Prestar in english


pronunciation: lend part of speech: verb
In gestures

prestar1 = lend. 

Example: Circulation -- The procedures for lending documents to borrowers and keeping track of them -- is restricted to authorized users.


» capitalista que presta capital de riesgoventure capitalist .

Example: Venture capitalists funded fledging companies in the early days of information technology some of which went on to dominate the market.

» prestar dinerolend + money .

Example: A 2016 survey found that only half of people who lend money to friends and family get paid back in full.



» deber prestar atenciónwarrant + consideration .

Example: Applications of bibliographic data conversion warrant serious consideration given their availability and inexpensiveness.

» encargado de prestar los primeros auxiliosfirst aider .

Example: The ambulance service has put first aiders on bikes in an attempt to beat the city's traffic and save lives.

» hacer que no se le preste atención adeflect + attention from .

Example: The injection of foreign ownership into the debate over the privatisation of federal agencies has deflected attention from critical domestic concerns of economic efficiency and operational optimisation.

» no prestar atencióndisregard [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]overlookclose + the door ongo + unheededfly in + the face ofclose + Posesivo + ears to .

Example: Although the overwhelming majority of technologically-driven programmes disregard information problems and issues, there are encouraging signs of a growing awareness of the need for information-driven.

Example: This can only achieved by examining the literature of the subject area thoroughly for any isolates that might possibly have been overlooked.

Example: Librarians cannot afford to close the door on current issues.

Example: Despite all the evidence of bibliographic progress in the country during the 19th century, the expressed call for a form of national bibliographical control went unheeded.

Example: If a planned activity flies in the face of human nature, its success will be only as great as the non-human factors can ensure.

Example: She closed her ears to fact that Mr. Jackson overdosed.

» no prestar atención al hecho de queoverlook + the fact that .

Example: The media have regularly stoked public feelings of shame by affirming that English football fans are synonymous with hooliganism, overlooking the fact that not all fans are 'hooligans'.

» no prestar la suficiente atencióngive + Nombre + short shrift .

Example: Working on a report, statistics, or other assigned tasks while on duty must never cause a librarian to give short shrift to a question.

» prestándole especial atención awith specific reference towith an emphasis on .

Example: The work of the Association of Canadian Archivists, in relation to the revision of the Copyright Act as applied to archives, is described with specific reference to 2 documents.

Example: Accordingly, it is best for children to eat between 4 and 6 times daily, with an emphasis on the healthy foods listed above.

» prestar antención alay + interest with .

Example: Our interest has lain with indexing practices rather than with search procedures.

» prestar apoyolend + supportsupport .

Example: The librarian who lends support to those who criticize the organization which employs him is likely also to find his position difficult.

Example: In order to support these three elements, and to ensure that schemes are updated it is important to have some organisation which takes responsibility for revision and publication.

» prestar apoyo ago to + bat forbat for .

Example: To everyone's surprise he responded that he'would be willing to go to bat for a replacement of some sort'.

Example: The article 'Batting for the British Library' discusses the scope of the project to develop a new British Library site.

» prestar atenciónfollow upheedreceive + attentionminddevote + Posesivo + attentiontake + noticegive + (some) thought tofollow throughlook out forlend + an earprick (up) + Posesivo + earsPosesivo + antennas + go uplay + eyes onclap + Posesivo + eyes onset + eyes ongive + Nombre + attentionborrow + Posesivo + earspay + interesttake + heed (to/of/with) .

Example: Both the original production and revision of STC spawned a large crop of such items which are worth following up.

Example: Such variations also make it difficult for a cataloguer inserting a new heading for local use to discern the principles which should be heeded in the construction of such a heading.

Example: The formation of mould on paper and book-bindings is a long-standing problem, the nature of which has received little attention.

Example: They see people as marked by one particular attribute, cleverness, or kindness, or strictness, or being a good shot, and they mind whether things are right or wrong.

Example: The cataloger, by being relieved of the onerous clerical burden of reorganizing the catalog, is free to devote professional attention to making the catalog a more responsive and useful tool.

Example: Successful displays depend on two main ingredients: selection from the vast number of possible titles; and attractive layout, so that people will take notice of the books and want to know more about them.

Example: I encourage the reader to give thought to the longer case studies that have appeared in the library press.

Example: The approach used is to follow through the decision making processes which underpin the successful introduction of any service.

Example: Panellists presented the criteria they adopted and features they looked out for when selecting a library automation system.

Example: Secondly, the teacher should just 'lend an ear' and not actively take part in the discussion.

Example: The dog sat at the bedside, now eyeing his master with a wistful look, and now pricking his ears, and uttering a low growl.

Example: As lesbians, our antennas went up, and we wondered why this guy wanted to know how many bedrooms we had.

Example: Perhaps Giovanni should have trusted his instincts when he laid eyes on Rappaccini as the scientist tended to his perverse garden.

Example: Seriously, the blobfish is the worst looking creature I've ever clapped eyes on.

Example: That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!.

Example: The only way chippies like her will stop acting so cheap is if men stop giving them attention.

Example: If you don't need insight, just tell her that you need to borrow her ears to listen to you express your thoughts and feelings.

Example: My parents weren't very educated people, and they never paid any interest in politics.

Example: Police has advised the public to take heed of road congestion and plan ahead, to avoid the rush which may lead to accidents.

» prestar atención aattend togive + attention topay + attention toturn + Posesivo + mind topay + heed totrain + a spotlight ongive + an ear tolisten (to)keep + a(n) (close) eye ondirect + Posesivo + attention to(ward)keep + an eye out forput + a spotlight onthrow + a/the spotlight onkeep + an ear out forkeep + an eye open forkeep + a (close) watch (upon/on/over) .

Example: Then due to the difficulty of altering a manual file and the pressure to catalog more new books faster, s/he is administratively enjoined from attending to such details.

Example: In early 1984 we were invited to undertake a survey of the fourteen schools of librarianship and information studies in England and Wales, giving particular attention to the constraints impeding or preventing desirable change.

Example: Scant attention is paid to evaluation and the needs of users.

Example: An alphabetical arrangement was out of the question in so aggressively international an enterprise, and they turned their minds to systematic arrangement.

Example: Unless we believe we can do all this unaided, then we had better pay heed to literature.

Example: A study of the local newspapers can be used to train a spotlight, so to speak, on a local community.

Example: Once a willing ear is given to the suggestions and complaints, then morale will increase, as will production.

Example: Only through listening to words in print being spoken does anyone discover their color, their life, their movement and drama.

Example: Instructors have to keep an eye always on the clock to ensure time does not run out before the essence of the case has been extracted.

Example: People direct their attention to where there is immediate concern or personal interest.

Example: Nurses must also keep an eye out for any patients developing a crush, as failing to recognise attraction of a sexual nature is also considered sexual misconduct .

Example: The article 'Electronic security has put a spotlight on theft' concludes that electronic theft detection systems are the single most effective deterrent to library material loss.

Example: The media's job is to throw the spotlight on what is of interest to the public.

Example: These are people who set up telescopes in city lots and observe with blankets draped over their heads to block streetlights, while keeping an ear out for muggers.

Example: The assistant in charge of a section will see that their bit is kept tidy and will keep an eye open for thieves = El auxiliar responsable de una sección se encargará de mantener su área ordenada y estará atento a los ladrones.

Example: One of the best ways to keep children safe is to keep a close watch on them at all times.

» prestar atención (a)give + consideration (to) .

Example: Consideration is also given to video art and video clips.

» prestar atención aattend togive + attention topay + attention toturn + Posesivo + mind topay + heed totrain + a spotlight ongive + an ear tolisten (to)keep + a(n) (close) eye ondirect + Posesivo + attention to(ward)keep + an eye out forput + a spotlight onthrow + a/the spotlight onkeep + an ear out forkeep + an eye open forkeep + a (close) watch (upon/on/over) .

Example: Then due to the difficulty of altering a manual file and the pressure to catalog more new books faster, s/he is administratively enjoined from attending to such details.

Example: In early 1984 we were invited to undertake a survey of the fourteen schools of librarianship and information studies in England and Wales, giving particular attention to the constraints impeding or preventing desirable change.

Example: Scant attention is paid to evaluation and the needs of users.

Example: An alphabetical arrangement was out of the question in so aggressively international an enterprise, and they turned their minds to systematic arrangement.

Example: Unless we believe we can do all this unaided, then we had better pay heed to literature.

Example: A study of the local newspapers can be used to train a spotlight, so to speak, on a local community.

Example: Once a willing ear is given to the suggestions and complaints, then morale will increase, as will production.

Example: Only through listening to words in print being spoken does anyone discover their color, their life, their movement and drama.

Example: Instructors have to keep an eye always on the clock to ensure time does not run out before the essence of the case has been extracted.

Example: People direct their attention to where there is immediate concern or personal interest.

Example: Nurses must also keep an eye out for any patients developing a crush, as failing to recognise attraction of a sexual nature is also considered sexual misconduct .

Example: The article 'Electronic security has put a spotlight on theft' concludes that electronic theft detection systems are the single most effective deterrent to library material loss.

Example: The media's job is to throw the spotlight on what is of interest to the public.

Example: These are people who set up telescopes in city lots and observe with blankets draped over their heads to block streetlights, while keeping an ear out for muggers.

Example: The assistant in charge of a section will see that their bit is kept tidy and will keep an eye open for thieves = El auxiliar responsable de una sección se encargará de mantener su área ordenada y estará atento a los ladrones.

Example: One of the best ways to keep children safe is to keep a close watch on them at all times.

» prestar atención a + Posesivo + consejoheed + Posesivo + advice .

Example: Listen to people who live out in the sticks and heed their advice and recommendations -- don't rely on instinct or rumour.

» prestar atención a + Posesivo + recomendaciónheed + Posesivo + recommendations .

Example: Listen to people who live out in the sticks and heed their advice and recommendations -- don't rely on instinct or rumour.

» prestar ayudaprovide + assistancerender + assistanceoffer + guidanceoffer + assistancelend + a (helping) handhelp outgive + Nombre + a (helping) hand .

Example: Its purpose is to provide advice and on-site salvage assistance to those organisations having documentary resources that are damaged in a natural or man-made disaster.

Example: There are obvious limits to the assistance which a librarian can undertake to render.

Example: These vital human needs may not feature prominently in the curriculum, and a society in moral disarray may offer insufficient guidance.

Example: These two functions of the library have often been at cross purposes to one another, because each has been associated with a conflicting view of the kind and amount of assistance to be offered to the reader.

Example: In a small shop the master would lend a hand with the work, certainly as a corrector and often as a compositor as well.

Example: Give them a holler and I'm sure they will help out.

Example: It's a smart move on Jade's part to let Donna give her a helping hand in getting back on her feet.

» prestar declaracióngive + evidence .

Example: MEPs, Commissioners, officials from the Council and the Commission, judges, advocates-general and others from the Court of Justice have all been invited to give evidence.

» prestar declaración bajo juramentotestify under + oath .

Example: They insist that the president should let his senior advisers testify under oath.

» prestar declaracionestake + the stand .

Example: Once the case went to court, my ex and I were both called to take the stand and state our cases.

» prestar especial atenciónpay + particular attentionfocus [Pasado y Participio Presente: focussed/focused y focussing/focusing] .

Example: Please return to frame 244 and read again about the use of the / (oblique stroke), paying particular attention to the examples given.

Example: The basic functions of a subject headings list as identified in section 16.6 above may be focused more precisely in the following terms...

» prestar importancia aplace + weight on .

Example: The frequency of reading by patrons while at the library may be somewhat surprising given the weight that libraries currently place on new technologies.

» prestar la debida atención apay + due attention to .

Example: At the times of the economic boom airlines celebrated the abundance of passengers without paying due attention to assessing potential risks.

» prestarle atenciónfocus + attention .

Example: Much attention was focused specifically on the cataloguing and organisation of nonbook materials in the early 1970s.

» prestarle atención a Alguiengive + Nombre + the time of day [Generalmente usado en negativo] .

Example: She's incapable of getting a man to give her the time of day, unless she lies, manipulate, connive, blackmail, etc.

» prestar más atención apay + more attention to .

Example: Do you feel your boyfriend is paying more attention to his friends than to you?.

» prestar mayor atención apay + greater attention to .

Example: Therefore we ought to pay greater attention to the things that were heard, lest perhaps we drift away.

» prestar poca atención agive + little thought topay + little heed to .

Example: The question of whether or not to reinsure the options attaching to a policy has been given very little thought by insurance companies.

Example: First off, I can be mighty slow on the uptake about things like this, because I usually pay little heed to the conventions that dictate you.

» prestar + Posesivo + atenciónturn + Posesivo + attention (to)turn + Posesivo + thoughts .

Example: This is an area to which bibliometricians could usefully turn their attention.

Example: There seems to be increasing support for the belief that the economy is still in decline, so companies will now be turning their thoughts to cost savings.

» prestar + Posesivo + atención a un problematurn + Posesivo + attention to problem .

Example: It is to these problems that we must now turn our attention.

» prestar respeto apay + deference to .

Example: As education has become more wide-spread, less deference is paid to the educated and their institutions.

» prestarse alend + Reflexivo + to .

Example: It is true that post-coordinate indexing lends itself well to a depth indexing policy, to the statement of sub-themes in documents in addition to the main theme.

» prestar servicioservice .

Example: The computer, located centrally, services one or more libraries which may be located some distance away.

» prestar servicios mínimosrun + skeleton services .

Example: This shows that there is no corner that London Underground won't cut to try and run skeleton services regardless of the risks to the public.

» prestar toda la atención (del mundo) a Alguienget + Posesivo + undivided attentiongive + Posesivo + undivided attentionhave + Posesivo + undivided attention .

Example: She says that Damian is the only man in her life and that he gets her undivided attention.

Example: Jane works hard for each and every client by giving her undivided attention and listening to their needs.

Example: I go from being ignored to having her undivided attention in about 5 seconds.

» prestar un serviciooperate + serviceprovide + a servicerender + a servicegive + service todeliver + a servicedeliver + valueproduce + the goodsdo + a service .

Example: LASER operates an interlending service which is based upon its union catalogue.

Example: The Center has developed a regional data base and just started to provide services to members.

Example: A debatable source of outside funding is the collection of fees for services rendered.

Example: The idea that a particular library is an institution which gives service to a defined constituency should be the guiding principle.

Example: The library concentrates more on the provision of information and less on personal counselling, advice giving, or delivering a tangible service.

Example: Customers see no clear relationship between the price of an on-line information service and the value it delivers.

Example: At the end of the day, librarians must 'produce the goods' and prove their worth -- professionalism could get in the way.

Example: It does not seem to me to be a nine days wonder but a fundamental change of heart that is rejuvenating traditional reference services which have done sterling service over the years.

» prestar un servicio a los usuariosserve + patronsserve + patrons .

Example: The lack of storage and display space, a glaring deficiency in seating capacity and physical limitations of the building all meant that the library was not adequately serving its patrons.

Example: The lack of storage and display space, a glaring deficiency in seating capacity and physical limitations of the building all meant that the library was not adequately serving its patrons.

» profesional dedicado a prestar un servicio a la poblaciónservice professional .

Example: Librarians, as service professionals, have well-defined social responsibilities that relate directly to librarianship = Los bibliotecarios, como profesionales dedicados a prestar un servicio a la población, tienen responsabilidades sociales claramente definidas que están relacionadas directamente con la biblioteconomía.

» profesión dedicada a prestar un servicio a la poblaciónservice profession .

Example: Service is perhaps not a very glamorous concept, but we are nevertheless a service profession = El servicio quizás no es un concepto muy atractivo, pero no obstante somos una profesión dedicada al servicio.

» que le presta gran importancia a la culturaculture-conscious .

Example: The library benefits from the 'halo effect' surrounding any educational institution in a culture-conscious country, even though some of its work may not qualify as educational by reasonable definitions.

» que prestan servicios a los jóvenesyouth-serving .

Example: This article outlines the networking of youth-serving public librarians in Florida, USA.

» sin prestar atenciónmindlessly .

Example: When people mindlessly do something without knowing any reason for doing it, they become like two-legged cattle.

» volver a prestar atenciónrefocus + attention .

Example: In an effort to refocus some attention on such basics, this article describes the efforts of the library to redesign its current periodicals area better to meet the needs of students and faculty.

» volver a prestarle atención arefocus on .

Example: In his weekly address President Obama refocused on two domestic issues looming: health care and jobs.

prestar3 = charge out ; circulate ; loan + Nombre + out ; lend + Nombre + out. 

Example: If the copy is charged out, it cannot be deleted.Example: However, if the volumes of the encyclopedia will not be circulated, the volumes need to be entered separately.Example: A borrower may sometimes wish to take out a book which has already been loaned out.Example: In China, many people are removing their money from the state banks and lending it out themselves.


» prestar un librocheck out + book .

Example: The purpose of this study was to determine if a correlation existed between the classes of books checked out and the classes of books used in the library.

Prestar synonyms

bring in spanish: traer, pronunciation: brɪŋ part of speech: verb loan in spanish: préstamo, pronunciation: loʊn part of speech: noun contribute in spanish: contribuir, pronunciation: kəntrɪbjut part of speech: verb bestow in spanish: otorgar, pronunciation: bɪstoʊ part of speech: verb impart in spanish: impartir, pronunciation: ɪmpɑrt part of speech: verb add in spanish: añadir, pronunciation: æd part of speech: verb
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