Presagio in english


pronunciation: oʊmən part of speech: noun
In gestures

presagiar = foreshadow ; herald ; portend ; presage ; bode ; augur. 

Example: While in Uganda he authored the Markerere Institute list of subject headings, which foreshadowed his later work at the Hennepin County Library, which he joined in 1971.Example: The appearance of a term in a title does not necessarily herald the treatment of the topic at any length in the body of the text.Example: Recent strides in storage technology portend lower cost and greater capacity systems for all computers.Example: These 'stages of development' in the life cycle of a company presage a turnaround situation for that company over the course of time.Example: He seemed to be somewhat surprised at the unanimity of sentiment existing at the South, and thought it boded a protracted war.Example: In his eyes, this revolution assumed messianic dimensions and he believed it augured a new age of peace and social justice.


» no presagiar nada buenoaugur + illbode + ill .

Example: Many argue that computers are a blessing in our present world, yet others insist reliance on it augurs ill for the world, and is in fact, a curse.

Example: Greenhouse gases bode ill for the fate of animal species as the global temperatures continue to rise to levels similar to those seen during the Permian Period.

presagio = harbinger ; portent ; omen. 

Example: However, there is another part of his message which can be seen a harbinger of the future: financial constraints from decreasing tax revenues mean that city departments must do more than present their budget requests.Example: As he drove to the library, he harkened to those busy inner voices filling his mind with ominous portents.Example: Everyone knew he had no belief in such omens.


» presagio de la catástrofeharbinger of doomharbinger of destruction .

Example: This tendency led, eventually, to the persecution of the raven, as a harbinger of doom and destruction.

Example: This tendency led, eventually, to the persecution of the raven, as a harbinger of doom and destruction.

» presagio de la destrucciónharbinger of destruction .

Example: This tendency led, eventually, to the persecution of the raven, as a harbinger of doom and destruction.

» presagio de la fatalidadharbinger of doom .

Example: This tendency led, eventually, to the persecution of the raven, as a harbinger of doom and destruction.

» presagio del desastreharbinger of doom .

Example: This tendency led, eventually, to the persecution of the raven, as a harbinger of doom and destruction.

» ser muy mal presagioaugur + ill .

Example: Many argue that computers are a blessing in our present world, yet others insist reliance on it augurs ill for the world, and is in fact, a curse.

Presagio synonyms

forecast in spanish: pronóstico, pronunciation: fɔrkæst part of speech: noun, verb foretell in spanish: predecir, pronunciation: fɔrtel part of speech: verb augur in spanish: augur, pronunciation: ɔgɜr part of speech: verb, noun portend in spanish: presagiar, pronunciation: pɔrtend part of speech: verb presage in spanish: presagiar, pronunciation: presɪdʒ part of speech: verb, noun predict in spanish: predecir, pronunciation: prɪdɪkt part of speech: verb portent in spanish: presagio, pronunciation: pɔrtent part of speech: noun bode in spanish: presagiar, pronunciation: boʊd part of speech: verb foreshadow in spanish: presagiar, pronunciation: fɔrʃædoʊ part of speech: verb prognosticate in spanish: pronosticar, pronunciation: prɑgnɑstəkeɪt part of speech: verb betoken in spanish: anunciar, pronunciation: betoʊkən part of speech: verb prognostic in spanish: pronóstico, pronunciation: prɑgnɑstɪk part of speech: noun, adjective prefigure in spanish: prefigurar, pronunciation: prəfɪgjɜr part of speech: verb auspicate in spanish: auspiciar, pronunciation: ɔskeɪt part of speech: verb
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