Prepotente in english


pronunciation: prepətənt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

prepotente = full of opinions ; opinionated ; overbearing ; self-important ; supercilious ; haughty ; cocky ; high-handed ; condescending ; patronising [patronizing, -USA]. 

Example: He was most definitely not their kind of Republican - a moderate, a maverick; outspokenly full of opinions that made their hair stand on end.Example: She wanted to say: 'You are a conceited, obstinate, inflexible, manipulative, pompous, close-minded, insensitive, abrasive, opinionated, platitudinous oaf!'.Example: Overbearing parents are likely to raise obsessive kids, according to a new study.Example: He was described as 'a self-important, self-righteous blowhard, puffing his filthy pipe, patches on the elbows of his well-worn tweed jacket, decked out in the cliche costume of the shabby liberal icon'.Example: A commenter took me to task for being supercilious and said it was inconsistent with my religion.Example: The only blot on his escutcheon is, that after his great success he grew to be haughty and insolent in his demands.Example: Bold, ambitious and in-your-face I've always considered them to be just too cocky by half.Example: Punitive damages may be awarded in situations where the defendant's misconduct is so high-handed that it offends the court's sense of decency.Example: Now, he's a sore loser and talks to all of us in a threatening, condescending manner = Now, he's a sore loser and talks to all of us in a threatening, condescending manner.Example: There has been no change in all the years since, except that librarians have become more understanding and less patronising.
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