Preparatorio in english


pronunciation: prɪperətɔri part of speech: adjective
In gestures

preparatorio = preparatory ; exploratory. 

Example: This article outlines the preparatory stages and describes some of the problems presented by the physical conditions in a city of tents either drenched by rain or smothered by dust = This article outlines the preparatory stages and describes some of the problems presented by the physical conditions in a city of tents either drenched by rain or smothered by dust.Example: This article reports on exploratory experiments in evaluating and improving a thesaurus through studying its effect on retrieval.


» tareas preparatoriasprep work .

Example: After all the prep work, the dentist put a temp crown on and I when returned 3 weeks later and he took it off the whole tooth had turned black.

» trabajo preparatorioprep work .

Example: After all the prep work, the dentist put a temp crown on and I when returned 3 weeks later and he took it off the whole tooth had turned black.

Preparatorio synonyms

preparative in spanish: preparativo, pronunciation: priperətɪv part of speech: adjective
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