Preparador in english


pronunciation: priperɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

preparador = coach ; trainer ; training officer. 

Example: The person assigned as coach goes over the work of the new abstractor, makes editorial changes, and discusses these changes with the new man.Example: Without these critical ingredients, we are in fact not educators, but, rather, 'trainers'.Example: This article describes the experiences of a library training officer whose brief was to build library services from the ground up.


» preparador de caballos de carrerasracehorse trainer .

Example: There will be no let-up in the hunt for armed robbers who targeted the home of a local racehorse trainer, police promise.

» preparador personalpersonal coachlife coach .

Example: In a nutshell, an effective personal coach teaches you how to bring in business.

Example: With a life coach a client is more comfortable taking bigger strides to getting the job done and making the appropriate changes toward a better life.
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