Presuntuoso in english


pronunciation: prɪzʌmptʃəwəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

presuntuoso1 = snob ; hoity-toity ; poseur ; big head. 

Example: The biggest faux pas according to snobs who take such things seriously is calling a sofa a couch or a setee.Example: It's the kind of barn where you can learn to ride without feeling mocked or like some hoity-toities are looking down their nose at you.Example: This is an interesting little town wholly populated by poseurs and backpackers with a few salty sea dogs thrown in for good measure.Example: You've got such a big head that you could never live with yourself unless you could put us all to shame.


» ser un presuntuosobe full of + Reflexivo .

Example: That gets on my nerves, they are cocky and full of themselves.

presuntuoso2 = conceited ; pompous ; presumptuous ; immodest ; pretentious ; stuck-up ; hyfoluted ; high-blown ; snobbish ; snobby ; vain ; cocksure ; big-headed ; portentous ; overboard ; uppity ; self-opinionated ; arty ; artsy ; artsy-fartsy ; arty-farty ; arty-crafty ; artsy-craftsy ; uppish ; vainglorious ; bumptious. 

Example: She wanted to say: 'You are a conceited, obstinate, inflexible, manipulative, pompous, close-minded, insensitive, abrasive, opinionated, platitudinous oaf!'.Example: She wanted to say: 'You are a conceited, obstinate, inflexible, manipulative, pompous, close-minded, insensitive, abrasive, opinionated, platitudinous oaf!'.Example: Many feel that it is presumptuous to think that a 150- to 250-word abstract can carry enough information from a well-written 3,000-word paper to be of much use except as a guide.Example: The author reviews an article by Tom Eadie, 'Immodest proposals: user instruction for students does not work'.Example: Book clubs do not have to be cliquish, pretentious, stuffily self-inflated, or bolt-holes for ethereal literary spirits.Example: library users were stereotyped as old people, intellectuals, uninteresting people, shy or stuck-up people and people afraid of life.Example: I can believe that changing the logo broke some hyfoluted view ofthe library.Example: In our media saturated world of high-blown hype and suffocating spin they do their best to tell you the truth.Example: It was possible to identify 3 main groups who display 3 different types of attitude -- participative, delegative and 'snobbish'.Example: Every one looked like death warmed up, including the snobby staff who I found far from welcoming.Example: The common idea that success spoils people by making them vain, egotistic and self-complacent is erroneous.Example: The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.Example: I alwasy knew she was a pain in the arse, without knowing her you can just tell, by the way she behaves, that she is big-headed and thinks she's god's gift to the human race.Example: He is described in the play as a "rather portentous man in his middle fifties but rather provincial in his speech'.Example: Whatever its look is, understated or overboard, a crystal chandelier doesn't blend in with all kinds of rooms.Example: He'd been popular earlier on but was now on thin ice with most members of our class due to his pretension and uppity manner.Example: Garfield shows no basis for his immodesty and self-opinionated progress through life.Example: It's a rather arty hangout particularly with writers and theatrical types, who adore both the contemporary street-side cafe and the dining room further inside.Example: An old friend of mine works at that same coffee shop, a vibrant, decadent, and rather artsy hang out for the student population there.Example: The owners love the show, although Michael wouldn't be caught dead at such an artsy-fartsy place.Example: Why they continued to make such arty-farty films that nobody liked or went to see is anyone's guess.Example: It's a rather arty-crafty, ethnic-sandals-and-incense sort of place, a hangover from the Sixties, when there was a thriving hippy colony here.Example: I like the jacket very much, and the skirt, but the embellishment looks a little too artsy-craftsy for me.Example: He had always delighted in ridiculing me by his uppish disobedience, especially in public places.Example: A century ago, stupid and vainglorious politicians dragged us into war.Example: I suppose we might all own up to being a tad bumptious on occasion and when the wind is blowing in the wrong direction.

Presuntuoso synonyms

forward in spanish: adelante, pronunciation: fɔrwɜrd part of speech: adverb assuming in spanish: asumiendo, pronunciation: əsumɪŋ part of speech: adjective assumptive in spanish: supuesto, pronunciation: əsʌmptɪv part of speech: adjective
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