Presenciar in english


pronunciation: wɪtnəs part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

presenciar = see ; watch ; witness. 

Example: Where the conference cannot be seen to have a name, then the work will normally be treated as a collection.Example: Watch what occurs as the letters 'New' and a space are typed.Example: We sometimes only have to speak a word to witness a reaction in other people that should logically follow only if the object itself were present.


» presenciar de primera manosee + first-hand .

Example: But will she loosen the purse strings after traveling the country and seeing first-hand how her own staff are missing basic tools?.

» presenciar el espectáculo debe presented with + the spectacle of .

Example: This country should never be presented with the spectacle of a public librarian pleading with such a body for funds.

» presenciar en personasee + first-hand .

Example: But will she loosen the purse strings after traveling the country and seeing first-hand how her own staff are missing basic tools?.

» presenciar personalmentesee + first-hand .

Example: But will she loosen the purse strings after traveling the country and seeing first-hand how her own staff are missing basic tools?.

Presenciar synonyms

see in spanish: ver, pronunciation: si part of speech: verb find in spanish: encontrar, pronunciation: faɪnd part of speech: verb spectator in spanish: espectador, pronunciation: spekteɪtɜr part of speech: noun watcher in spanish: observador, pronunciation: wɑtʃɜr part of speech: noun informant in spanish: informante, pronunciation: ɪnfɔrmənt part of speech: noun viewer in spanish: espectador, pronunciation: vjuɜr part of speech: noun attestant in spanish: atestiguador, pronunciation: ətestənt part of speech: noun
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