all.

» congelación de los presupuestosbudget freeze .

Example: Of course, this frozen budget is the product of cutbacks, austerity measures, and a five-year budget freeze that was put together in the mid-1990s.

» congelar el presupuestofreeze + the budget .

Example: One possible way to deal with this financial crisis is to freeze all budgets.

» contar con un presupuesto limitadobe on a limited budget .

Example: If you're on a limited budget, you're going to have to eat meals at home simply because it costs way less than eating out.

» contar con un presupuesto reducidobe on a limited budget .

Example: If you're on a limited budget, you're going to have to eat meals at home simply because it costs way less than eating out.

» controlar el presupuestocontrol + the purse strings .

Example: I'm not saying that in his defence, it just seems that he is taking more flak than those who should be controlling the purse strings effectively.

» control de los presupuestosbudgetary control .

Example: Sample applications are described in the areas of periodical claiming, budgetary control, and collection analysis.

» con un presupuesto limitadolow-budgeton a budget .

Example: Lodge Kerrigan's 'Clean, Shaven' is a blistering piece of cinematic inventiveness and a young director's low-budget first feature.

Example: Motels are among the most practical places to stay in for travelers on a budget, given the fact that they are far more affordable than hotels.

» con un presupuesto muy exiguoon a shoestring (budget) .

Example: Many information agencies exist on a shoestring budgets find it financially impossible to extend their hours.

» con un presupuesto reducidolow-budgeton a budget .

Example: Lodge Kerrigan's 'Clean, Shaven' is a blistering piece of cinematic inventiveness and a young director's low-budget first feature.

Example: Motels are among the most practical places to stay in for travelers on a budget, given the fact that they are far more affordable than hotels.

» dado a recortar presupuestosbudget-cutting .

Example: With continued acquiescence to budget-cutting administrators, tomorrow's libraries may be viewed as mere custodians and perhaps even superfluous to their institutions.

» dentro de + Posesivo + presupuestowithin + Posesivo + budget .

Example: It is the time to spoil yourself -- within reason -- which means within your budget.

» elaboración del presupuestobudgetingbudgeting process .

Example: The accurate budgeting of external 'connect time' cause problems to all.

Example: The budgeting process is usually prepared one year -- or in some cases two or three years -- in advance = Generalmente la elaboración del presupuesto se prepara con un año o, en algunos casos, dos o tres años de adelanto.

» encargado de hacer el presupuestobudgetmaker  .

Example: This can demonstrate to local government budgetmakers the value of the library to the parent organisation, even if its value to the public remains somewhat uncertain.

» encargarse del presupuestocontrol + the purse strings .

Example: I'm not saying that in his defence, it just seems that he is taking more flak than those who should be controlling the purse strings effectively.

» equilibrar el presupuestobalance + the budget .

Example: Restraining spending enough to balance the budget is the only way to prevent future tax increases.

» estar dentro del presupuestobe within budget .

Example: In most cases, part of your performance appraisal will be based on whether or not you were within budget for the year.

» exceso en el presupuestobudget overrun [Gastarse más de lo presupuestado]overrun [over-run] [Gastarse más dinero que el asignado]cost overrun .

Example: Problems like delay, budget overruns, sub-standard performance or even complete failure still occur frequently in IT projects.

Example: Findings show that both the Cobol and Natural projects experienced similar overruns.

Example: Following cost overruns of 330 million pounds on the British Library, the government's record of building procurement is being examined.

» inflar un presupuestopad + a budget .

Example: By the way, what are your thoughts on 'padding' a budget?.

» limitación del presupuestobudget constraint .

Example: Before 1992, little automation was possible due to budget constraints.

» no salirse del presupuestobe within budgetstay within + budget .

Example: In most cases, part of your performance appraisal will be based on whether or not you were within budget for the year.

Example: Staying within budget is one of the most important things for a business owner to do!.

» presupuesto asignado por actividadesperformance budget [En gestión de bibliotecas, asignación de las partidas del presupuesto según la complejidad de las actividades o tareas que hay que desempeñar en la biblioteca] .

Example: 5 common types of budget are defined: line item budget (consisting of a series of 'lines', each representing a different item of expenditure); lump sum budget; formula budget; performance budget; programme budget.

» presupuesto asignado según una fórmulaformula budget [En gestión de bibliotecas, asignación de las partidas presupuestarias dentro de una biblioteca según una fórmula preestablecida como, por ejemplo, servicios prestados, número de usuarios, etc.] .

Example: Formula budgets have been adopted by several large library systems with the thought that once the criteria have been established they can be applied across the board to all units within the library system.

» presupuesto cada vez más pequeñoshrinking budget .

Example: In the face of rising costs and stagnant or shrinking budgets, libraries are looking for efficient and less expensive methods of processing materials.

» presupuesto cada vez menorshrinking budget .

Example: In the face of rising costs and stagnant or shrinking budgets, libraries are looking for efficient and less expensive methods of processing materials.

» presupuesto congeladostagnant budgetfrozen budget .

Example: In the face of rising costs and stagnant or shrinking budgets, libraries are looking for efficient and less expensive methods of processing materials.

Example: Of course, this frozen budget is the product of cutbacks, austerity measures, and a five-year budget freeze that was put together in the mid-1990s.

» presupuesto de adquisicionesacquisitions budget [Cantidad de dinero que dispone una biblioteca, generalmente anualmente, para comprar material] .

Example: This article examines the problems facing libraries as acquisitions budgets are severely reduced and library materials continue to rise in price.

» presupuesto de base cerozero-base(d) budgeting (ZZB) [En gestión de bibliotecas, método por el cual al establecer el presupuesto de una empresa no se dan por válidos ninguno de los elementos del presupuesto anterior y se someten a discusión tanto los elementos antiguos como los nuevos]zero-base(d) budget [En contabilidad, método por el cual al establecer el presupuesto de una empresa no se dan por válidos ninguno de los elementos del presupuesto anterior y se someten a discusión tanto los elementos antiguos como los nuevos] .

Example: Because the assumption in this method is that none of the preceding years' operations are worth continuing unless they can be shown to be necessary, zero-based budgeting (ZZB) can be useful for paring out the deadwood of obsolete or uselessly extravagant programs.

Example: With a zero base budget every activity must be justified afresh each year.

» presupuesto desglosado por partidasprogramme budgetprogramme budgetting .

Example: The city budget director announced that in the next fiscal year the city of Deuxville will adopt a program budget format.

Example: This article outlines 7 types of budgeting: lump sum budgeting; line item budgeting; formula budgeting; programme budgeting; performance budgeting; planning programming budgeting systems; and zero-base budgeting.

» presupuesto detalladoline item budget .

Example: The line item budget consists of a series of 'lines', each representing a spending category and amount to be spent.

» presupuesto exiguoshoestring budget .

Example: Here are three travel sites for shoestring budgets.

» presupuesto extraordinariocapital grant .

Example: All large and medium schools should receive capital grants to equip them with basic library collections in two to four years.

» presupuesto globallump sum budget [En gestión de bibliotecas, asignación a éstas de una cantidad global en concepto de presupuesto para que lo administren de la forma que crean más conveniente] .

Example: According to the lump sum budget, a certain dollar amount is allocated to the library, and it becomes the responsibility of the library to decide how that sum is broken into categories that can be identified.

» presupuesto muy pequeñoshoestring budget .

Example: Here are three travel sites for shoestring budgets.

» presupuesto para adquisición de materialcapital budget [En gestión de bibliotecas, cantidad dedicada a la comprar de equipos, reformas, etc. cuya utilidad sobrepasa el año fiscal] .

Example: The two components of the budget are: the operating budget which can be broken down into staff costs and general costs; and the capital budget which covers purchases expected to have a lifetime of longer than 1 year such as facilities or equipment.

» presupuesto para gastos de funcionamientooperating budget [En gestión de bibliotecas, cantidad anual dedicada a cubrir los gastos de personal, electricidad, calefacción, etc. de un organismo]operating funds .

Example: The author the two components of the budget: the operating budget which can be broken down into staff costs and general costs; and the capital budget which covers purchases expected to have a lifetime of longer than 1 year such as facilities or equipment.

Example: Some 4 million dollars of that increase is dedicated to operating funds, representing an increase of 30 per cent over previous levels.

» presupuesto para la compra de librosbook funds [bookfunds] .

Example: Despite carefully framed acquistions policy statements regarding fiction in actual fact libraries allocate only a small percentage of their meagre book funds to fiction.

» presupuesto para la compra de materialmaterials budget .

Example: It is vital that librarians manage effectively the allocation of the materials budget and the development of the collections as the purchasing power of the materials budget declines.

» presupuesto para librosbook budget .

Example: Or still others think they have the library figured out, probably because of recent cuts in the book budget they read about in the campus newspaper.

» presupuesto precarioshoestring budget .

Example: Here are three travel sites for shoestring budgets.

» presupuesto públicopublic funding .

Example: This phenomenon will have serious consequences for the profession of librarianship, or any profession that depends on public funding.

» presupuestosfunding .

Example: The mission, organisational structure, user needs, funding and technology of the library must all be made to match.

» presupuestos públicosstate finance .

Example: The author presents his opinions of the high quality of American libraries and the low regard given to them by state finance.

» proceso de asignación de presupuestosbudgetary process .

Example: This article examines the role of the public librarian in the local authority budgetary process = Este artículo examina el papel del bibliotecario de biblioteca pública en el proceso de asignación de presupestos por el ayuntamiento.

» recortar el presupuestocut back + budgetcut + budgetsqueeze + budgettighten + the purse stringsslash + the budgetcut + monies from + the budget .

Example: Expansion ground to a halt, however, before an adequate level of services was achieved in 1986, when the budget was cut back.

Example: He then said: 'Look, pal, your budget will probably be one of the first to be cut in these budget-slashing times'.

Example: Moreover, budgets will be squeezed even further by the rapidly rising costs of materials.

Example: Labor spent the money when it was needed and is taking steps to tighten the purse strings to begin honouring the debt it has accrued.

Example: Can the government reduce poverty while also slashing the budget?.

Example: This also allows funding agencies to place programs into perspective and to evaluate the effects of cutting monies from or adding monies to the budget.

» recorte del presupuestobudgetary constraintfunding cut .

Example: Additional measures are also critical at a time when many public libraries are facing budgetary constraints.

Example: Funding cuts have made re-training difficult in some instances.

» recorte de presupuestocut in budget .

Example: This article discusses the problable effects of cuts in federal budgets on ministerial libraries.

» recorte en el presupuestofunding cut .

Example: Funding cuts have made re-training difficult in some instances.

» reducir el presupuestocut + monies from + the budgetslash + the budget .

Example: This also allows funding agencies to place programs into perspective and to evaluate the effects of cutting monies from or adding monies to the budget.

Example: Can the government reduce poverty while also slashing the budget?.

» sin exceder el presupuestobudgetable  .

Example: Keep the price simple, flexible, understandable and budgetable, and when in doubt, overprice.

» sin + salirse + de + Posesivo + presupuestowithin + Posesivo + budget .

Example: It is the time to spoil yourself -- within reason -- which means within your budget.

» tener poco presupuestobe on a limited budget .

Example: If you're on a limited budget, you're going to have to eat meals at home simply because it costs way less than eating out.

» tener un presupuesto limitadobe on a limited budget .

Example: If you're on a limited budget, you're going to have to eat meals at home simply because it costs way less than eating out.

» tener un presupuesto reducidobe on a limited budget .

Example: If you're on a limited budget, you're going to have to eat meals at home simply because it costs way less than eating out.

presupuesto3 = quotation ; financial statement ; quote. 

Example: When costing, the quotation given seriously underestimated the time needed for the job = When costing, the quotation given seriously underestimated the time needed for the job.Example: These include an explanatory memorandum which sets out the background of the proposal, and usually also a financial statement of likely budget expenditure.Example: This is the most cost-effective method of acquisition because of the opportunity to choose the least expensive quote from multiple quotes through increasing purchasing power.


» hacer un presupuestocost .

Example: When costing, the quotation given seriously underestimated the time needed for the job = Cuando se calculó el costo, el presupuesto que se dio subestimó en gran medida el tiempo necesario para hacer el trabajo.

» presupuesto cerradofixed-price deal .

Example: The way you make money on a fixed price deal is to complete it in fewer hours than estimated.
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