Preparación in english


pronunciation: prepɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

preparación = preparation ; preparation ; training ; priming ; preparedness ; coaching ; readiness ; grooming ; prep. 

Example: Management of data bases includes such details as: keeping sufficient supplies of floppy discs, updating the data bases, keeping duplicate copies of the data bases, preparation of instruction guides and so on.Example: A study then of the underlying features of the classification process and the components of a classification scheme is a preparation for the more critical and informed application of classification schemes.Example: The user must become familiar with the facilities of this search software, and therefore may need more training than that which might be necessary for the retrieval of information in a data base which has been indexed with a controlled indexing language.Example: The fluid-control button should then be moved to the 'on' position and the priming button pressed several times.Example: Recommendations are made for potential public library involvement in the four phases of comprehensive emergency management: mitigation/long-term prevention, preparedness to respond, response to emergencies, and the recovery.Example: Proofreaders are trained by coaching, as are editors.Example: A readiness and a trend towards consistency is a prerequisite to the success of centralised cataloguing.Example: Let's face it, personal grooming is the key to success, in business or in your social life.Example: Coming into the off season firing on all cylinders is just the way we want to see her starting her prep for next year's competition.


» comida (de preparación) rápidaconvenience food .

Example: When you're hungry and want something fast, it's tempting to grab a convenience food item and zap it in the microwave without taking time to read the cooking instructions.

» de gran preparaciónwell-prepared .

Example: A well-prepared searcher will already have alternative strategies ready if need be: again, the presence of the enquirer facilitates such alterations of course.

» en preparaciónin the pipelineunder preparation .

Example: Business people need to know the right people, what projects are in the pipeline and what changes are taking place.

Example: There is a new improved system, now under preparation, which will eventually replace the current version.

» falta de preparaciónunpreparedness  .

Example: In such circumstances SLIS need to be jolted out of their states of unawareness and unpreparedness.

» industria de la preparación de alimentos, lafood processing industry, the .

Example: Other libraries have special collections on such subjects as animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, food processing industries, agricultural economics and water supply, ranging from 10,000 up to 35,000 items.

» manual de preparacióntraining manual .

Example: Training manuals and support services, such as the Help Desk, are a particular feature of the BLAISE information retrieval services.

» no tener la preparaciónbe untrained .

Example: In some senses an author is in an ideal position to evaluate and summarize his own work, but the fact that he is untrained in abstracting will lead to variations in quality.

» preparación automática de resúmenesautomatic abstracting [Elaboración de un resumen por medios automáticos] .

Example: The elaboration of an abstract by automated means is known as automatic abstracting.

» preparación contra desastresdisaster preparedness .

Example: As systems become more complex and expensive, it will be critical that every libraryshould have a written disaster preparedness plan to preserve the library's collections.

» preparación contra emergenciasdisaster preparedness .

Example: As systems become more complex and expensive, it will be critical that every libraryshould have a written disaster preparedness plan to preserve the library's collections.

» preparación contra emergencias a nivel nacionaldomestic preparedness .

Example: In addition to general resources, it covers bioterrorism; counterterrorism; cyberterrorism; domestic preparedness and response; Islam; law; Middle East; September 11, 2001; and weapons of mass destruction.

» preparación contra siniestrosdisaster preparedness .

Example: As systems become more complex and expensive, it will be critical that every libraryshould have a written disaster preparedness plan to preserve the library's collections.

» preparación de alimentosfood processingprocessing .

Example: Even where food processing only features as a minor aspect of the document content or as a side issue.

Example: Eligible projects include mining, quarrying, processing, packaging, hotels, tourist facilities and services which can benefit industry or tourism.

» preparación de exámenesexam(ination) revision .

Example: Exam revision is a painful process, there's no denying it.

» preparación de los datosdata preparation .

Example: Data preparation requires the equivalent of 2 full-time operators.

» preparación del terreno eliminando todo tipo de obstáculosland-clearing .

Example: The 37 relief projects involved the building of aerodrome, landing fields, barracks, a training camp, and a land-clearing project.

» preparación físicatraining .

Example: Mileage counting can be misleading when evaluating training.

» preparación para el futurofuture proofing .

Example: The article 'Is IT getting too clever for its own good?' considers future proofing in information technology.

» preparación para las emergenciasemergency preparedness .

Example: Emergency preparedness must be viewed as an ongoing process, incorporated into normal routines.

» preparación tipográficacopymarking [En composición, proceso por el que se incluye todo tipo de anotación referida a cuestiones tipográficas del texto del original]copy editing [copyediting] [En composición, proceso por el que se incluye todo tipo de anotación referida a cuestiones tipográficas del texto del original] .

Example: The inexorable tide of automation seems to be threatening the existence of old-fashioned, handwritten copymarking.

Example: Publishers of academic journals have sought the means to combat increasing costs of production by standardisation of as many elements of production (from copy editing to printing and binding) as possible.

» recibir preparaciónundergo + training .

Example: Miss Visser comments that she underwent extensive training in preparation for automation, but feels that training given at too early a stage is unproductive.

» servicio de preparacióntraining facility .

Example: Hosts also offer various support services such as manuals, search aids and training facilities.

Preparación synonyms

provision in spanish: provisión, pronunciation: prəvɪʒən part of speech: noun training in spanish: formación, pronunciation: treɪnɪŋ part of speech: noun planning in spanish: planificación, pronunciation: plænɪŋ part of speech: noun prep in spanish: deberes, pronunciation: prep part of speech: noun grooming in spanish: aseo, pronunciation: grumɪŋ part of speech: noun homework in spanish: deberes, pronunciation: hoʊmwɜrk part of speech: noun formulation in spanish: formulación, pronunciation: fɔrmjəleɪʃən part of speech: noun readying in spanish: preparándose, pronunciation: rediɪŋ part of speech: noun
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