Prestigioso in english


pronunciation: prestɪdʒəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

prestigioso = prestigious. 

Example: She has served as a member of the prestigious ALA Cataloging Policy Research Committee.


» más prestigiosotop-ratedtop-ranked .

Example: They have analyzed user ratings and professional testing to find top-rated shampoo brands.

Example: In contrast, Brauen modified all of the terms but only in the top-ranked relevant documents.

Prestigioso synonyms

influential in spanish: influyente, pronunciation: ɪnfluentʃəl part of speech: adjective esteemed in spanish: estimado, pronunciation: ɪstimd part of speech: adjective reputable in spanish: acreditado, pronunciation: repjətəbəl part of speech: adjective honored in spanish: honrado, pronunciation: ɑnɜrd part of speech: adjective
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