Prematuro in english


pronunciation: primətʃʊr part of speech: adjective
In gestures

prematuro = premature. 

Example: The idea of a critical role for libraries is premature.


» bebé prematuropreemiepremature baby .

Example: Preemies are at a much higher risk of lazy eye, near-sightedness, and cross-eyes, so they want to make sure if it is a problem, it gets caught early.

Example: Premature babies often have complicated medical problems.

» muerte prematurapremature deathuntimely death .

Example: The author reanalyses George Zipf's data on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of his premature death in Rome from legionella.

Example: It is an epic story of rags to riches, of a black man's struggle in a white world, of untimely death, and of the tragedy of a mission unfulfilled.

» parto prematuropremature delivery .

Example: All children that are born before the 35th week after fertilization are considered to be premature deliveries.

Prematuro synonyms

previous in spanish: anterior, pronunciation: priviəs part of speech: adjective early in spanish: temprano, pronunciation: ɜrli part of speech: adjective, adverb untimely in spanish: prematuro, pronunciation: əntaɪmli part of speech: adjective
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