Preparar in english


pronunciation: priper part of speech: verb
In gestures

prepararse = do + Posesivo + homework ; brace + Reflexivo ; get + ready ; gear up. 

Example: The article 'Doing your homework: market research in uncharted waters' provides a detailed review of the motivations for using market research within the data base publishing industry.Example: She braced herself, afraid that from some obscure motive of propriety or self-protection he would turn on her.Example: For ages men have known that women take forever to get ready and now there is proof.Example: Safety experts prefer life jackets to floaties or water wings, but I believe kids shouldn't have to gear up like they're about to storm Normandy every time they take a dip.

preparar = draw ; draw up ; gear (to/toward(s)/for) ; prepare ; put together ; train ; marshal ; set + Nombre + aside ; brief ; coach ; tool up ; groom ; brew ; ready ; gird for ; fettle ; concoct ; prep. 

Example: For example, when setting up the format for records in a data base, the user can draw a form on the screen, complete with headings for each field, and then, the data is entered into the form.Example: At the IFLA General Council the two Sections drew up the terms of reference and proposed as members some ten representatives of national libraries.Example: Most of the main subject headings lists are geared to the alphabetical subject approach found in dictionary catalogues.Example: A summary at the beginning of a document serves to prepare the reader to proceed to the remainder of the text.Example: I have many people to acknowledge, beginning with my co-editor who offered untiring support and many useful suggestions in putting together the institutes.Example: The larger abstracting organisations train their own abstractors.Example: The use of new information technologies ought to be marshalled for use in the developing countries.Example: We set aside places to sleep and cook and wash and defecate.Example: This may or may not be the case, but particularly in these areas staff must be informed and briefed so that misunderstandings do not arise.Example: The rapidly changing environment is forcing many librarians to seek new strategies for coaching researchers through the maze of electronic information sources = The rapidly changing environment is forcing many librarians to seek new strategies for coaching researchers through the maze of electronic information sources.Example: The article is entitled 'Tooling up for a revolution'.Example: Iran is trying to form an unholy alliance with al-Qaeda by grooming a new generation of leaders to take over from Osama bin Laden.Example: The goddess owned a potent magick cauldron in which she planned to brew a special liquid for her ugly son.Example: A woman died yesterday while being readied for cosmetic surgery.Example: Australia's government girded on Monday for a battle with miners over its plan to slap the industry with a new 40 percent profits tax.Example: Prepare your bike the night before so you don't need to fettle with your derailleur when you should be warming up.Example: To top off the scrumptious meal, she had concocted a banana pudding, which was served with piping hot coffee.Example: A lot of common household items can be surprisingly helpful when you prep your dinner -- everything from a hammer to a hair dryer and rubber bands can do double duty in the kitchen.


» esperar lo mejor pero preparándose para lo peorhope for the best and/but prepare for the worsthope for the best and/but plan for the worst .

Example: You might be an optimist, but with software projects, as the saying goes, you can hope for the best but you should prepare for the worst.

Example: While no one knows exactly what 2010-11 will bring, we can all hope for the best and plan for the worst.

» estar preparando Algohave + Nombre + lined up .

Example: He says he has a special surprise lined up that has set him back a few thousand dollars.

» preparar a la brasagrillbroil [Usado más comúnmente en los Estados Unidos] .

Example: Everybody was served shelled shrimp marinated in a balsamic seasoning and grilled over a hardwood fire.

Example: A quarter of an hour is generally sufficient time to broil a beef steak.

» preparar a la parrillagrillbroil [Usado más comúnmente en los Estados Unidos] .

Example: Everybody was served shelled shrimp marinated in a balsamic seasoning and grilled over a hardwood fire.

Example: A quarter of an hour is generally sufficient time to broil a beef steak.

» preparar a la planchagriddle .

Example: This recipe is great because it cuts down on the fat by griddling -- not frying -- the meat.

» preparar algoput + a few things together .

Example: It would be of enormous help to us if you could put a few things together for us to look over.

» preparar algo de comer rápidorustle up + some tucker [Expresión de origen australiano] .

Example: There really is no better place to relax, recline, and rustle up some tucker when exploring Australia this year.

» preparar de un modo rápidothrow together .

Example: A quality design cannot be thrown together on short notice.

» preparar el caminoset + the scenesmooth + the wayopen + the wayset + the stagepave + the path (for/towards/to)pave + the way (for/towards/to)pave + the road (for/towards/to) .

Example: Before we look at how libraries in Great Britain have responded to community information, first it is important to set the scene by examining in more detail some of these other information and advice services.

Example: Continued communication regarding procedures and results smooths the way for long-term understanding and willingness to participate = La comunicación permanente con respecto a procedimientos y resultados facilita el entendimiento a largo plazo y el deseo de participar.

Example: This new kind of network infrastructure has a number of advantages, such as low cost and scalability, and opens the way for numerous new kinds of application scenarios.

Example: Microcomputers or telecomputers (the successor to the television) set the stage for an interactive environment that can banish the 'master-slave' architecture of television and its progeny, the culture of passivity.

Example: The article is entitled 'The long and winding road: the FCC paves the path with good intentions'.

Example: In the face of present priorities and staff commitments, the Library feels that it cannot undertake a comprehensive study of the subject heading system that would pave the way for a major restructuring of the system.

Example: Together, these technologies pave the road for the introduction of interactive television to fully exploit the benefits of the conversion to digital.

» preparar el camino parasmooth + the path of .

Example: These officers, by being on the spot, are able to gain early warning of impending developments and smooth the path of grant and loan applications.

» preparar el terrenopave + the way (for/towards/to)set + the sceneclear + the pathsmooth + the wayset + the stagepave + the path (for/towards/to)pave + the path (for/towards/to)lay + the groundwork forpave + the road (for/towards/to)clear + the way .

Example: In the face of present priorities and staff commitments, the Library feels that it cannot undertake a comprehensive study of the subject heading system that would pave the way for a major restructuring of the system.

Example: Before we look at how libraries in Great Britain have responded to community information, first it is important to set the scene by examining in more detail some of these other information and advice services.

Example: All of this was intended to clear for the reader his/her path in the catalog, to obviate anything that might distract his/her attention or otherwise retard his/her progress, and to facilitate in every way possible his/her search in the catalog.

Example: Continued communication regarding procedures and results smooths the way for long-term understanding and willingness to participate = La comunicación permanente con respecto a procedimientos y resultados facilita el entendimiento a largo plazo y el deseo de participar.

Example: Microcomputers or telecomputers (the successor to the television) set the stage for an interactive environment that can banish the 'master-slave' architecture of television and its progeny, the culture of passivity.

Example: The article is entitled 'The long and winding road: the FCC paves the path with good intentions'.

Example: The article is entitled 'The long and winding road: the FCC paves the path with good intentions'.

Example: But if the groundwork for these accomplisments can be laid with patient, constructive efforts, that contribution is more important than presiding over the final act.

Example: Together, these technologies pave the road for the introduction of interactive television to fully exploit the benefits of the conversion to digital.

Example: Last night's decision by the Supreme Court has cleared the way for the government-backed transaction to take place immediately.

» preparar el terreno paralead up tosmooth + the path ofclear + the ground forfertilise + the ground for .

Example: The preliminary discussions and proposals which led up to the AACR, did start out with an attempt to fashion an ideology, a philosophical context, for those rules.

Example: These officers, by being on the spot, are able to gain early warning of impending developments and smooth the path of grant and loan applications.

Example: This attitude can be regarded as a first hypothetical attempt at clearing the ground for a large-scale foray into the world of empirical reality.

Example: Certain new factors have fertilized the ground for the rooting and growth of library activity on a stronger and firmer footing than has ever been possible in the past.

» preparar en el microondasmicrowave .

Example: Don't microwave your veggies: new research shows that microwaving destroys up to 97% of important nutrients like antioxidants.

» preparar en un abrir y cerrar de ojosknock upwhip up .

Example: It's simple food and and to be honest not unlike something you could knock up at home but it's nice for someone else to cook.

Example: I respect artists, don't get me wrong, but this is something anybody could whip up in 10 minutes.

» preparar en un dos por tresknock upwhip up .

Example: It's simple food and and to be honest not unlike something you could knock up at home but it's nice for someone else to cook.

Example: I respect artists, don't get me wrong, but this is something anybody could whip up in 10 minutes.

» preparar en un instanteknock upwhip up .

Example: It's simple food and and to be honest not unlike something you could knock up at home but it's nice for someone else to cook.

Example: I respect artists, don't get me wrong, but this is something anybody could whip up in 10 minutes.

» preparar en un periqueteknock upwhip up .

Example: It's simple food and and to be honest not unlike something you could knock up at home but it's nice for someone else to cook.

Example: I respect artists, don't get me wrong, but this is something anybody could whip up in 10 minutes.

» preparar en un p(l)is p(l)asknock upwhip up .

Example: It's simple food and and to be honest not unlike something you could knock up at home but it's nice for someone else to cook.

Example: I respect artists, don't get me wrong, but this is something anybody could whip up in 10 minutes.

» preparar en un santiaménknock upwhip up .

Example: It's simple food and and to be honest not unlike something you could knock up at home but it's nice for someone else to cook.

Example: I respect artists, don't get me wrong, but this is something anybody could whip up in 10 minutes.

» preparar en un segundoknock upwhip up .

Example: It's simple food and and to be honest not unlike something you could knock up at home but it's nice for someone else to cook.

Example: I respect artists, don't get me wrong, but this is something anybody could whip up in 10 minutes.

» preparar la comidacook + a mealcookdo + the cooking .

Example: The housewife cleaning her house, shopping, cooking meals, rearing her children and washing and ironing is undoubtedly working just as much as is her husband on the car assembly line or in the insurance office.

Example: We set aside places to sleep and cook and wash and defecate.

Example: Throughout history, women have always done the cooking around the house.

» preparar mentalmenteprepare + Nombre + mentally .

Example: She's a smart, hardworking kid who has a horrible time with test anxiety and your course was a huge help in preparing her mentally and psychologically.

» preparar paraput + Nombre + on (the right) track for .

Example: This experience put him on the right track for future academic success.

» preparar para el futurofuture-proof .

Example: This event will focus on practical tools and techniques that can help to ensure that institutional websites are future-proofed against risks such as institutional change and technological obsolescence.

» preparar rápidamenterustle up .

Example: Why grub has to be 'rustled up' is anyone's guess; that is just the way it was on the Wild West.

» prepararsedo + Posesivo + homeworkbrace + Reflexivoget + readygear up .

Example: The article 'Doing your homework: market research in uncharted waters' provides a detailed review of the motivations for using market research within the data base publishing industry.

Example: She braced herself, afraid that from some obscure motive of propriety or self-protection he would turn on her.

Example: For ages men have known that women take forever to get ready and now there is proof.

Example: Safety experts prefer life jackets to floaties or water wings, but I believe kids shouldn't have to gear up like they're about to storm Normandy every time they take a dip.

» prepararse emocionalmenteget + emotionally prepared .

Example: Enjoy what's left of your weekend...and get emotionally prepared for whatever next week may bring.

» prepararse físicamenteprepare + Reflexive + physically .

Example: It is a woman's prerogative give birth to a beautiful bundle of joy but for that she should prepare herself mentally and physically.

» prepararse mentalmenteprepare + Reflexive + mentally .

Example: It is a woman's prerogative give birth to a beautiful bundle of joy but for that she should prepare herself mentally and physically.

» prepararse paragear up forready + Reflexivo + to/forsaddle up forbrace forget + ready togear up tosize up forprep + Reflexivo + for .

Example: Results show that the agencies are geared up for a one-way, top-down flow of information.

Example: Knowledge managers must ready themselves for dramatic changes and position all their services and activities carefully if they are to gain the full advantages of the technique.

Example: The article 'Saddle up for reading' describes a library reading and activity programme designed for children aged between 8 and 16 years.

Example: The Roman Catholic Church is bracing for a new public backlash after agreeing to participate for the first time in a television documentary series about the Inquisition.

Example: Residents are encouraged to get ready to make a splash, swim some laps, enjoy water aerobics or learn to swim at these facilities this summer.

Example: China gears up to launch second lunar mission next month.

Example: George keeps sizing up for a real ding-dong and then backing down because he doesn't really want to risk the consequences of an argument.

Example: After a short breather, we prepped ourselves for the six courses to follow = Tras un breve descanso, nos preparamos para los seis platos que siguieron.

» prepararse para el futuroembrace + the future .

Example: Successful libraries will embrace the future by incorporating new technology into daily routines.

» prepararse para la batallarally + Reflesivo + for battleput on + Posesivo + war paint .

Example: Indians used war paint to rally themselves for battle and frighten enemies, in the way sports teams wear the same uniforms.

Example: They made a huge fire, put on their war paint, danced vigorously around the fire to the sound of a large drum, waving their knives and their spears.

» prepararse para la guerraget + ready for warput on + Posesivo + war paint .

Example: Prime Minister Tony Blair has told British troops to get ready for war against Iraq.

Example: They made a huge fire, put on their war paint, danced vigorously around the fire to the sound of a large drum, waving their knives and their spears.

» prepararse para la tormentabatten downbatten down + the hatches .

Example: New Orleans battens down for second storm.

Example: Yet rather than battening down the hatches and boarding up the shopfronts, it is more a case of polishing the silver and pulling out the corks.

» prepararse para lo peorbatten downbatten down + the hatcheshold on to + the seat of + Posesivo + pantsgird (up) + Posesivo + loinsget + ready for the worstbrace + Reflexivo .

Example: New Orleans battens down for second storm.

Example: Yet rather than battening down the hatches and boarding up the shopfronts, it is more a case of polishing the silver and pulling out the corks.

Example: It's basically: Hold on to the seat of your pants, because it's a roller coaster ride = Básicamente es que tenemos que atarnos los machos porque las vamos a pasar canutas.

Example: He advised us to gird up our loins and set about making Pakistan worthy of its name.

Example: We are hoping for the best, but getting ready for the worst.

Example: She braced herself, afraid that from some obscure motive of propriety or self-protection he would turn on her.

» prepararse sicológicamenteget + psychologically prepared .

Example: Get psychologically prepared for this instead of being caught off guard and having to fake delight.

» preparar sicológicamenteprepare + Nombre + psychologically .

Example: She's a smart, hardworking kid who has a horrible time with test anxiety and your course was a huge help in preparing her mentally and psychologically.

» preparar una comidaprepare + a meal .

Example: I do the shopping in my house because my wife has no clue as to cooking or preparing meals that do not come out of a box.

» preparar una defensamount + a defence .

Example: The author mounts a spirited defence of the National Library of Australia future collecting priorities.

» preparar una ensaladatoss + a salad .

Example: Traditional ratatouille ingredients -- eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, onion, bell peppers and fresh herbs -- are even better when tossed as a salad!.

» preparar un asaltomount + a raid .

Example: By the end of the war, they were bloodied, battered, and divided, but they were still able to mount raids and attacks against their enemies.

» preparar una superficie de nuevoresurface  .

Example: Lithographic stones are easy to prepare, they can give a very large number of impressions, and they can be resurfaced by polishing with an abrasive.

» preparar un ataquemount + an attack .

Example: Their aim was to mount a spirited attack on a consumer driven and marketeers' approach to reading and books, and on relativism and populism.

» preparar una teladress + a cloth .

Example: The earliest technical problems of colouring and dressing the cloth were solved by the binder Archibald Leighton.

» preparar un contraataquemount + a counterattack .

Example: As millions of listeners download music from the Internet, the music industry is mounting a counterattack.

» preparar un trabajo de claseresearch + paper .

Example: In the early days of bibliographical databases, undergraduates students could be seen using them to research papers for literature courses.

» prepárateget + ready .

Example: Melanie Stanton broke into a gentle laugh as he recalled him executing a shuffling fandango and announcing mischievously, 'Women in the SLA, get ready, here I come!'.

Preparar synonyms

set in spanish: conjunto, pronunciation: set part of speech: verb, noun develop in spanish: desarrollar, pronunciation: dɪveləp part of speech: verb make in spanish: hacer, pronunciation: meɪk part of speech: verb train in spanish: entrenar, pronunciation: treɪn part of speech: noun, verb fix in spanish: fijar, pronunciation: fɪks part of speech: verb, noun devise in spanish: idear, pronunciation: dɪvaɪz part of speech: verb groom in spanish: novio, pronunciation: grum part of speech: noun ready in spanish: Listo, pronunciation: redi part of speech: adjective cook in spanish: cocinar, pronunciation: kʊk part of speech: noun, verb organize in spanish: organizar, pronunciation: ɔrgənaɪz part of speech: verb set up in spanish: preparar, pronunciation: setʌp part of speech: verb, adjective educate in spanish: educar, pronunciation: edʒəkeɪt part of speech: verb get up in spanish: Levántate, pronunciation: getʌp part of speech: verb gear up in spanish: prepararse, pronunciation: gɪrʌp part of speech: verb
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