Premonición in english


pronunciation: premənɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

premonición = premonition ; foreboding ; hunch ; gut feeling ; gut instinct ; feelings in + Posesivo + bones. 

Example: The article 'University/industry partnerships: premonitions for academic libraries' outlines university/industry interactions and describes the issues surrounding them.Example: Throughout the process of development, debate and enactment of the Digital Millennium Act in the USA, many dire forebodings were envisaged for the library profession.Example: Choice of manual or automated solution to a search problem depends mainly on the questions' complexity, but also on the librarian's hunch.Example: There is some fascinating research that has confirmed that 'hunches,' 'gut instincts,' 'gut feelings' are real and should be paid attention to.Example: There is some fascinating research that has confirmed that 'hunches,' 'gut instincts,' 'gut feelings' are real and should be paid attention to.Example: But the people's justice is hasty, mean-spirited and based on vague feelings in the bones and we need the cold hand of the law to save us from ourselves.

Premonición synonyms

foreboding in spanish: presentimiento, pronunciation: fɔrboʊdɪŋ part of speech: noun presentiment in spanish: presentimiento, pronunciation: prizentəmənt part of speech: noun boding in spanish: ominoso, pronunciation: boʊdɪŋ part of speech: noun forewarning in spanish: preaviso, pronunciation: fɔrwɔrnɪŋ part of speech: noun
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