Presumir in english

To show off

pronunciation: tuʃoʊɔf part of speech: none
In gestures

presumir1 = boast ; brag ; grandstand ; show off ; swank ; talk + big. 

Example: In fact, he boasts that he knows more about library work than all of us who have our master's degrees put together.Example: While pirates and ancient mariners may have bragged about sailing the seven seas, the phrase is merely figurative.Example: Low key and humble, he would never be the type to grandstand and bluster about injustice.Example: The district will proudly show off its historical heritage: the monastic library at Broumov, founded in the 13th century by Benedictine monks.Example: Some of them were a little overbearing, but that was presumably because they were on home territory and liked swanking about it to others.Example: Well, he is always talking big but he never really does anything.

presumir2 = presume. 

Example: We presumed this principle of organization in the case of searching the public library for a document about programmed instruction.
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