Prensado in english


pronunciation: presɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

prensado = pressing. 

Example: The term 'first cold press' hearkens back to the traditional method, where the best oil came from the first pressing; subsequent pressings release more oil, but of inferior quality.


» flor prensadapressed flower .

Example: They are a small company specializing in creative fiberglass lampshades with pressed flowers and leaves.

» hoja prensadapressed leaf .

Example: They are a small company specializing in creative fiberglass lampshades with pressed flowers and leaves.

prensar = press ; crush. 

Example: To read a borrower label place the scanner on the left side of the label and move it from left to right across the bar codes, pressing lightly to keep it in direct contact with the label.Example: The article is entitled 'Dinosaurs to crush flies: computer catalogues, classification and other barriers to library use'.

Prensado synonyms

imperative in spanish: imperativo, pronunciation: ɪmperətɪv part of speech: adjective, noun press in spanish: prensa, pronunciation: pres part of speech: noun pressure in spanish: presión, pronunciation: preʃɜr part of speech: noun urgent in spanish: urgente, pronunciation: ɜrdʒənt part of speech: adjective
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