Presupuestario in english


pronunciation: bʌdʒɪteri part of speech: adjective
In gestures

presupuestario = budgetary. 

Example: Budgetary considerations are likely to be a factor in determining the amount of abstracting time that can be purchase, or the number of abstractors to be employed.


» año presupuestariobudget year .

Example: The federal government kicked off the 2013 budget year with a $120 billion deficit in October, a $22 billion increase from this time last year.

» asignación presupuestariabudget allocationbudgetary allocation .

Example: If there is no policy of standardization, the librarian will be free to choose any suitable system within the budget allocation.

Example: The figures in brackets are the percentages of the 1982 budgetary allocations for research.

» déficit presupuestariobudget shortfallbudget deficit .

Example: Due to a state budget shortfall, the University will not be able to offer systemwide salary increases to employees.

Example: Whilst there was still a budget deficit, the situation was an improvement on last year and indications for the future look good = Aunque el déficit presupuestario seguía existiendo, la situación había mejorado con respecto al año anterior y las pespectivas para el futuro parecían buenas.

» dificultades presupuestariasbudget adversity .

Example: Perhaps the most valuable result of budget adversity is in prompting improvements in the US network of research libraries.

» incremento presupuestariobudget increase .

Example: It is in their interests to promote budget increases and institutional cooperation necessary to expand the public library's value to them.

» limitación presupuestariabudget constraint .

Example: Before 1992, little automation was possible due to budget constraints.

» partida presupuestarialibrary fundbudget heading .

Example: The acquisition file is indexed by vendor and library fund.

Example: An accessions file could be of interest to users, informing them of books on order or recently received, but it may be thought necessary to prevent users from seeing the ordering details (supplier, order number, budget heading, etc.).

» partida presupuestaria para la encuadernaciónbindery fundbinding fund .

Example: Only bindery funds may be chosen.

Example: To distinguish the two fund types visually, it is often useful to begin or end the binding funds with a special character, say, an asterisk.

» período de recortes presupuestariosbudget-slashing times .

Example: He then said: 'Look, pal, your budget will probably be one of the first to be cut in these budget-slashing times'.

» plan presupuestariobudget plan .

Example: The Louisiana Legislature is edging closer toward a full meltdown that would derail not only its tax policy but also the state budget plan for next year.

» proceso presupuestariobudgeting process .

Example: The budgeting process is usually prepared one year -- or in some cases two or three years -- in advance = Generalmente la elaboración del presupuesto se prepara con un año o, en algunos casos, dos o tres años de adelanto.

» recorte presupuestariobudget cutfunding cutbudgetary cutbudget squeeze .

Example: There are many good reasons for avoiding too heavy a reliance on one national library and the recent budget cuts are a warning.

Example: Funding cuts have made re-training difficult in some instances.

Example: Budgetary cuts are affecting the provision of special collections in tertiary education.

Example: We couldn't afford to do everything we used to, so standardized entry would be one of the casualties in any budget squeeze.

» recortes presupuestariosbudget cutting .

Example: During the Reagan Administration, federal information policies and climate were driven by budget cutting, eliminiation of publications, and a dramatic increase in privatisation of federal information.

» recortes presupuestarios + hacerse sentirbudget cut + bite .

Example: As provision of local authority adult education classes drops and budget cuts bite deep everywhere, it would benefit both organisations to cooperate and maintain a 'high profile'.

» reducciones presupuestariasbudgetary restrictions .

Example: Virtually no publicity was given to the service, since the library administration did not want to raise expectations, as they were unsure whether it was going to be possible to continue the service, due to budgetary restrictions at the time.

» reducción presupuestariabudgetary constraintbudget reduction .

Example: Additional measures are also critical at a time when many public libraries are facing budgetary constraints.

Example: The university, faced with a 20 percent budget reduction by 1997, is taking positive steps to restructure its services to clients.

» restricciones presupuestariasbudgetary restrictions .

Example: Virtually no publicity was given to the service, since the library administration did not want to raise expectations, as they were unsure whether it was going to be possible to continue the service, due to budgetary restrictions at the time.

» restricción presupuestariabudgetary constraintbudget constraintbudget restraintbudgetary restraint .

Example: Additional measures are also critical at a time when many public libraries are facing budgetary constraints.

Example: Before 1992, little automation was possible due to budget constraints.

Example: Slower economic growth coupled with federal and state budget restraints puts a great deal of uncertainty into the outlook for library budgets.

Example: CD-ROM has given the library a public relations boost but this has led to higher expectations of the library by users at a time of budgetary restraint.
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