Presentación in english


pronunciation: prezənteɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

presentación = account ; display ; disposition ; exposition ; layout ; lecture ; presentation ; presentation ; speech ; submission ; delivery ; introduction ; look and feel ; debriefing ; skin ; rendition ; rendering ; rollout [roll-out] ; viewing ; show. 

Example: In the interests of clarity an integrated account of the appropriate added entry headings is to be found in 21.29 and 21.30.Example: However, the display of the index entries differs.Example: Their main concern was the readable disposition of machine readable records.Example: Ninety-nine years ago Charles Cutter began his exposition of a set of cataloging rules with the following objectives.Example: Diagrammatic presentation of the layout of the collection conveniently placed, for example, near the entrance.Example: The staff undertake searches and enquiries for the user and educate the user by various ways, from informal discussion to fully prepared lectures.Example: KWOC or Keyword Out of Context indexes are intended to improve upon KWIC indexes, with regards to layout and presentation.Example: There are two other aspects of institutions I want to consider before moving to the closing section of this presentation.Example: For the sake of editorial continuity, those speeches which were given at both locations (for example, Mr. Gorman's presentation) are only printed here once.Example: Most commercial abstracting services rely upon the refereeing procedure applied to the original document in order to eliminate insignificant and inaccurate submissions.Example: Just as delivery must be tuned to suit the kind of material chosen, so must the language used to tell a story.Example: Frequently, a tour of the library is provided for the new trustee, with introductions to available staff members.Example: Paperback publishers know how strong an influence the look and feel of a book can have in attracting or repelling buyers.Example: Students will write final essays on their search, and debriefings will be conducted in the classroom.Example: Skin technology in Web gateways allows systems to be personalized for grupos of users.Example: Librarians find this rendition of the public library story comforting, for it is quite fashionable to be identified with idealistic and humanitarian reform in this country.Example: It is proposed that a dictionary of personal proper names be compiled as a way to reach uniformity in the rendering of foreign personal names into Russian Cyrillic and back into the Latin alphabet.Example: The interview provides a behind-the-scenes look at the company's preparation for the service's official rollout in Summer 2000.Example: There will be a private viewing for conference-goers of Chicago's Art Institute and a reception at the Newberry Library with culinary delights created by Chef Louis Szathmary.Example: All interested parties were summoned to further cooperate for the success of the show.


» carta de presentacióncover letter [Carta de introducción o explicación que normalmente acompaña a un documento más complejo]letter of introductioncalling card .

Example: This article examines the growth in the publishing of books on careers education in the USA, ranging from guides on writing resumes and cover letters to books on the metaphysics of work = Este artículo estudia el crecimiento de la publicación de libros sobre orientación profesional en los Estados Unidos, que abarcan desde guías sobre la confección de curriculums y cartas de presentación hasta tratados teóricos sobre la metafísica del trabajo.

Example: Examples of letters of introduction and resumes are included.

Example: The intensity of the father's reaction in the film to the possible loss of more family members is the calling card of every Holocaust survivor.

» claridad de presentaciónclarity of presentation .

Example: They are chosen on the basis of quality of writing, illustration, clarity of presentation, imagination and reading pleasure..

» convocatoria de presentación de artículoscall for papers .

Example: Its 2 objectives are described: the creation and distribution of a newsletter of upcoming meetings and calls for papers; and the organisation of a workshop on writing articles for publication.

» convocatoria de presentación de candidaturascall for nominations .

Example: The Governing Board has decided that the call for nominations for IFLA/FAIFE will also be open to Institutional Members.

» convocatoria de presentación de comunicacionescall for papers .

Example: Its 2 objectives are described: the creation and distribution of a newsletter of upcoming meetings and calls for papers; and the organisation of a workshop on writing articles for publication.

» convocatoria de presentación de ponenciascall for papers .

Example: Its 2 objectives are described: the creation and distribution of a newsletter of upcoming meetings and calls for papers; and the organisation of a workshop on writing articles for publication.

» convocatoria de presentación de proyectoscall for projectsproject plancall for proposals .

Example: Calls for projects will be advertised in the 'C' series of the Official journal, from time to time.

Example: A senior engineer organises the filling in of registration cards by managers within 15 days of the distribution of project plans and a graph of information received is produced annually.

Example: A total of 266 proposals was received by the Commission of the European Communities in response to a call for proposals for the development of information systems.

» convocatoria de presentación de solicitudescall for expressions of interest .

Example: A call for expressions of interest published in Jun 96 to gather initiatives to develop the market attracted over 5,000 responses from more than 2,200 different sources.

» dispositivo de presentación visualVDU (Visual Display Unit)display device .

Example: A visual display unit (VDU) is a unit used to display data from a computer onto a screen.

Example: Display devices are based mainly on the cathode-ray, or television, tube but other light-emitting or reflecting devices (e.g. plasma, liquid-crystals) are also in use on 'flatscreen' displays.

» forma de presentaciónform of presentation .

Example: Forms of presentation are concepts which refer to the organization of the subject content of a document within any particular form.

» formato de presentación con identificadoreslabelled format [Presentación de un registro con las abreviaturas correspondientes a cada campo al principio de cada campo] .

Example: Recent studies recognize the importance of display format design and appear to indicate that tabular or labelled formats are preferred to traditional or narrative layouts by the user.

» formato de presentación en columnastabular format [Forma de presentar la información en columnas] .

Example: Recent studies recognize the importance of display format design and appear to indicate that tabular or labelled formats are preferred to traditional or narrative layouts by the user.

» formato de presentación en pantallascreen display format .

Example: The screen display formats required by cataloguing staff may be not at all suitable for public consumption.

» formato de presentación en papelhard copy format [Disposición de la información en formato impreso] .

Example: Hard copy formats and display formats are not uniform; they comply with standards without having to force the formats into uniformity, as is the case with manual procedures.

» hacer una presentaciónmake + presentationgive + a talkgive + a presentationgive + a speech .

Example: This paper is based on a presentation made at the Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archivists, Washington, D.C., Sept 84.

Example: The van tours around libraries, community centres and residential homes in the city, giving talks and presentations on local history and the resources available for its study.

Example: The van tours around libraries, community centres and residential homes in the city, giving talks and presentations on local history and the resources available for its study.

Example: This article is based on a speech given at a workshop on children's libraries.

» modo de presentación visualdisplay device .

Example: Amongst the display devices that have been incorporated into published thesauri are arrowgraphs in which related terms are joined by arrows leading from general terms out to their more specific partners.

» nivel de presentaciónlevel of presentation .

Example: Level of presentation is closely associated with the idea of form of presentation for a particular group of users.

» página de presentaciónhome page [homepage] [En Internet, página principal con información sobre una empresa, organización o persona] .

Example: The more common meaning of 'home page' refers to the main web page for a business, organization, person or simply the main page out of a collection of web pages.

» plazo de presentacióncall for projectscall for papers .

Example: Calls for projects will be advertised in the 'C' series of the Official journal, from time to time.

Example: Its 2 objectives are described: the creation and distribution of a newsletter of upcoming meetings and calls for papers; and the organisation of a workshop on writing articles for publication.

» plazo de presentación de proyectoscall for proposals .

Example: A total of 266 proposals was received by the Commission of the European Communities in response to a call for proposals for the development of information systems.

» portada de presentaciónhome page [homepage] [En Internet, página principal con información sobre una empresa, organización o persona] .

Example: The more common meaning of 'home page' refers to the main web page for a business, organization, person or simply the main page out of a collection of web pages.

» presentación anticipadapreview .

Example: The 7th edition of CC is due to appear in 1971, and Ranganathan has given an extensive preview in an article in Library Science with a slant to documentation, cited at the end of this chapter.

» presentación circular de títuloswrap-around .

Example: Note the effect of truncation and wrap-around on clarity.

» presentación comercialtechnical presentation .

Example: The four-day interdisciplinary workshop will include a very exciting agenda consisting of invited speeches, technical presentations, and panel discussion sessions = Las jornadas interdisciplinares de cuatro días de duración tendrán un programa muy interesante con conferenciantes invitados, presentaciones técnicas y paneles de debate.

» presentación conjuntapackaging .

Example: This emphasis upon 'the work' reflects the packaging of text, information, music, graphics, and so on, and indicates to the subsequent user what packages are available for use or consultation.

» presentación de diapositivasslide show [slideshow]slide presentation .

Example: You are about to see a 'slide show' created using the Dan Bricklin's DEMO II Program = Están a punto de ver una proyección de diapositivas utilizando el Programa DEMO II de Dan Bricklin.

Example: After her slide presentation, the speaker invited members of the audience to add their reminiscences about old hotels.

» presentación de diapositivas con cintatape/slide show [Presentación de diapositivas comentadas por una grabación en casete u otro medio similar] .

Example: The forms they take may be leaflets, workbooks perhaps intended to accompany audio units, or narration developed to accompany tape/slide shows or video displays.

» presentación de informesreporting .

Example: The reporting period for this survey is 1 July 77-30 June 79, during which 92 projects were identified.

» presentación de la páginapage layout .

Example: Readability is defined in terms of good page layout and design = La legibilidad se mide en términos del buen diseño y distribución de la página.

» presentación de la sobrecubiertablurb [Nota introductoria escrita por una persona diferente del autor que aparece en la sobrecubierta de un libro, normalmente el doblez delantero]jacket blurb [Nota introductoria escrita por una persona diferente del autor que aparece en la sobrecubierta de un libro, normalmente el doblez delantero] .

Example: Most borrowers, seventeen in all, had read the blurb on the jacket and twelve had dipped into the text before deciding to borrow.

Example: If these aspects of a book have been highlighted by the title, subtitle, table of contents, or jacket blurb, they may be reflected in the subject headings or classification numbers assigned when the work is cataloged.

» presentación de librosbook talk [booktalk/book-talk] .

Example: The library may provide equipment for community-sponsored programs such as book talks, speaker series, tax assistance, voter registration, and so on = La biblioteca puede disponer del material necesario para apoyar los programas patrocinados por la comunidad como por ejemplo presentaciones de libros, ciclos de coferencias, asesoría fiscal, inscripción en el censo electoral, etc.

» presentación de uno mismoself-presentation .

Example: Thus, self-presentation becomes a dynamic conception of people structuring their relations apropos to their life-space, rather than a theory of how to win friends and influence people.

» presentación de un proyecto de manera convincentebusiness case .

Example: In the face of an economic downturn, many business managers will push back development requests that lack a clearly defined business case.

» presentación encommitment .

Example: But the formulation of standards and their commitment to printed form do not mean that they will always be noted.

» presentación en directolive presentation .

Example: We hereby request your permission, and when necessary any corporate permission to electronically record your live presentation.

» presentación en líneaonline display .

Example: Thesauri may exist in either online display of machine-held thesaurus records, or in hard copy.

» presentación en pantalladisplayonline display .

Example: The number of documents indexed by each of the cross-reference terms is shown on the right side of the display.

Example: Thesauri may exist in either online display of machine-held thesaurus records, or in hard copy.

» presentación en vídeovideo display .

Example: The forms they take may be leaflets, workbooks perhaps intended to accompany audio units, or narration developed to accompany tape/slide shows or video displays.

» presentación en vivolive presentation .

Example: We hereby request your permission, and when necessary any corporate permission to electronically record your live presentation.

» presentación gráfica de términos permutadospermuted display .

Example: He wanted to know whether they would use a hierarchical display or a permuted display.

» presentación mediante ordenadorcomputer projection .

Example: In this essay, we will describe a typical computer projection system, as well as how one prepares and presents multimedia presentations.

» presentación multimediamultimedia presentationmultimedia show .

Example: It is the 1st online service to include sound and photo multimedia presentations.

Example: The production for a multimedia show like this took about eight months to create.

» presentación oraloral presentation .

Example: It is being used for library tours, oral presentations, data bases of organisations, as a front-end to on-line services, interactive videodiscs, and optical scanners.

» presentación sistemáticaclassified display .

Example: On examination, we find that each thesaurus contains an alphabetic list combined with a classified display, and each has a very detailed network of semantic cross-references.

» presentación técnicatechnical presentation .

Example: The four-day interdisciplinary workshop will include a very exciting agenda consisting of invited speeches, technical presentations, and panel discussion sessions = Las jornadas interdisciplinares de cuatro días de duración tendrán un programa muy interesante con conferenciantes invitados, presentaciones técnicas y paneles de debate.

» presentación visualvisual presentation .

Example: This article contrasts a range of principles with the widely prevailing system of polygraphic marking which requires much manual, specialised work and which robs the resulting text of good visual presentation = Este artículo contrasta una serie de principios con el sistema prevalente de marcas poligráficas que necesita mucho trabajo manual y especializado que roba al texto resultante una buena presentación visual.

» sesión de presentaciones informalesposter session .

Example: At a poster session individuals express viewpoints or describe recent research and the audience can wander around at will and discuss with contributors and each other.

» tarjeta de presentaciónbusiness cardcalling cardvisiting card .

Example: Advertising on buses, merchandise, and business cards for staff are being used.

Example: The intensity of the father's reaction in the film to the possible loss of more family members is the calling card of every Holocaust survivor.

Example: The book 'A sapper's visiting card' gives an cccount of how a Russian soldier prevented the complete destruction of the Dresden public library by mines left behind by the fleeing Germans.

Presentación synonyms

display in spanish: monitor, pronunciation: dɪspleɪ part of speech: noun, verb introduction in spanish: Introducción, pronunciation: ɪntrədʌkʃən part of speech: noun demonstration in spanish: demostración, pronunciation: demənstreɪʃən part of speech: noun intro in spanish: introducción, pronunciation: ɪntroʊ part of speech: noun presentment in spanish: presentación, pronunciation: prizentmənt part of speech: noun
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