Prensar in english


pronunciation: pres part of speech: noun
In gestures

prensar = press ; crush. 

Example: To read a borrower label place the scanner on the left side of the label and move it from left to right across the bar codes, pressing lightly to keep it in direct contact with the label.Example: The article is entitled 'Dinosaurs to crush flies: computer catalogues, classification and other barriers to library use'.

Prensar synonyms

bid in spanish: oferta, pronunciation: bɪd part of speech: noun, verb contract in spanish: contrato, pronunciation: kɑntrækt part of speech: noun pressure in spanish: presión, pronunciation: preʃɜr part of speech: noun crush in spanish: aplastar, pronunciation: krʌʃ part of speech: verb, noun urge in spanish: impulso, pronunciation: ɜrdʒ part of speech: noun, verb jam in spanish: mermelada, pronunciation: dʒæm part of speech: noun push in spanish: empujar, pronunciation: pʊʃ part of speech: verb, noun squeeze in spanish: exprimir, pronunciation: skwiz part of speech: verb, noun beseech in spanish: implorar, pronunciation: bisitʃ part of speech: verb exhort in spanish: exhortar, pronunciation: ɪgzɔrt part of speech: verb closet in spanish: armario, pronunciation: klɑzət part of speech: noun compact in spanish: compacto, pronunciation: kɑmpækt part of speech: adjective, noun weigh in spanish: pesar, pronunciation: weɪ part of speech: verb entreat in spanish: rogar a, pronunciation: ɪntrit part of speech: verb adjure in spanish: conjurar, pronunciation: ədʒʊr part of speech: verb wardrobe in spanish: guardarropa, pronunciation: wɔrdroʊb part of speech: noun compress in spanish: comprimir, pronunciation: kɑmpres part of speech: verb, noun pressing in spanish: prensado, pronunciation: presɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective constrict in spanish: apretar, pronunciation: kənstrɪkt part of speech: verb insistence in spanish: insistencia, pronunciation: ɪnsɪstəns part of speech: noun imperativeness in spanish: imperatividad, pronunciation: ɪmpɜreɪtɪvnəs part of speech: noun fourth estate in spanish: Cuarto estado, pronunciation: fɔrθɪsteɪt part of speech: noun insistency in spanish: insistencia, pronunciation: ɪnsɪstənsi part of speech: noun urge on in spanish: animar, pronunciation: ɜrdʒɑn part of speech: verb weightlift in spanish: Levantar pesas, pronunciation: weɪtlɪft part of speech: verb printing press in spanish: imprenta, pronunciation: prɪntɪŋpres part of speech: noun public press in spanish: prensa publica, pronunciation: pʌblɪkpres part of speech: noun press out in spanish: exprimir, pronunciation: presaʊt part of speech: verb military press in spanish: prensa militar, pronunciation: mɪləteripres part of speech: noun
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