Prenda in english


pronunciation: gɑrmənt part of speech: noun
In gestures

prenda = garment. 

Example: The garment was identified as the wedding dress of Margaret of Denmark who married James III of Scotland in 1469.


» confección de prendas de vestirdressmaking .

Example: Another activities organized by the library are comic, jigsaw, knitting and dressmaking swap shops.

» dejar en prendapledge .

Example: Hard times in the US are benefiting pawnbrokers as beleaguered consumers pledge jewels, electronics and other goods in return for loans.

» entregar en prendapledge .

Example: Hard times in the US are benefiting pawnbrokers as beleaguered consumers pledge jewels, electronics and other goods in return for loans.

» estar hecho un prendabe a bit of a lad .

Example: Lee is normally a very quiet member of the crew, although we suspect that on the quiet he is a bit of a lad.

» mercadillo de prendas de segunda manorummage salejumble sale [Generalmente con fines benéficos] .

Example: And he's dressed as if he just made a killing at a rummage sale!.

Example: Jumble sales are great places to pick up hidden treasures like vintage clothes, designer cast offs and all sorts of quirky bric-a-brac for a fraction of their original price.

» mercadillo de prendas usadasrummage salejumble sale [Generalmente con fines benéficos] .

Example: And he's dressed as if he just made a killing at a rummage sale!.

Example: Jumble sales are great places to pick up hidden treasures like vintage clothes, designer cast offs and all sorts of quirky bric-a-brac for a fraction of their original price.

» no doler prendasspare + no expense .

Example: These stars have spared no expenses when it comes to buying extravagant gifts for their partners.

» no soltar prendaplay + Posesivo + cards close to + Posesivo + chestkeep + Posesivo + cards close to + Posesivo + chest .

Example: I too would like more transparency but when the opposition are such wreckers of every policy I can understand why cards are played close to the chest.

Example: I think she kept her cards close to her chest, even when Ray asked her about other men she was very cagey and didn't give much away.

» prenda de cuello altoturtleneck .

Example: Clothing for children should consist of long johns, turtlenecks, shirts, pants, sweater, coat, warm socks, boots, gloves or mittens, and a hat.

» prenda de cuello de cisneturtleneck .

Example: Clothing for children should consist of long johns, turtlenecks, shirts, pants, sweater, coat, warm socks, boots, gloves or mittens, and a hat.

» prenda de cuello vueltoturtleneck .

Example: Clothing for children should consist of long johns, turtlenecks, shirts, pants, sweater, coat, warm socks, boots, gloves or mittens, and a hat.

» prenda de ropa interiorundergarment .

Example: The tradition associating this rare medieval clerical undergarment with the English martyr is traceable to the late 14th or early 15th c.

» prenda de vestirgarmentclothing item .

Example: The garment was identified as the wedding dress of Margaret of Denmark who married James III of Scotland in 1469.

Example: Their online store stocks more than 3 million shoes in addition to handbags, clothing items and accessories -- from over one thousand brands!.

» prenda interiorundergarment .

Example: The tradition associating this rare medieval clerical undergarment with the English martyr is traceable to the late 14th or early 15th c.

» prenda íntimaundergarment .

Example: The tradition associating this rare medieval clerical undergarment with the English martyr is traceable to the late 14th or early 15th c.

» prendas para el cuelloneckwear .

Example: Some form of neckwear is always required with morning dress, there really isn't any conceivable way that you could get away without it.

» prendas para la cabezaheadwear .

Example: Quebec is proposing a law that would forbid government workers from wearing religious headwear such as hijabs, turbans, and kippas.

» prenda tejidaknit .

Example: Tugging at them might encourage more fibre to be pulled out, and form more pills, so you are better to very carefully cut them away from the surface of your knit.

» sin soltar prendatight-lipped .

Example: Police remain tight-lipped over the sudden, unexplained death of a security guard in west Auckland.

prendarse de = take + a fancy to ; take + a shine to ; take + a liking to ; smite. 

Example: He is a collector who wants to form a collection by making his own paintings of pictures he has taken a fancy to in other people's houses.Example: She took a shine to Sheldon, and before he knows what has happened, the misanthropic physicist finds himself with a girlfriend.Example: He quickly took a liking to American clothing stores and acquired a taste for fast-food restaurants.Example: It's hard to imagine a red-blooded man anywhere in the world who could look at her and not be 'smitten' with her.

prender = fire ; ignite ; inflame ; kindle. 

Example: Mearns, too, has warned against 'profligate expenditure of time and effort when the reference librarian's own curiosity is fired to a point where he feels himself impelled to seek personal satisfaction'.Example: Nitrate film ignites readily, burns fiercely, virtually inextinguishably and with highly toxic fumes.Example: His works are among the few films that can inflame the emotions as easily today as they could when they were originally made.Example: Some people have the custom to begin reciting this prayer after kindling the first light, while kindling the other lights.


» fuego + prendersefire + break out .

Example: In 1994 fire broke out in the Central Library building which housed the Norfolk Record Office.

» leña para prender el fuegokindlingkindling wood .

Example: I like to leave a few logs and some kindling for the next campers so that they can have a fire the night they arrive.

Example: Pine, cedar and spruce are best used as kindling wood because they tend to burn quickly.

» prender con alfilerespin .

Example: One example is the circulation of notices which may previously have been pinned on a noticeboard.

» prender fuegoset + Nombre + on firetorchigniteset + ablazeburn [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio burnt/burned]kindlelight + Nombre + on fire .

Example: The second example relates to a bibliographical puzzle concerning the bowdlerized British version of William Styron's novel 'Set this house on fire'.

Example: Alenxandria's library was torched and completely destroyed by the brutal Roman emperor Aurelian in A.D. 270.

Example: Nitrate film ignites readily, burns fiercely, virtually inextinguishably and with highly toxic fumes.

Example: The day ended in a riot during which the town hall was set ablaze.

Example: In Italy, Mussoline was burning books and suppressing libraries with appalling regularity.

Example: Some people have the custom to begin reciting this prayer after kindling the first light, while kindling the other lights.

Example: He was said to have lit a stormy petrel on fire and follow it through the storm and fog to shore while he was lost at sea.

» prenderse fuegocatch + firecatch on + fireburst into + flames .

Example: An ammo depot in Kabul caught fire and injured nine people in May.

Example: Eric continued trying to stomp it out but his shoe caught on fire.

Example: The relief driver on board a coach which crashed and burst into flames in France has returned home to his family.

» prender fuegoset + Nombre + on firetorchigniteset + ablazeburn [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio burnt/burned]kindlelight + Nombre + on fire .

Example: The second example relates to a bibliographical puzzle concerning the bowdlerized British version of William Styron's novel 'Set this house on fire'.

Example: Alenxandria's library was torched and completely destroyed by the brutal Roman emperor Aurelian in A.D. 270.

Example: Nitrate film ignites readily, burns fiercely, virtually inextinguishably and with highly toxic fumes.

Example: The day ended in a riot during which the town hall was set ablaze.

Example: In Italy, Mussoline was burning books and suppressing libraries with appalling regularity.

Example: Some people have the custom to begin reciting this prayer after kindling the first light, while kindling the other lights.

Example: He was said to have lit a stormy petrel on fire and follow it through the storm and fog to shore while he was lost at sea.

» prenderle fuego aset + fire to .

Example: There was opposition from the Chinese, however, and someone set fire to the library in September 1938.

» prenderse fuegocatch + firecatch on + fireburst into + flames .

Example: An ammo depot in Kabul caught fire and injured nine people in May.

Example: Eric continued trying to stomp it out but his shoe caught on fire.

Example: The relief driver on board a coach which crashed and burst into flames in France has returned home to his family.

Prenda synonyms

clothe in spanish: vestir, pronunciation: kloʊð part of speech: verb dress in spanish: vestido, pronunciation: dres part of speech: noun apparel in spanish: vestir, pronunciation: əpærəl part of speech: noun raiment in spanish: vestido, pronunciation: reɪmənt part of speech: noun garb in spanish: traje, pronunciation: gɑrb part of speech: noun tog in spanish: ataviar, pronunciation: tɑg part of speech: verb habilitate in spanish: habilitar, pronunciation: həbɪlɪteɪt part of speech: verb fit out in spanish: equipar, pronunciation: fɪtaʊt part of speech: verb enclothe in spanish: encerrar, pronunciation: enkloʊð part of speech: verb
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