Premio in english


pronunciation: praɪz part of speech: noun
In gestures

premio + Nombre del Premio = medalist [medallist, -USA]. 

Example: The author, Anne Fine, was Carnegie Medallist in 1989.

premiar = reward ; give + an award ; grant + an award ; award + a prize. 

Example: They admitted that they did not evaluate their technicians and aides, and confirmed that increases were automatic and the same 'across-the-board'; superior performance was not rewarded, nor inferior performance punished.Example: A police dog strangled and left unconscious as he helped make an arrest has been given an award.Example: In granting the award, Committee praised the Agency 'for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used'.Example: Ivy, a final year engineering student, has been awarded a prize for academic excellence.

premio = award ; honour [honor, -USA] ; prize ; reward ; guerdon. 

Example: It appeared originally in the Hennepin County Library Cataloging Bulletin, which received the H.W Wilson award as the best library periodical for 1976.Example: Another honor he received is RTSD's Esther J. Piercy Award for younger members making a substantial contribution to technical services.Example: In 1965, he had the best results nationwide on the intermediate librarianship examination, which won him the Cawthorne prize.Example: The dependence on bosses for recognition, rewards, and advancement breeds an artificiality of relationship, a need to be polite and agreeable.Example: Not far off, the barn, plethoric with the autumn's harvest spoils, holds the farmer's well-earned trophies -- the guerdon of his toils.


» ceremonia de entrega de premiosaward(s) ceremony .

Example: This paper gives some information about the winners, highlights of their acceptance speeches at the awards ceremony, and lists the 4 runners up.

» conceder un premiogive + an awardgrant + an awardaward + a prize .

Example: A police dog strangled and left unconscious as he helped make an arrest has been given an award.

Example: In granting the award, Committee praised the Agency 'for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used'.

Example: Ivy, a final year engineering student, has been awarded a prize for academic excellence.

» conseguir un premioearn + an awardwin + an awardwin + a prizeachieve + an award .

Example: Every time you travel and use a partner airline, hotel or car rental company, you increase your chances of earning an award.

Example: She won the award for his noteworthy contributions to the field of information science.

Example: The publishers whose books win the prizes obviously use the fact to try to boost sales.

Example: Our students have achieved many prestigious awards on a national and international level.

» dar un premiogive + an awardgrant + an awardaward + a prize .

Example: A police dog strangled and left unconscious as he helped make an arrest has been given an award.

Example: In granting the award, Committee praised the Agency 'for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used'.

Example: Ivy, a final year engineering student, has been awarded a prize for academic excellence.

» dinero del premioprize money .

Example: This article describes some of the projects that the library developed with the prize money.

» entregar un premiopresent + an award .

Example: All sites will be reviewed by an international panel of judges, who will present awards at the conference in Vancouver.

» ganador de premioaward winner .

Example: Coverage is said to encompass 'all the award winners, big box office success, top rental movies, and most recent releases'.

» ganador de un premioawardee  .

Example: Short case studies were conducted with eight of the awardees to confirm the findings and add richness to the study.

» ganar un premiowin + a prizewin + an awardearn + an awardscoop + prize .

Example: The publishers whose books win the prizes obviously use the fact to try to boost sales.

Example: She won the award for his noteworthy contributions to the field of information science.

Example: Every time you travel and use a partner airline, hotel or car rental company, you increase your chances of earning an award.

Example: A waitress who spent her last £5 on a lottery scratchcard scooped a £1m prize.

» Gran Premio de Mónaco, elMonaco Grand Prix, the .

Example: Next up it's the glitz and glamour of the famous Monaco Grand Prix where the racing is just a part of all the razzmatazz that goes with it.

» obtener un premioearn + an awardwin + an awardwin + a prize .

Example: Every time you travel and use a partner airline, hotel or car rental company, you increase your chances of earning an award.

Example: She won the award for his noteworthy contributions to the field of information science.

Example: The publishers whose books win the prizes obviously use the fact to try to boost sales.

» otorgar un premiogive + an awardgrant + an awardaward + a prize .

Example: A police dog strangled and left unconscious as he helped make an arrest has been given an award.

Example: In granting the award, Committee praised the Agency 'for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used'.

Example: Ivy, a final year engineering student, has been awarded a prize for academic excellence.

» premio a la mejor actrizbest-actress prize .

Example: She has starred in almost 100 films and twice won Cannes' best-actress prize.

» premio al últimobooby prize .

Example: In other words, we won the booby prize for blocking progress on negotiations on climate change.

» premio de consolaciónconsolation prizebooby prize .

Example: But war leaves no consolation prize for those who suffer it.

Example: In other words, we won the booby prize for blocking progress on negotiations on climate change.

» premio de reconocimientohonour award .

Example: The Incentive Award Program provides cash and honor awards to employees to encourage improvements in governmental operations.

» premio en efectivocash prize .

Example: Cash prizes ranging from 50 to 150 dollars were announced to encourage participation.

» premio en metálicocash awardprize moneycash prize .

Example: The Incentive Award Program provides cash and honor awards to employees to encourage improvements in governmental operations.

Example: This article describes some of the projects that the library developed with the prize money.

Example: Cash prizes ranging from 50 to 150 dollars were announced to encourage participation.

» premio gordojackpot .

Example: Las Vegas casinos offer millions in jackpots each month to their players.

» premio literariobook awardliterary awardliterary prizebook prize .

Example: Children's book awards generally have little impact and it is hoped that this award will help to remedy the situation.

Example: This article discusses the effectiveness of literary awards as a means of promoting cultural diversity in Australia.

Example: One of the criticisms levelled at this literary prize is that it is run by a metropolitan clique in which books are written, read and reviewed all by the same people.

Example: This article likens book prizes to a contemporary form of patronage and emphasizes that the value of a prize ought to be assessed qualitatively and not quantitatively.

» premio máximojackpot .

Example: Las Vegas casinos offer millions in jackpots each month to their players.

» Premio NobelNobel PrizeNobel laureate .

Example: Two of its devotees shared a Nobel Prize last December.

Example: A library endowment was set up to acquire a collection by and about Nobel laureates.

» Premio Nobel de la PazNobel Peace Laureate .

Example: The political leaders, social reformers and Nobel Peace Laureates were appalled by this dangerous phenomenon but they were all in a fix as to what to do.

» premio + Nombre del Premiomedalist [medallist, -USA]  .

Example: The author, Anne Fine, was Carnegie Medallist in 1989.

» premio parafull marks to .

Example: Full marks to the film's creators for balancing a vision of a peaceful world with an adventure story that takes us forward at the speed of lightning.

» recibir un premioreceive + awardearn + an award .

Example: It appeared originally in the Hennepin County Library Cataloging Bulletin, which received the H.W Wilson Award as the best library periodical for 1976.

Example: Every time you travel and use a partner airline, hotel or car rental company, you increase your chances of earning an award.

» relacionado con la concesión de premiosaward-giving [award giving] .

Example: A major factor influencing the award-giving bodies was the conservation and enhancement of local townscapes.

Premio synonyms

value in spanish: valor, pronunciation: vælju part of speech: noun appreciate in spanish: apreciar, pronunciation: əpriʃieɪt part of speech: verb respect in spanish: el respeto, pronunciation: rɪspekt part of speech: noun quality in spanish: calidad, pronunciation: kwɑləti part of speech: noun fine in spanish: multa, pronunciation: faɪn part of speech: adjective prime in spanish: principal, pronunciation: praɪm part of speech: adjective, noun swag in spanish: Swag, pronunciation: swɔg part of speech: noun superior in spanish: superior, pronunciation: supɪriɜr part of speech: adjective choice in spanish: elección, pronunciation: tʃɔɪs part of speech: noun esteem in spanish: estima, pronunciation: əstim part of speech: noun award in spanish: premio, pronunciation: əwɔrd part of speech: noun treasure in spanish: tesoro, pronunciation: treʒɜr part of speech: noun lever in spanish: palanca, pronunciation: levɜr part of speech: noun select in spanish: seleccionar, pronunciation: səlekt part of speech: verb, adjective plunder in spanish: saqueo, pronunciation: plʌndɜr part of speech: noun, verb loot in spanish: botín, pronunciation: lut part of speech: noun, verb pry in spanish: palanca, pronunciation: praɪ part of speech: verb booty in spanish: botín, pronunciation: buti part of speech: noun prise in spanish: premio, pronunciation: praɪz part of speech: verb trophy in spanish: trofeo, pronunciation: troʊfi part of speech: noun pillage in spanish: pillaje, pronunciation: pɪlɪdʒ part of speech: noun, verb jimmy in spanish: palanqueta, pronunciation: dʒɪmi part of speech: noun
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