Presa in english


pronunciation: dæm part of speech: noun
In gestures

presa1 = dam ; reservoir ; weir. 

Example: The article 'Poland: the dam breaks' outlines the history of severe censorship restrictions in Poland = The article 'Poland: the dam breaks' outlines the history of severe censorship restrictions in Poland.Example: The article is entitled 'Tapping a serviceable resevoir: the selection of periodicals for art libraries'.Example: To cut a long story short, just as they were nearing the weir the engine stopped working and they had to jump into the water.


» construcción de presasdamming .

Example: Around 85 per cent of the Mesopotamian marshlands have been lost mainly as a result of drainage and damming.

» construir una presadam .

Example: Farmlands, livestock, crops and natural biodiversity were lost due to changes in the river flow pattern caused by damming the rivers.

presa2 = prey ; quarry. 

Example: This theory relates to the foraging behaviour of an animal and explains the range of prey for which it hunts.Example: However, those who have tasted the succulent meat of this type of clam are more than willing to dig up to their armpits in the intertidal muck to capture such delicious quarry.


» animal de presaprey animal .

Example: This article surveys hunting themes incorporated into coats of arms, including prey animals, such as stags, wolves, bears, and foxes; hounds and falcons; and hunting equipment such as horns, bows and arrows, and spears.

» caer presa defall + prey tobe prey of .

Example: Administrators all too easily fall prey to the siren song of cost reduction, especially if phrases like innovation are employed as harmonic accompaniment.

Example: Librarians need not fear that they will be prey to increases in postal rates if the introduce this scheme.

» con olor a carne de presagamy [gamier -comp., gamiest -sup.]  .

Example: If you aren't a fan of the gamy taste of venison and other game, there are a number of ways to prepare the meat to reduce this often unappetizing quality.

» con sabor a carne de presagamy [gamier -comp., gamiest -sup.]  .

Example: If you aren't a fan of the gamy taste of venison and other game, there are a number of ways to prepare the meat to reduce this often unappetizing quality.

» convertir a Algo en presa fácil pararender + Nombre + easy prey to .

Example: Any element of an organization's information apparatus, from paper based files to computerized databases, from fax machines to cellular telephones, can render that organization easy prey to info-thieves.

» hacerse presa deprey on/upon .

Example: Focusing on the situation of blacks, it is argued that their original status as slaves has preyed on the US conscience & kept affirmative action intact.

» hacerse presa del pánicopanic [Participio de presente panicking, de pasado panicked]grow + panickyget + panickygo into + panic mode .

Example: For crying out loud, would everyone please stop panicking -- Don't you realize that this would be a good thing in the long run?.

Example: Still, people who are trying to sell their homes are growing panicky as they see their properties up for sale much longer than they expected.

Example: In most of the cases, people get panicky in situations which are beyond their control.

Example: She missed her flight and her daughter went into panic mode when she didn't see her mom getting off the plane.

» pájaro de presabird of prey .

Example: This paper looks at depictions of birds of prey from antiquity to the present.

» perro de presabulldog .

Example: Bulldogs are recognized as excellent family pets because of their tendency to form strong bonds with children.

» presa del pánicopanic-stricken .

Example: Amid all the doom and gloom in panic-stricken nation-state capitals, nowadays, something completely different may be exactly what we all need.

» presa fácilsitting duckeasy preyeasy targeteasy meat .

Example: The article 'Timesharing companies specializing in text: sitting ducks or top dogs?' considers the likely effects of technological developments, such as CD-ROMs, on the traditional on-line vendors.

Example: However, the apical part of the leaves seems not to provide ovipositing females with enough protection against birds, making them easy preys.

Example: She was an easy target for the gunmen who allegedly pilfered millions of dollars worth of jewelry from her in Paris.

Example: Tourists are easy meat for this dump of a place that passes itself off as a pub.

» ser presa debe prey of .

Example: Librarians need not fear that they will be prey to increases in postal rates if the introduce this scheme.

preso = prisoner ; detainee ; inmate. 

Example: At our library in Minnesota we have clearly identified material that deals with mudpies, leprechauns, senior power, red power, the Chinese New Year, prisoners' rights, and workers' control.Example: This is the 1st part of 2 articles looking at the services of Hamburg Public Library to foreign workers and prison detainees.Example: This article examines library service in prisons from 1951, the stock, the range of prison readers, staffing, loans, and relations with administrative staff, prison warders and inmates.


» abogado de presosgaolhouse lawyer [La palabra gaol también se escribe jail, principalmente en inglés americano]jailhouse lawyer [La palabra jail también se escribe gaol, principalmente en inglés de influencia británica] .

Example: Among many other things, this poem explains how it was that he was able to make himself into the early modern equivalent of the gaolhouse lawyer.

Example: One of the problems to be anticipated once a prison law library has been established is the possible 'extortion' by jailhouse lawyers demanding compensation from fellow inmates they legally advise.

» cadena de presoschain gang .

Example: In this painting, enormous hands hold scythes, pickaxes, and shovels, symbolizing the brutal work of the chain gang.

» hacer presoimprisonjail [gaol, -UK]gaol [jail, -USA] .

Example: Juan Carlos is a blind lawyer, activist and volunteer librarian who has been imprisoned without trial since March, when he was detained for peacefully protesting the arrest of a journalist.

Example: In 1892 Klas Linderfelt, the then ALA President, was jailed for 4 days on charges of embezzling more than $4,000 from library funds.

Example: He has been gaoled for 16 years for terrorism and child pornography offences.

» intercambiar presosexchange + prisoners .

Example: Mozambique and Zimbabwe will soon exchange prisoners to serve their terms in their countries of origin.

» liberar a un presorelease + a prisonerfree + a prisoner .

Example: Nonetheless, the Bastille was attacked on July 14, 1789, not to release the prisoners, but to get the powder that had been stored there the day before.

Example: As the Allies advanced, they liberated the various camps and of course freed the prisoners, whether Jewish or not.

» meter presoimprisonsend away .

Example: Juan Carlos is a blind lawyer, activist and volunteer librarian who has been imprisoned without trial since March, when he was detained for peacefully protesting the arrest of a journalist.

Example: The kingpin of Columbus cocaine and marijuana biz has been sent away for 30 years -- He'll be 65 when he retires from prison.

» número de presosprison numbers .

Example: Prison numbers are reaching breaking point and the lack of prison cells means many offenders are not being brought before court.

» preso condenado a cadena perpetualifer  .

Example: The 3 prisons examined by the study were a B category training prison with a large lifer population.

» preso deprey to .

Example: His in danger of becoming hipped, a prey to his own doubts and fears, and unable to accomplish anything in life beyond catering to his own morbid fancies.

» preso políticoprisoner of consciencepolitical prisoner .

Example: They accepted the government's brazen lies stating that Ramón Colás, the co-founder of the library movement, has not been arrested as a prisoner of conscience.

Example: Data was gathered from recollections of political prisoners published in the West.

» presosprison population .

Example: She has been voted librarian of the year because of her work as an advocate and fighter for the freedom of information for the prison population.

» presos, losincarcerated, the .

Example: Mobile libraries have traditionally delivered books and other materials to people who have difficulty getting to a library, such as isolated rural residents, the elderly, and incarcerated.

» ruedad de presospolice line-up .

Example: This actually happened to a 19-year-old New Yorker who had been identified by a robbery witness during a police line-up.

» rueda de presosidentity paradeidentification parade .

Example: This research investigated whether eye-witnesses were influenced by stereotypical criminal faces when faced with an identity parade.

Example: The police can order any person arrested on any charge or released on bail to attend an identification parade.

Presa synonyms

levee in spanish: dique, pronunciation: levi part of speech: noun dike in spanish: dique, pronunciation: daɪk part of speech: noun dyke in spanish: dique, pronunciation: daɪk part of speech: noun dkm in spanish: dkm, pronunciation: sikəm part of speech: noun decameter in spanish: decámetro, pronunciation: dikæmətɜr part of speech: noun dam up in spanish: embalsar, pronunciation: dæmʌp part of speech: verb dekameter in spanish: dekametro, pronunciation: dikæmətɜr part of speech: noun dekametre in spanish: dekametre, pronunciation: dikəmetri part of speech: noun decametre in spanish: decámetro, pronunciation: dikɑmətɜr part of speech: noun
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