Prestación in english


pronunciation: benəfɪt part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

prestación = benefit ; capability ; delivery ; facility ; feature ; value ; functionality ; provision ; service. 

Example: Community education is another form of outreach that aims to educate the public about the availability of services that can help them, about their entitlement to benefits, or about their rights under the law.Example: DOBIS/LIBIS contains a so-called 'help' capability.Example: Entry of number '21' reverses the present delivery status.Example: Apart from this additional facility Double-KWIC indexes have most of the facilities, features and drawbacks of KWIC and KWOC indexes.Example: Another way of doing this search is to use the lateral searching feature.Example: This stop list is input to the computer before indexing can commence, and is a list of the words which appear in text which have no value as access words in an index.Example: This article describes the functionality of CARL software for this purpose, loads a brief rundown of data bases, and gives the criteria for selecting data bases.Example: Some school libraries are becoming involved in life-long learning but local government and public libraries must take responsibility for provisions for this.Example: 'All aboard the orientation express' is a programme to introduce children to the services provided by the library and teach them to use the microfiche catalogue.


» con muchas prestacionesfeature-filledmultifacility .

Example: More powerful, feature-filled hardware and software is coming onto the market daily and merely keeping up with what is new is taking up more and more time.

Example: This multifacility device will will monitor for smoke, fire, and theft, and manipulate electrical outlets and thermostats.

» con todas las prestacionesfull-featured .

Example: The EPIC service is a full-featured on-line reference system that provides subject access, and keyword and Boolean searching to a variety of databases.

» con todas sus prestacionesfully featured .

Example: The technology has matured sufficiently that it's now cheap and relatively easy to set up a fully featured repository in quite a short time.

» de alta prestaciónhigh-performance .

Example: From mainframe and mini-computers in the 60s and 70s the trend of the 80s is towards micro-based, self-contained personal computers on the one hand, and superfast, high-performance computers on the other.

» esbozar prestacionesoutline + capabilities .

Example: The capabilities of current systems, both experimental and commercially available, are outlined, focusing on new possibilities for authoring and design.

» ofrecer una prestaciónoffer + a facility .

Example: Software to support thesaurus maintenance should offer certain facilities.

» prestación al empleadoemployee benefit [Generalmente usado en plural] .

Example: Employee benefits include health benefits, life insurance, occupational health, and retirement.

» prestación asistencialsocial security benefit .

Example: The left, meanwhile, is in full cry over the commission's allegedly draconian cuts in Social Security benefits.

» prestación de la seguridad socialsocial security benefitsocial security benefit .

Example: The left, meanwhile, is in full cry over the commission's allegedly draconian cuts in Social Security benefits.

Example: The left, meanwhile, is in full cry over the commission's allegedly draconian cuts in Social Security benefits.

» prestación de lujoluxury appointment .

Example: Each apartment offers luxury appointments such as spa bath or jet shower, home theatre with surround sound and high speed Internet connection.

» prestación de serviciosservice delivery .

Example: This article describes stock selection, collections, staffing levels and service delivery in Western Australia public libraries.

» prestaciones del ordenadorcomputer's capabilities .

Example: To this end, a thorough understanding of computer capabilities and characteristics of bibliographic records is necessary.

» prestación familiarfamily allowance .

Example: During the two decades prior to the 1970s there were negligible family allowances and no reliable or universal provisions for social work, pre-schooling or child care in Australia.

» prestación por desempleounemployment benefit [Generalmente usado en plural]unemployment compensation .

Example: The author describes a method for conceptualising legal domains for knowledge based systems as well as its application to a substantial fragment of the Unemployment Benefits Act.

Example: A group of 64 libraries realised substantial cost reductions by joining in a pooled fund to self-insure for unemployment compensation.

» prestación sanitariahealth benefit [Generalmente usado en plural] .

Example: Employee benefits include health benefits, life insurance, occupational health, and retirement.

» prestación social sustitutoriacommunity service .

Example: A hockey player has received a conditional discharge, community service and a suspension until January 2010 after pleading guilty to all charges.

Prestación synonyms

gain in spanish: ganancia, pronunciation: geɪn part of speech: verb, noun profit in spanish: lucro, pronunciation: prɑfət part of speech: noun welfare in spanish: bienestar, pronunciation: welfer part of speech: noun do good in spanish: hacer el bien, pronunciation: dugʊd part of speech: verb
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