Presidir in english


pronunciation: prɪzaɪd part of speech: verb
In gestures

presidir = chair ; preside (over). 

Example: He chaired a committee of the Essex County (New Jersey) Library Directors Group which produced a study entitled The Public's Attitude towards Public Library Service.Example: This, of course, is inevitable in an institution presided over by a committee which has infinitely less personal interest in books than in politics or the price of coal.


» presidir un actopreside over + act .

Example: But if the groundwork for these accomplisments can be laid with patient, constructive efforts, that contribution is more important than presiding over the final act.

» presidir un juiciosit in + a case .

Example: A judge ought to be without prejudice, and he cannot therefore sit in a case where he has any interest, or when a near relation is a part.

Presidir synonyms

chair in spanish: silla, pronunciation: tʃer part of speech: noun
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