Preso in english


pronunciation: prɪzənɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

preso = prisoner ; detainee ; inmate. 

Example: At our library in Minnesota we have clearly identified material that deals with mudpies, leprechauns, senior power, red power, the Chinese New Year, prisoners' rights, and workers' control.Example: This is the 1st part of 2 articles looking at the services of Hamburg Public Library to foreign workers and prison detainees.Example: This article examines library service in prisons from 1951, the stock, the range of prison readers, staffing, loans, and relations with administrative staff, prison warders and inmates.


» abogado de presosgaolhouse lawyer [La palabra gaol también se escribe jail, principalmente en inglés americano]jailhouse lawyer [La palabra jail también se escribe gaol, principalmente en inglés de influencia británica] .

Example: Among many other things, this poem explains how it was that he was able to make himself into the early modern equivalent of the gaolhouse lawyer.

Example: One of the problems to be anticipated once a prison law library has been established is the possible 'extortion' by jailhouse lawyers demanding compensation from fellow inmates they legally advise.

» cadena de presoschain gang .

Example: In this painting, enormous hands hold scythes, pickaxes, and shovels, symbolizing the brutal work of the chain gang.

» hacer presoimprisonjail [gaol, -UK]gaol [jail, -USA] .

Example: Juan Carlos is a blind lawyer, activist and volunteer librarian who has been imprisoned without trial since March, when he was detained for peacefully protesting the arrest of a journalist.

Example: In 1892 Klas Linderfelt, the then ALA President, was jailed for 4 days on charges of embezzling more than $4,000 from library funds.

Example: He has been gaoled for 16 years for terrorism and child pornography offences.

» intercambiar presosexchange + prisoners .

Example: Mozambique and Zimbabwe will soon exchange prisoners to serve their terms in their countries of origin.

» liberar a un presorelease + a prisonerfree + a prisoner .

Example: Nonetheless, the Bastille was attacked on July 14, 1789, not to release the prisoners, but to get the powder that had been stored there the day before.

Example: As the Allies advanced, they liberated the various camps and of course freed the prisoners, whether Jewish or not.

» meter presoimprisonsend away .

Example: Juan Carlos is a blind lawyer, activist and volunteer librarian who has been imprisoned without trial since March, when he was detained for peacefully protesting the arrest of a journalist.

Example: The kingpin of Columbus cocaine and marijuana biz has been sent away for 30 years -- He'll be 65 when he retires from prison.

» número de presosprison numbers .

Example: Prison numbers are reaching breaking point and the lack of prison cells means many offenders are not being brought before court.

» preso condenado a cadena perpetualifer  .

Example: The 3 prisons examined by the study were a B category training prison with a large lifer population.

» preso deprey to .

Example: His in danger of becoming hipped, a prey to his own doubts and fears, and unable to accomplish anything in life beyond catering to his own morbid fancies.

» preso políticoprisoner of consciencepolitical prisoner .

Example: They accepted the government's brazen lies stating that Ramón Colás, the co-founder of the library movement, has not been arrested as a prisoner of conscience.

Example: Data was gathered from recollections of political prisoners published in the West.

» presosprison population .

Example: She has been voted librarian of the year because of her work as an advocate and fighter for the freedom of information for the prison population.

» presos, losincarcerated, the .

Example: Mobile libraries have traditionally delivered books and other materials to people who have difficulty getting to a library, such as isolated rural residents, the elderly, and incarcerated.

» ruedad de presospolice line-up .

Example: This actually happened to a 19-year-old New Yorker who had been identified by a robbery witness during a police line-up.

» rueda de presosidentity paradeidentification parade .

Example: This research investigated whether eye-witnesses were influenced by stereotypical criminal faces when faced with an identity parade.

Example: The police can order any person arrested on any charge or released on bail to attend an identification parade.

Preso synonyms

captive in spanish: cautivo, pronunciation: kæptɪv part of speech: noun, adjective
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