Prescindir in english

Dispense with

pronunciation: dɪspenswɪð part of speech: verb
In gestures



» prescindir dedo withoutcut out of + the loopcut outlive withoutleave + Nombre + out of the picturedrop + Nombre + out of the picturedo away withput + Nombre + on the chopping blockspare + Nombre Personal .

Example: Serials management is one application that a majority of the public libraries have opted to do without.

Example: Attempts to examine the likely future prospects for secondary services in an industry where the secondary services are increasingly seen as middlemen and may suffer the fate of many middlemen by being cut out of the loop.

Example: In order to support a core acquistions programme of essential materials for its users, a library will more readily cut out material on the fringe of its needs if such material can be obtained by a good document supply system.

Example: The article is entitled 'I cannot live without books': Thomas Jefferson, bibliophile'.

Example: Congress is being left out of the picture, and, more importantly, the American people are left in the dark once again.

Example: My reading of Joel's comments was that he'd be willing to drop all the others out of the picture if one of you were willing to do the whole thing.

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS does away with the multiplicity of files and catalogs.

Example: I think this article is very inflammatory and unbelievably false -- no one, especially Obama, has 'put social security on the chopping block'.

Example: Since a freeze on all hiring was in effect, taking on new people was out of the question; but borrowing someone from another department loomed up a possibility -- if anyone could be spared.

» prescindir del intermediariocut out + the middleman .

Example: Anyone with a PC and a laser printer can cut out the middlemen and produce a book from scratch.
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