Prepotencia in english


pronunciation: prepətənsi part of speech: noun
In gestures

prepotencia = self-importance ; haughtiness ; superciliousness ; condescension. 

Example: Some people have a neurotic, exaggerated sense of self-importance and will nitpick and make a row over just everything in every shop or restaurant.Example: Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall.Example: Whatever it is, humans are filled with superciliousness.Example: The inherent condescension of this passage will probably cause much grinding of the teeth of the county library staff members present at the meeting.


» con prepotenciasuperciliouslyhaughtilycondescendinglypatronisingly [patronizingly, -USA]arrogantly .

Example: Tiff smiled a little superciliously intimating that he had a plan all figured out already.

Example: The whole place pulsates with drama: an aristocratic extravagance with giant statues glowering haughtily from its domed roof.

Example: Watching these white male lawyers talk down so condescendingly to is painful.

Example: It was a while before it dawned on me that I was myself a migrant, displaying all the characteristics I so patronisingly observed in others.

Example: He was smiling at her now, arrogantly and sneeringly.

» opinar con prepotenciaopinionate .

Example: One writer opinionates that 'there is not a very great future in the use of keywords, Boolean algebra, or LC subject headings in online searching'.

» tratar con prepotenciacondescend .

Example: The south London 'white trash' it portrays are as marginalized in their council flats as any poor sharecroppers, but the novel neither condescends toward them nor sentimentalizes their plight.
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