Premisa in english


pronunciation: premɪs part of speech: noun
In gestures

premisa = assumption ; premise. 

Example: Also, in controlled indexing language data bases, there is often an assumption that a user will be prepared to chase strings of references or to consult a sometimes complex thesaurus.Example: The main premises and conclusions of the final report of the study are discussed below.


» basarse en la premisa de querest on/upon + the assumption thatstart from + the premise thatbuild on + the premise that .

Example: The theory behind centralized cataloguing rests upon the assumption that libraries are duplicating cataloguing.

Example: The author starts from the premise that meaning is not an intrinsic property of information items.

Example: Our strategy is built on the premise that progress in security will pave the way for political progress.

» basarse en una premisabase on + a premisebase upon + assumptionpremise upon + assumptionassumption + undergird .

Example: Natural language indexes are based on the premise that titles, or more specifically the words in titles, convey the subject content of the document to which the title pertains.

Example: The advise was based upon the assumption that students were taught, chalk in hand, in large classroom-based groups with little or no fieldwork or visits.

Example: There is a tendency to advance propositions premised upon the assumption that SLIS are organizationally autonomous.

Example: However, an assumption must undergird the entire process: All decisions are written in sand, not stone.

» partir de la premisa de questart from + the premise thatbuild on + the premise that .

Example: The author starts from the premise that meaning is not an intrinsic property of information items.

Example: Our strategy is built on the premise that progress in security will pave the way for political progress.

» partir de una premisabase upon + assumptionassumption + undergird .

Example: The advise was based upon the assumption that students were taught, chalk in hand, in large classroom-based groups with little or no fieldwork or visits.

Example: However, an assumption must undergird the entire process: All decisions are written in sand, not stone.

» premisasbackground .

Example: This article describes the Nordic online data base situation, outlining its background and future developments, as well as the supply of different kinds of data base.

Premisa synonyms

introduce in spanish: introducir, pronunciation: ɪntrədus part of speech: verb assumption in spanish: suposición, pronunciation: əsʌmpʃən part of speech: noun preface in spanish: prefacio, pronunciation: prefəs part of speech: noun premiss in spanish: premisa, pronunciation: premɪs part of speech: noun
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