Premiar in english


pronunciation: rɪwɔrd part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

premiar = reward ; give + an award ; grant + an award ; award + a prize. 

Example: They admitted that they did not evaluate their technicians and aides, and confirmed that increases were automatic and the same 'across-the-board'; superior performance was not rewarded, nor inferior performance punished.Example: A police dog strangled and left unconscious as he helped make an arrest has been given an award.Example: In granting the award, Committee praised the Agency 'for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used'.Example: Ivy, a final year engineering student, has been awarded a prize for academic excellence.

Premiar synonyms

honor in spanish: honor, pronunciation: ɑnɜr part of speech: noun, verb honour in spanish: honor, pronunciation: ɑnɜr part of speech: noun remember in spanish: recuerda, pronunciation: rɪmembɜr part of speech: verb reinforce in spanish: reforzarse, pronunciation: riɪnfɔrs part of speech: verb repay in spanish: pagar, pronunciation: ripeɪ part of speech: verb payoff in spanish: saldar, pronunciation: peɪɔf part of speech: noun reinforcement in spanish: reforzamiento, pronunciation: riɪnfɔrsmənt part of speech: noun wages in spanish: salario, pronunciation: weɪdʒəz part of speech: noun pay back in spanish: pagar, pronunciation: peɪbæk part of speech: verb
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