Prensa in english


pronunciation: pres part of speech: noun
In gestures

prensa1 = printing press ; printing machine ; press [presses, -pl.]. 

Example: The place of printing is the location where the printing press is situated, of failing this, the organization acting for it.Example: The author list reprographic equipment suitable for use in libraries (copiers, cutting equipment, printing machines, collators, driers).Example: Also annual output could be increased by 13-28% without adding more lathes, driers or presses.


» ejemplar de prensaadvance copy [Ejemplar de un documento listo antes de la fecha oficial de su puesta en venta]early sheet [Ejemplar de un documento mientras está siendo impreso que se lee para corregir errores que se hayan escapado anteriormente]advance sheets [Ejemplar de un documento mientras está siendo impreso que se lee para corregir errores que se hayan escapado anteriormente] .

Example: The best that a British author or publisher could do was to authorize an American publisher to bring the book out in America, giving him an advance copy of the text so that he could get in ahead of the field.

Example: In English printing houses around 1600, indeed, further reading for press might take place after the run was under way, an early sheet being extracted from the heap and read while the printing proceeded.

Example: All thirty American editions of Hardy's The Woodlanders published up to 1926 derived from advance sheets of the serialization of the novel in England.

» en prensaforthcoming [Adjetivo utilizado para indicar que el material bibliográfico en cuestión está en proceso de publicación y pronto estará disponible en el mercado]about to be published [Que pronto será publicado]in preparation [Adjetivo utilizado para indicar que el material bibliográfico en cuestión está en proceso de publicación y pronto estará disponible en el mercado] .

Example: The object of CIP is to provide advance information of forthcoming British books.

Example: The weekly issues of this publication alert readers to the titles of papers and articles about to be published in the relevant specialist journals.

Example: The latest edition, the sixth, was reprinted in 1963 with some important amendments, and the seventh is in preparation.

» entrar en prensago to + press .

Example: Note: This information is correct at the time of going to press, but may be subject to change.

» período de la prensa manual, elhand-press period, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: Many cheap books and most of the jobbing work of the earlier hand-press period have disappeared completely.

» período de la prensa mecánica, elmachine-press period, the .

Example: But the situation in the machine-press period differed chiefly in degree, not in kind.

» prensa-ajosgarlic pressgarlic crusher .

Example: Garlic presses went out of fashion 10-20 years ago, but the stigma has abated.

Example: The problem with most garlic crushers is getting them clean afterwards.

» prensa de aceiteoil press .

Example: Fig. 118 represents one form of hydraulic oil press suitable for extracting oils or essences from seed and roots.

» prensa de ajosgarlic pressgarlic crusher .

Example: Garlic presses went out of fashion 10-20 years ago, but the stigma has abated.

Example: The problem with most garlic crushers is getting them clean afterwards.

» prensa de encuadernarbinding press .

Example: Glue, card, paper, gauze, leatherette, calico, scissors, ruler, set-square, hammer, binding-knife and press are necessary for rebinding.

» prensa de maderawooden press [En imprenta, nombre dado a la primeras prensas hechas de madera] .

Example: The iron hand-presses, however, were not much more productive than the wooden presses which they replaced.

» prensa de metaliron press [En imprenta, nombre dado a la nueva imprenta que aparece hecha de hierro y que sustituye a la original de madera] .

Example: What was new about the iron presses was their capacity for printing large formes with great delicacy.

» prensa de moldearpunch press .

Example: This guide to punch press selection examines the advantages/disadvantages of available machine designs and stresses how workpiece size and shape is critical to every purchase plan.

» prensa de tornilloscrew press .

Example: All printers used what was substantially the same sort of printing press throughout the hand-press period, a hand-powered screw press built in a wooden frame = Durante el periodo de la imprenta manual, todos los impresores utilizaron fundamentalmente el mismo tipo de prensa; era ésta una prensa de tornillo accionada a mano y encajada en un armazón de madera.

» prensa de tornostanding press .

Example: In 1895 a good London bindery would have the following machines: hand-fed folding machines, sewing machines, nipping machines (for pressing the sewn books before casing-in), cutting machines, rounding machines, backing machines, straight-knife trimming machines (guillotines), rotary board-cutting machines, power blocking presses, and hydraulic standing presses.

» prensa doradorablocking press [En encuadernación, máquina para decorar la encuadernación con figuras en oro u otro metal que consta de un mecanismo para calentar los hierros y los tipos] .

Example: In 1895 a good London bindery would have the following machines: hand-fed folding machines, sewing machines, nipping machines (for pressing the sewn books before casing-in), cutting machines, rounding machines, backing machines, straight-knife trimming machines (guillotines), rotary board-cutting machines, power blocking presses, and hydraulic standing presses.

» prensa hidráulicahydraulic press .

Example: The use of powerful hydraulic presses from the mid 1800s made the mould side of the sheet almost indistinguishable from the felt side.

» prensa litográficalithographic hand-press .

Example: By the early 1820s a lithographic hand-press was in general use that was similar to the copperplate press except that the printing surface was run under a scraper rather than a roller.

» prensa manualhand-press .

Example: Early-nineteenth-century hand-made paper, however, differed from that of the hand-press period on account both of new methods of bleaching, and of changes in the form of the hand mould.

» prensa mecánicamachine press .

Example: Very few machine presses were used for book printing during the first quarter of the nineteenth century.

» prensa normal, labroadsheet press, the [Denominado así por el formado grande del papel a diferencia de la prensa sensacionalista] .

Example: The author weighs up whether a dumbing down has taken place in the UK tabloid and broadsheet press.

» prensa offsetoffset printeroffset printing pressoffset .

Example: We'll be able to purchase equipment we've been wanting for ages: an electronic offset printer; collators and folding machines and other graphic production-related paraphernalia.

Example: Appreciative of his efforts, Crane purchased a sophisticated offset printing press and other hardware for the production of library booklists, flyers, programs, etc..

Example: Libarians were sent differing sets of questionnaires where half were typed and then reproduced by ditto and half were reproduced by offset.

» prensa para ajosgarlic pressgarlic crusher .

Example: Garlic presses went out of fashion 10-20 years ago, but the stigma has abated.

Example: The problem with most garlic crushers is getting them clean afterwards.

» prensa para dorararming press [En encuadernación, máquina para decorar la encuadernación con figuras en oro u otro metal que consta de un mecanismo para calentar los hierros y los tipos] .

Example: In 1843 the great London bindery of Westley and Clark had a rolling press, two cloth-embossing machines, and three arming presses.

» prensa para grabados en cobrecopperplate press .

Example: The principle of the cylinder platen was hardly a new one even then -- the rolling pin is an ancient device, and the copperplate press used two cylinders working together.

» prensa para puréricerpotato ricer .

Example: With a ricer, you mush up the potatoes using mostly an up and down motion, forcing the spuds through the holes in the ricer until all the lumps are broken.

Example: There's only one way to do those really soft creamy mashed potatoes - with a potato ricer.

» prensa rotativarotary machinerotary pressstop-cylinder machine .

Example: A rotary machine invented in Holland in the late seventeenth century did not pound but minced the rags into pulp with revolving knives.

Example: Flong moulds could be fitted into curved casting-boxes to make plates for rotary presses.

Example: Their ascendancy may be traced through the Main or tumbler machine of 1840, Payne's Wharfedale stop-cylinder machine of 1858, and the improved Wharfedales produced by Paine and others in the mid 1860s.

» prensa rotativa wharfedaleWharfedale .

Example: Their ascendancy may be traced through the Main or tumbler machine of 1840, Payne's Wharfedale stop-cylinder machine of 1858, and the improved Wharfedales produced by Paine and others in the mid 1860s.

» prensa tipográfica de rodillosrolling press .

Example: The rolling press consisted essentially of a frame in which two large rollers were mounted one above the other, and were turned by means of four large spokes radiating from the axle of the upper one.

» prensa volanteblocking press [En encuadernación, máquina para decorar la encuadernación con figuras en oro u otro metal que consta de un mecanismo para calentar los hierros y los tipos]arming press [En encuadernación, máquina para decorar la encuadernación con figuras en oro u otro metal que consta de un mecanismo para calentar los hierros y los tipos] .

Example: In 1895 a good London bindery would have the following machines: hand-fed folding machines, sewing machines, nipping machines (for pressing the sewn books before casing-in), cutting machines, rounding machines, backing machines, straight-knife trimming machines (guillotines), rotary board-cutting machines, power blocking presses, and hydraulic standing presses.

Example: In 1843 the great London bindery of Westley and Clark had a rolling press, two cloth-embossing machines, and three arming presses.

» prueba de prensapress proof .

Example: The third and final stage of proof correction was the press proof, when a sheet was read for residual blemishes.

» publicación en prensaforthcoming title .

Example: Catalogue cards are available for each item recorded in the weekly BNB, and for Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) records prepared from the page proofs of forthcoming titles.

prensa, la2 = press, the. 

Example: The rows over Britain's contributions to the Community budget and runaway spending on the the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which took up two thirds of the budget, were documented blow by blow in the press.


» archivo de prensanewspaper morgue .

Example: The author comments on the fact that newspapers publish 80 per cent of the electronic text in South Africa and describes how the newspapers morgue functions and can provide avaluable source of electronic information.

» archivo de recortes de prensanewspaper clippings archives .

Example: The project focused on newspaper clipping archives and libraries which currently cut out articles.

» colección de prensanewspaper collection .

Example: An overall assessment shows that users are relatively pleased with the operation of the library but want something done about opening hours, the newspaper collection, shelf arrangement, and period of loan.

» comentario aparecido en la prensapress comment .

Example: Spurred by press comments on dumping of withdrawn library books in rubbish skips, Birkerd Library requested the Ministry of Culture's permission to sell withdrawn materials.

» comunicado de prensapress releasenews releasemedia releases .

Example: Libraries were not mentioned in any of the government's pamphlets, booklets or press releases.

Example: News releases are a way of external communication in libraries.

Example: This is a compilation of media releases and letters.

» conferencia de prensanews conferencepress conferencepress statement .

Example: Extensive use was made of footage from planned events like news conferences that reporters are accustomed to covering.

Example: Weekly press briefings on general and topical issues and press conferences are given by visiting members of the European Commission.

Example: Media techniques such as developing a contact list, issuing a press statement, and holding a press conference are discussed.

» declaración de prensapress statement .

Example: Media techniques such as developing a contact list, issuing a press statement, and holding a press conference are discussed.

» directorio de prensapress directory .

Example: Benn's press directory (London, Benn Bros, 1846 annual) is a two volume work which has had various titles and publishers throughout its long life.

» fotógrafo de prensapress photographer .

Example: Many professionals, particularly press photographers, were still using glass plates until the 1950s.

» gabinete de prensapress office .

Example: The University's press office is staffed by experienced journalists and communications professionals.

» industria de la prensa, lanewspaper industry, the .

Example: This job fair is open to all students interested in working in the newspaper industry.

» jefe de prensapress officer .

Example: This article seeks to evaluate the potential value of press releases to researchers by means of interviews with the press officers of two major government departments and two quasi-non-governmental organisations (quangos).

» libertad de prensafreedom of the presspress freedom .

Example: The author of this article is Executive Director of the Reporters Committee for freedom of the press.

Example: This article explores the factors contributing to the emergence of political pluralism and the status of press freedom in Taiwan.

» nota de prensapress releasepress statement .

Example: Libraries were not mentioned in any of the government's pamphlets, booklets or press releases.

Example: Media techniques such as developing a contact list, issuing a press statement, and holding a press conference are discussed.

» oficina de prensapress office .

Example: The University's press office is staffed by experienced journalists and communications professionals.

» prensa amarillatabloid [Denominado así por el formado pequeño del papel a diferencia de la prensa normal]newspaper tabloidtabloid newspaper [Denominado así por el formado pequeño del papel a diferencia de la prensa normal] .

Example: Financing preservation programs for old newspapers is needed for tabloids as well as the Times.

Example: Whether conceived as a bookmark, newspaper tabloid, balloon, slick booklet, or some other format, the client-directed annual report conveys not only the information itself but also the intent to focus on the client's interest.

Example: This is a simply written, richly illustrated weekly tabloid newspaper covering domestic and foreign affairs, sport, culture, everyday matters and television programmes.

» prensa amarilla, latabloid press, the [Denominado así por el formado pequeño del papel a diferencia de la prensa normal]popular press, thegutter press, the .

Example: The author weighs up whether a dumbing down has taken place in the UK tabloid and broadsheet press.

Example: Historians have generally held that before the Civil War the popular press did little to help the women's rights movements.

Example: The Brits are as infamous for their gutter press as they are for sexual repression and bad teeth.

» prensa bibliotecaria, lalibrary press, the [Publicaciones, principalmente revistas, especializadas en temas de biblioteconomía y documentación] .

Example: Those responsible for purchasing reference books for libraries rely to a great extent on reviews that appear in those journals which, broadly speaking, constitute the library press.

» prensa de economía, labusiness press, the .

Example: Sources of information consulted include annual reports, stock reports, brokerage house reports and the business press as well as other reference sources.

» prensa del corazóntattle rags .

Example: Since then, the tattle rags' coverage of these events has resembled something of a long-winded soap opera.

» prensa diaria, ladaily press, the .

Example: She wrote for the daily press on the manners and morals of society, on the plight of London's working women and children, and on the international traffic in women.

» prensa históricaold newspapers .

Example: Access to old newspapers is an asset every genealogist should take advantage of = El acceso a la prensa histórica es una baza que todo genealogista debería aprovechar.

» prensa infantilchildren's press .

Example: Her first album generated rave reviews in children's press and set off an avalanche of awards.

» prensa local, lalocal press, the .

Example: Ever true to her word, Kate Lespran found an appropriate vehicle for her revenge: the local press = Fiel a su palabra, Kate Lespran encontró el vehículo apropiado para su venganza: la prensa local.

» prensa sensacionalista, latabloid press, the [Denominado así por el formado pequeño del papel a diferencia de la prensa normal]gutter press, the .

Example: The author weighs up whether a dumbing down has taken place in the UK tabloid and broadsheet press.

Example: The Brits are as infamous for their gutter press as they are for sexual repression and bad teeth.

» publicidad a través de la prensapress advertising .

Example: Suppose you have a document which has as one of its themes 'the television advertising of cosmetics' and, as another, 'the press advertising of furniture'.

» quiosco de prensanewsagentnewsstandnewspaper stall .

Example: But outlets known in the trade as 'CTNs' (confectioners, tobacconists, and newsagents) can often sell quite a variety of books.

Example: 63 major American public libraries were surveyed concerning their holdings of the 55 leading mass consumer magazines sold on the newsstand.

Example: The library is part of an all-purpose building also housing two cinemas, a newspaper stall, and a restaurant.

» recibir mala prensaacquire + a bad name .

Example: The Web has acquired a bad name largely as a result of naive and over expectant users.

» recorte de prensapress cutting [press-cutting]press clipping [Artículo o trozo recortado de un periódico que recoge información pertinente a un tema y que se utiliza como documento]newspaper clipping .

Example: Much of the refrence material is in the form of unpublished reports, trade literature, press cuttings and handouts.

Example: This article describes the history and holdings of the University of Cape Town's Department of Environmental and Geographical Science which include maps, aerial photographs, aeronautical charts, atlas pages and press clippings.

Example: Many libraries keep vertical files of pamphlets and newspapers clippings but such files are time-consuming to maintain, too often fragmentary, and each file serves only one institution.

» reseña de prensapress review .

Example: Nonetheless, the exhibition has received an equally negative collection of press reviews, generally damning the exhibition for its failure to adequately examine the character of Cleopatra, or her role in history.

» restricción a la publicación en prensapress restriction .

Example: Subsequent press restrictions gazetted in Aug 87 established the possibility of prior censorship.

» reunión informativa de prensapress briefing .

Example: Weekly press briefings on general and topical issues and press conferences are given by visiting members of the Commission.

» rueda de prensapress conferencenews conference .

Example: Weekly press briefings on general and topical issues and press conferences are given by visiting members of the European Commission.

Example: Extensive use was made of footage from planned events like news conferences that reporters are accustomed to covering.

» secretario de prensapress secretarypress spokesman .

Example: He should stand a little in the background, like the press secretary when the President is holding a press conference with the Washington correspondents.

Example: The press spokesman 'ominously warned' Americans to 'watch what they say,' which amounted to telling citizens 'to accept the administration's version of events, not ask awkward questions'.

» titular de prensanews headline .

Example: After a year's rapid development of portals by major search engines, adding such things as scorecards, news headlines or links to other services, search engine developers are now turning to personalization as a way of holding their users.

» tribuna de prensa, lapress box, the .

Example: The league president shall appoint an official scorer who shall observe the game from a position in the press box.

prensar = press ; crush. 

Example: To read a borrower label place the scanner on the left side of the label and move it from left to right across the bar codes, pressing lightly to keep it in direct contact with the label.Example: The article is entitled 'Dinosaurs to crush flies: computer catalogues, classification and other barriers to library use'.

Prensa synonyms

bid in spanish: oferta, pronunciation: bɪd part of speech: noun, verb contract in spanish: contrato, pronunciation: kɑntrækt part of speech: noun pressure in spanish: presión, pronunciation: preʃɜr part of speech: noun crush in spanish: aplastar, pronunciation: krʌʃ part of speech: verb, noun urge in spanish: impulso, pronunciation: ɜrdʒ part of speech: noun, verb jam in spanish: mermelada, pronunciation: dʒæm part of speech: noun push in spanish: empujar, pronunciation: pʊʃ part of speech: verb, noun squeeze in spanish: exprimir, pronunciation: skwiz part of speech: verb, noun beseech in spanish: implorar, pronunciation: bisitʃ part of speech: verb exhort in spanish: exhortar, pronunciation: ɪgzɔrt part of speech: verb closet in spanish: armario, pronunciation: klɑzət part of speech: noun compact in spanish: compacto, pronunciation: kɑmpækt part of speech: adjective, noun weigh in spanish: pesar, pronunciation: weɪ part of speech: verb entreat in spanish: rogar a, pronunciation: ɪntrit part of speech: verb adjure in spanish: conjurar, pronunciation: ədʒʊr part of speech: verb wardrobe in spanish: guardarropa, pronunciation: wɔrdroʊb part of speech: noun compress in spanish: comprimir, pronunciation: kɑmpres part of speech: verb, noun pressing in spanish: prensado, pronunciation: presɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective constrict in spanish: apretar, pronunciation: kənstrɪkt part of speech: verb insistence in spanish: insistencia, pronunciation: ɪnsɪstəns part of speech: noun imperativeness in spanish: imperatividad, pronunciation: ɪmpɜreɪtɪvnəs part of speech: noun fourth estate in spanish: Cuarto estado, pronunciation: fɔrθɪsteɪt part of speech: noun insistency in spanish: insistencia, pronunciation: ɪnsɪstənsi part of speech: noun urge on in spanish: animar, pronunciation: ɜrdʒɑn part of speech: verb weightlift in spanish: Levantar pesas, pronunciation: weɪtlɪft part of speech: verb printing press in spanish: imprenta, pronunciation: prɪntɪŋpres part of speech: noun public press in spanish: prensa publica, pronunciation: pʌblɪkpres part of speech: noun press out in spanish: exprimir, pronunciation: presaʊt part of speech: verb military press in spanish: prensa militar, pronunciation: mɪləteripres part of speech: noun
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