Presunción in english


pronunciation: prɪzʌmpʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

presunción1 = presumption ; presupposition [pre-supposition] ; supposition ; wild guess. 

Example: Some of these presumptions have served only to perpetuate misconceptions of collection.Example: Computers hold pre-defined and fixed presuppositions, whilst those of humans are unpredictable.Example: Only viewpoints which are quite definite and not merely suppositions on the librarian's part should be mentioned.Example: A group of NASA scientists employed a dartboard to reach a wild guess on the possible composition of Mars.


» presunción de culpabilidadpresumed guilty .

Example: They describe what it is like to find yourself on the other side of a one-way mirror, innocent but presumed guilty, by professionals who are almost completely unaccountable.

» presunción de hechoprima facie .

Example: Ordinarily a distributor of a libel would be prima facie liable.

» presunción de inocenciapresumed innocent .

Example: Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.

presunción2 = pretentiousness ; self-importance ; conceit ; presumptuousness ; presumption ; self-conceit ; pretension ; smugness ; vainglory ; vainness. 

Example: His publications attacked the pretentiousness and fallibility of the world of academia.Example: Some people have a neurotic, exaggerated sense of self-importance and will nitpick and make a row over just everything in every shop or restaurant.Example: It's been hard to stomach the fool, with his conceit and his whining.Example: In contrast, Heidegger never repented his presumptuousness.Example: His fall from grace may have been due to his presumption in using Hatshepsut's temple for his own devotional purposes.Example: Man's self-conceit and love of power are the cause of most of his troubles, sins and vices.Example: He'd been popular earlier on but was now on thin ice with most members of our class due to his pretension and uppity manner.Example: However, his smugness drives me crazy.Example: In the play fragment mentioned above, Robin is captured almost certainly out of the foolishness of his vainglory -- a lesson to be brave but cautious and not to boast of one's accomplishments.Example: For some you will look like the sad culmination of vainness while others will admire you and think you are the coolest thing since sliced bread.

Presunción synonyms

assumption in spanish: suposición, pronunciation: əsʌmpʃən part of speech: noun given in spanish: dado, pronunciation: gɪvən part of speech: noun, adjective precondition in spanish: condición previa, pronunciation: prikəndɪʃən part of speech: noun presupposition in spanish: presuposición, pronunciation: prisəpəzɪʃən part of speech: noun presumptuousness in spanish: presuntuosidad, pronunciation: prɪzʌmptʃuəsnəs part of speech: noun
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