Prehistórico in english


pronunciation: prihɪstɔrɪk part of speech: adjective
In gestures

prehistórico1 = prehistoric ; primaeval [primeval, -USA]. 

Example: Like the popular image of a prehistoric iceman taken from a glacier and warmed back to life, libraries were startled awake to a new information era = Like the popular image of a prehistoric iceman taken from a glacier and warmed back to life, libraries were startled awake to a new information era.Example: Another essential component is the idea of a return to the paradisiac conditions of the primeval era.


» desde la época prehistóricasince prehistoric times .

Example: Mud brick has been one of the principal building materials in Egypt since prehistoric times.

» desde tiempos prehistóricossince prehistoric times .

Example: Mud brick has been one of the principal building materials in Egypt since prehistoric times.

» en la época prehistóricain prehistoric times .

Example: A number of discoveries made around the world indicate that sophisticated surgery was very often performed in prehistoric times.

» en tiempos prehistóricosin prehistoric times .

Example: A number of discoveries made around the world indicate that sophisticated surgery was very often performed in prehistoric times.

» hombre prehistórico, elearly man .

Example: Early man couldn't stomach milk, according to research.

prehistórico2 = antediluvian ; prehistoric. 

Example: Such antediluvian claptrap has every appearance of using a presumed hurt to military effectiveness as a shield for prejudice.Example: It is not her prehistoric opinions I am concerned with here, but her gross distortions of the truth.

Prehistórico synonyms

past in spanish: pasado, pronunciation: pæst part of speech: noun, adjective unfashionable in spanish: pasado de moda, pronunciation: ənfæʃənəbəl part of speech: adjective unstylish in spanish: unstylish, pronunciation: ənstaɪlɪʃ part of speech: adjective prehistorical in spanish: prehistórico, pronunciation: prihɪstɔrɪkəl part of speech: adjective out of fashion in spanish: fuera de moda, pronunciation: aʊtʌvfæʃən
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