Prerrogativa in english


pronunciation: prɪrɑgətɪv part of speech: noun
In gestures

prerrogativa = prerogative. 

Example: Librarians, considering information the prerogative of the public library, rightly feel that they have 'missed the boat' over this.


» ser prerrogativa debe down to .

Example: Their success is down to them being perfectly adaptive and efficient killing machines.

» tener las mismas prerrogativashave + an equal voice in .

Example: Each of the three agencies in a consortium is to have an equal voice in planning, policy formation, assignment of responsibilities, evaluation of programs, and the hearing of appeals.

Prerrogativa synonyms

privilege in spanish: privilegio, pronunciation: prɪvlədʒ part of speech: noun perquisite in spanish: gratificación, pronunciation: pɜrkwəzɪt part of speech: noun exclusive right in spanish: derecho exclusivo, pronunciation: ɪksklusɪvraɪt part of speech: noun
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