Presidencial in english


pronunciation: prezədentʃəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

presidencial = presidential. 

Example: I shall neither cheer nor mourn its passing from the current agenda because to do so would be to demonstrate a partisanship that was not presidential.


» biblioteca presidencialpresidential library [Biblioteca fundada por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos al final de su mandato para albergar todo documento relacionado con su período gubernamental] .

Example: Presidential libraries have been established since 1929 to house the papers generated by the work of presidential administrations as part of the US historical heritage.

» campaña presidencialpresidential campaign .

Example: This content analysis evaluates political topics and themes of telly evangelist Pat Robertson's high profile news programme during the early months of the 1992 presidential campaign.

» candidato presidencialpresidential candidatepresidential hopeful .

Example: The author of 'Let's get real about the presidential race' accuses both presidential candidates of not addressing the real issues affecting our economy.

Example: Both Republican presidential hopefuls are going back and forth over what they think about immigration.

» carrera presidencialpresidential race .

Example: The author of 'Let's get real about the presidential race' accuses both presidential candidates of not addressing the real issues affecting our economy.

» debate presidencialpresidential debate .

Example: Television has become so vapid and devoid of information that I didn't see the point of watching the presidential debate.

» discurso presidencialpresidential address .

Example: Using a similar analogy later in a presidential address to the ALA, he said that he thought of the public library as 'a derrick, lifting the inert masses'.

» elección presidencialpresidential election .

Example: The article 'Campaign sites: a potpourri of political punditry' describes a number of Internet campaign sites for the USA presidential elections = El artículo "Sitios web sobre la campaña electoral: un popurrí de pronósticos de expertos" describe varios sitios web relacionadas con las elecciones presidenciales de los Estados Unidos.

» juramento presidencialpresidential oath .

Example: Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath = Son ya 44 los estadounidenses que han pronunciado el juramento presidencial.

» poder presidencialpresidential power .

Example: The Machiavellian trajectory of presidential power jeapordizes American constitutionalism and undermines national security interests.

» potestad presidencialpresidential power .

Example: The Machiavellian trajectory of presidential power jeapordizes American constitutionalism and undermines national security interests.

» programa presidencialpresidential programme .

Example: Within the party in government, presidents cannot assume that their party's members of Congress will be loyal supporters of presidential programs.
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