Presidencia in english


pronunciation: prezədənsi part of speech: noun
In gestures

presidencia = presidency ; presidentship ; chairmanship. 

Example: What the presidency needs is a job description; not one carved in a tablet of stone and certainly not one which would form all future presidents in the same sanitised mould.Example: Dr. Greg during his presidentship did his utmost to procure help for making a start with a special catalogue of English books from 1641 to 1700.Example: To reward him with a major committee chairmanship would be a slap in the face of millions of Americans who want to see real change in our country.


» aspirante a la presidenciapresidential hopeful .

Example: Both Republican presidential hopefuls are going back and forth over what they think about immigration.

» candidato a la presidenciapresidential candidatepresidential hopeful .

Example: The author of 'Let's get real about the presidential race' accuses both presidential candidates of not addressing the real issues affecting our economy.

Example: Both Republican presidential hopefuls are going back and forth over what they think about immigration.

» presentarse a la presidenciarun for + presidentstand for + president .

Example: If Hillary Clinton runs for president in 2016 her top selling point will be the fact that she would be the first U.S. president with ovaries.

Example: Thus far she's failed in her attempts to amend the constitution, which bars her from standing for president because her children are citizens of another country.

Presidencia synonyms

administration in spanish: administración, pronunciation: ædmɪnɪstreɪʃən part of speech: noun presidentship in spanish: presidencia, pronunciation: prezɪdəntʃɪp part of speech: noun presidential term in spanish: término presidencial, pronunciation: prezədentʃəltɜrm part of speech: noun
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