Preocupación in english


pronunciation: kənsɜrn part of speech: noun
In gestures

preocupación = concern ; preoccupation ; solicitude ; worry ; dismay. 

Example: There is some concern that much of the value of the data base may be negated if it does not seek to cover all materials which libraries might acquire.Example: In our preoccupation with technology, we must not lose sight of the ideology of the catalog.Example: There were moments when he could be almost affectionate, moments when his thoughts did not seem to be turned inward upon his own anxious solicitudes.Example: Their worries are not altogether unfounded but they are sometimes carried too far.Example: The author expresses dismay at the nearly total eradication of the arts from schools in America.


» agobiado por las preocupacionescareworn .

Example: Small wonder that, in the alternative universe, librarians are careworn and cataloguers neurotic.

» causa de preocupacióncause for concerncause of concern .

Example: This article considers that the potential for cannibalising existing data base products should be a cause for concern for those database products planning to introduce information products based on CD-ROM = Este artículo considera que la posibilidad de "fusilar" las bases de datos existentes debería ser motivo de preocupación para aquellos productores que planean introducir productos informativos en CD-ROM.

Example: The author examines trends in the field of higher education which have been the cause of concern in publishing.

» causar preocupaciónevoke + concerncause + concern .

Example: Results evoked some concern about the selective indexing policy of MEDLINE in serving the interests of those working in forensic medicine.

Example: The decision to introduce payments for ILL in Australia has caused much concern and a lot of anger.

» crear una preocupacióncreate + concern .

Example: The consequences were beginning to seep through to respondents at the time of the visits made to them and were creating a great deal of concern.

» despreocupaciónnonchalance .

Example: 'Look, Mel, these are your people, not mine,' said the director with an assumption of nonchalance.

» enfermo de preocupaciónsick with worryill with worry .

Example: It's appalling that we live in a society where older people feel sick with worry about the future.

Example: A quarter of all pensioners are making themselves ill with worry about their future as the cost of living soars.

» expresar preocupaciónvoice + concern .

Example: The article 'The invisible drip: how data seeps away in various ways' voices concern at the vulnerability of electronically held data, as especially in many cases only a single copy may exist.

» expresar preocupación porexpress + alarm at .

Example: Those who question the relevance of IT express alarm at the rise of an electronic elite which has the potential to exclude others from access to electronic information.

» fuente de preocupaciónsource of worry .

Example: While fevers can be a source of worry for parents, they are actually quite common.

» libre de preocupacionesworry-free  .

Example: For your night out on the town get picked up and dropped off at your home or hotel and enjoy an evening worry free of driving, parking or hailing a cab.

» mostrar preocupación (por)express + concern (at)express + Posesivo + dismay (at) .

Example: A number of observers and critics of professional education for library and information work has expressed concern at the failure of SLIS to respond rapidly and sensitively to such IT induced changes.

Example: He expressed his dismay at being charged $120 for two injections of cortisone into his shoulder for tendinitis.

» motivo de preocupacióncause for alarmcause for concerncause of concernsource of worry .

Example: This is no cause for alarm, however.

Example: This article considers that the potential for cannibalising existing data base products should be a cause for concern for those database products planning to introduce information products based on CD-ROM = Este artículo considera que la posibilidad de "fusilar" las bases de datos existentes debería ser motivo de preocupación para aquellos productores que planean introducir productos informativos en CD-ROM.

Example: The author examines trends in the field of higher education which have been the cause of concern in publishing.

Example: While fevers can be a source of worry for parents, they are actually quite common.

» preocupación cada vez mayor (por)growing concern (about) .

Example: In recent years, there has been a growing concern about deprivation in rural areas.

» preocupaciones económicaseconomic worries .

Example: And you might think Russia's economic worries would make Mr Putin more pliant.

» preocupación excesivaoverconcern  .

Example: Unless librarians move away from their present overconcern with their systems and lack of concern with their users they will become redundant and the task of providing information will be taken out of their hands.

» preocupación por el estatusstatus-anxiety .

Example: This article attributes the Americans' accomplishments to political and cultural reasons such as the progressive tradition of service to the community; federalism that allowed for higher tax bases in certain localities; professional concerns such as status-anxieties.

» preocupación por el medio ambienteenvironmentalism  .

Example: Despite the stability of the market new trends are visible, e.g. environmentalism, regionalism and specialization.

» preocupación por uno mismoself-concern .

Example: But self-concern can insinuate itself into every corner of the emotional life.

» preocupación y cariñoloving concern .

Example: We got a licking when we messed up -- it was part of parental duty and loving concern.

» quitar una preocupaciónallay + concern .

Example: New requirements on data protection may help to allay concerns about the supply of personal data for membership registration purposes, including Internet access.

» ser motivo de preocupaciónloom + large .

Example: The philosophy of central collections providing back up for local libraries will loom large on the British library scene for some time.

» sin ningún tipo de preocupación(es)without a care in the worldwithout a worry in the world .

Example: If someone told you I was just your average ordinary guy without a care in the world, somebody lied.

Example: Back then summer consisted mostly of 'floating' through life without a worry in the world.

» sin preocupacionescarefree  ; worry-free  ; without a worry in the worldwithout a care in the world .

Example: Alcohol in moderation is effective in reducing stress and may increase overall affective expression, happiness, euphoria, conviviality, & carefree feelings.

Example: For your night out on the town get picked up and dropped off at your home or hotel and enjoy an evening worry free of driving, parking or hailing a cab.

Example: Back then summer consisted mostly of 'floating' through life without a worry in the world.

Example: If someone told you I was just your average ordinary guy without a care in the world, somebody lied.

» trabajar sin preocupacioneswork along .

Example: However, the changeover has happened, we're happily working along in our new environment, and I have a little more time at my hands.

» vida sin preocupacionescarefree living .

Example: We take pride in providing our residents with the conveniences of carefree living.

» vivir sin ningún tipo de preocupación(es)not have a worry in the worldnot have a care in the world .

Example: He wistfully recalls his youth where they played kick the can and didn't have a worry in the world.

Example: May you birthday be as it started, innocent, so you never have a care in the world.

» vivir sin preocupacioneslive without + worriesnot have a worry in the worldnot have a care in the world .

Example: Living debt free is living without worries.

Example: He wistfully recalls his youth where they played kick the can and didn't have a worry in the world.

Example: May you birthday be as it started, innocent, so you never have a care in the world.

Preocupación synonyms

care in spanish: cuidado, pronunciation: ker part of speech: noun, verb business in spanish: negocio, pronunciation: bɪznəs part of speech: noun interest in spanish: interesar, pronunciation: ɪntrəst part of speech: noun touch in spanish: toque, pronunciation: tʌtʃ part of speech: noun, verb fear in spanish: temor, pronunciation: fɪr part of speech: noun, verb refer in spanish: referir, pronunciation: rəfɜr part of speech: verb pertain in spanish: pertenecer, pronunciation: pɜrteɪn part of speech: verb relate in spanish: relacionar, pronunciation: rɪleɪt part of speech: verb worry in spanish: preocupación, pronunciation: wɜri part of speech: verb, noun occupy in spanish: ocupar, pronunciation: ɑkjəpaɪ part of speech: verb vexation in spanish: vejación, pronunciation: vekseɪʃən part of speech: noun headache in spanish: dolor de cabeza, pronunciation: hedeɪk part of speech: noun come to in spanish: ven a, pronunciation: kʌmtu part of speech: verb bear on in spanish: referirse a, pronunciation: berɑn part of speech: verb touch on in spanish: mencionar, pronunciation: tʌtʃɑn part of speech: verb business organization in spanish: organización del negocio, pronunciation: bɪznəsɔrgənəzeɪʃən part of speech: noun business concern in spanish: preocupación negocio, pronunciation: bɪznəskənsɜrn part of speech: noun
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