Prestigio in english


pronunciation: prestiʒ part of speech: noun
In gestures

prestigio = stature ; authoritativeness ; prestige ; repute ; eminence ; kudos ; standing ; reputation. 

Example: Merely having the materials available will not provide the desired boost to the library's stature unless the collection is exceptional.Example: Abstractors recognized as authorities in the field also increase the authoritativeness of abstracts.Example: The prestige of working for a world-renowned abstracting organization and of having one's name carried in its publications is also motivating.Example: In view of the fact that many of these reports are written by academic specialists, often of international repute, it is not surprising that they constitute a valuable source of information for the academic community.Example: The method is applied to assess the eminence of scientific journals.Example: Authors who succeed in this category are people who do not worry too much about the lack of literary kudos, but who can write, and seem to enjoy writing, fairly simple stories for a wide audience whose pure enjoyment of the books is sufficient.Example: Their sheer institutional standing and regard have had a bearing upon the creation of a situation which is a good deal better than it might otherwise have been.Example: Various publishers have reputations for specific styles, subject areas or works for specific audiences.


» crearse el prestigio de serestablish + a record as .

Example: The success that ACPAD has had in attracting donations suggests that it has established an enviable record as an efficient and effective distributor of publications to institution libraries.

» dar prestigiolend + authoritativeness .

Example: Section editors, who oversee quality, lend authoritativeness.

» de prestigio internacionalof international renown .

Example: Led by experts of international renown, the workshop will focus on the creation, delivery and preservation of digital resources.

» de prestigio mundialworld-class .

Example: The difference between success and failure in this environment can often be traced to the availability of world-class information.

» de reconocido prestigioof good standinghighly acclaimed .

Example: This periodical is available to Canadian Library Association members of good standing as a membership service.

Example: This is a complete and highly acclaimed guide to judging Internet information quality.

» estar ganando prestigiobe on + Posesivo + way up .

Example: It was early June 2014, and Eugenie Bouchard was on her way up in the tennis world.

» ganando prestigioon the way up .

Example: We've all heard the saying 'Be nice to people on the way up because you may need them on the way down'.

» ganar prestigiogain in + ascendancygrow in + stature .

Example: As the awareness of information gains in ascendancy, the mechanisms of information access change with the development of new technologies.

Example: Uruguayan wines are growing in stature and becoming increasingly more recognized by wine lovers worldwide.

» perder prestigiolose + face .

Example: Fear of 'losing face' often prevents people from seeking counseling for psychological problems until the problems are advanced.

» prestigio socialsocial prestige .

Example: Most of these societies were matrilineal, meaning descent and property was passed down on the distaff side of the family and women had a very high social prestige.

» recuperar el prestigioregain + Posesivo + prestige .

Example: The shock of Sputnik precipitated a near-frantic concern about our technological complacency, sending the country into a crash program of science education and space exploration in order to regain a lost prestige.

» ser un símbolo de prestigioattach + prestige value .

Example: It seems that a certain prestige value was attached to the possession of this roll as it was accessible only to the elite ('one of a thousand') among the population.

Prestigio synonyms

prestigiousness in spanish: prestigio, pronunciation: prestɪdʒuznəs part of speech: noun
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