Presagiar in english


pronunciation: presɪdʒ part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

presagiar = foreshadow ; herald ; portend ; presage ; bode ; augur. 

Example: While in Uganda he authored the Markerere Institute list of subject headings, which foreshadowed his later work at the Hennepin County Library, which he joined in 1971.Example: The appearance of a term in a title does not necessarily herald the treatment of the topic at any length in the body of the text.Example: Recent strides in storage technology portend lower cost and greater capacity systems for all computers.Example: These 'stages of development' in the life cycle of a company presage a turnaround situation for that company over the course of time.Example: He seemed to be somewhat surprised at the unanimity of sentiment existing at the South, and thought it boded a protracted war.Example: In his eyes, this revolution assumed messianic dimensions and he believed it augured a new age of peace and social justice.


» no presagiar nada buenoaugur + illbode + ill .

Example: Many argue that computers are a blessing in our present world, yet others insist reliance on it augurs ill for the world, and is in fact, a curse.

Example: Greenhouse gases bode ill for the fate of animal species as the global temperatures continue to rise to levels similar to those seen during the Permian Period.

Presagiar synonyms

forecast in spanish: pronóstico, pronunciation: fɔrkæst part of speech: noun, verb foretell in spanish: predecir, pronunciation: fɔrtel part of speech: verb augur in spanish: augur, pronunciation: ɔgɜr part of speech: verb, noun portend in spanish: presagiar, pronunciation: pɔrtend part of speech: verb omen in spanish: presagio, pronunciation: oʊmən part of speech: noun predict in spanish: predecir, pronunciation: prɪdɪkt part of speech: verb portent in spanish: presagio, pronunciation: pɔrtent part of speech: noun bode in spanish: presagiar, pronunciation: boʊd part of speech: verb foreshadow in spanish: presagiar, pronunciation: fɔrʃædoʊ part of speech: verb prognosticate in spanish: pronosticar, pronunciation: prɑgnɑstəkeɪt part of speech: verb betoken in spanish: anunciar, pronunciation: betoʊkən part of speech: verb prognostic in spanish: pronóstico, pronunciation: prɑgnɑstɪk part of speech: noun, adjective prefigure in spanish: prefigurar, pronunciation: prəfɪgjɜr part of speech: verb auspicate in spanish: auspiciar, pronunciation: ɔskeɪt part of speech: verb
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