Preliminar in english


pronunciation: prɪlɪməneri part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

preliminar = prefatory ; preliminary ; exploratory ; germinal ; liminal. 

Example: Having made this prefatory warning, it has also to be said that many teachers successfully contrive to make reviewing an enjoyable and useful ingredient in their book and reading programs.Example: This present brief section is to be read as preliminary to a more detailed examination of some of the techniques of index construction which will follow.Example: This article reports on exploratory experiments in evaluating and improving a thesaurus through studying its effect on retrieval.Example: Unique as it is, this creation has its germinal origin in Morris's earlier works.Example: Adolescence is the liminal space between childhood and adulthood, but liminality is more than a point along the way to somewhere else.


» ensayo preliminarpre-trial .

Example: The safety and potency of the vaccine were checked in pre-trials.

» preliminarespreliminaries [Portada o portadas de una publicación, juntamente con el verso de cada portada y las páginas que preceden a la portada o portadas]preliminary matter [Conjunto de datos y textos que anteceden al texto principal de una obra]preliminary pages [Portada o portadas de una publicación, juntamente con el verso de cada portada y las páginas que preceden a la portada o portadas]front matter [En un libro, todas aquellas hojas con información que preceden al texto] .

Example: The preliminaries are the title page or title pages of an item, together with the verso of each title page, any pages preceding the title page(s), and the cover.

Example: Certainly it will always be necessary to examine the document content, concentrating particularly on the clues offered by the title, the contents page, chapter headings, and any abstracts, introduction, prefaces or other preliminary matter.

Example: The CIP data is compiled by the BLBSD from preliminary pages of forthcoming works whilst these are still in proof form.

Example: The exploration aims to view table of contents terminology in the context of functions served by other representations of subject information, including Library of Congress subject headings, work title terminology, and author-contributed front matter.

» preliminares sexualesforeplay  .

Example: Fellatio is widely used in human foreplay, but rarely documented in other animals.

» prueba preliminarpre-trial .

Example: The safety and potency of the vaccine were checked in pre-trials.

» vista preliminarpre-trialpreliminary hearingpre-trial hearing .

Example: Your appearance at pre-trial is mandatory -- if you are unable to appear in person, you have the right to hire an attorney to represent you and appear for you.

Example: Preliminary hearings are not always required, and the defendant can choose to waive it.

Example: Some cases resolve with only two or three pre-trial hearings, while others may require five or six.

Preliminar synonyms

overture in spanish: obertura, pronunciation: oʊvɜrtʃɜr part of speech: noun prelude in spanish: preludio, pronunciation: preɪlud part of speech: noun exploratory in spanish: exploratorio, pronunciation: ɪksplɔrətɔri part of speech: adjective prelim in spanish: preliminar, pronunciation: prɪlɪm part of speech: noun explorative in spanish: exploratorio, pronunciation: eksplɜrətɪv part of speech: adjective
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