Preguntar in english


pronunciation: æsk part of speech: verb
In gestures

preguntarse = wonder. 

Example: Like others, I've been wondering when I'd get my money's worth out of this meeting, and I was beginning to despair.

preguntar = ask ; make + an inquiry ; question ; enquire [inquire, -USA] ; make + an enquiry ; ask about ; put + Posesivo + question. 

Example: Having just demolished enumerative classification to some extent in the previous section, it is reasonable to ask how effective menu-based information retrieval systems might be.Example: The library services person will then give you the author's address, if he does accept engagements, or, often, make a preliminary inquiry for you.Example: If this appears to be excessively difficult, maybe it is time to question whether the tool is too complex.Example: Users can enquire at the reference desk.Example: The author discusses the general tendency noted for more girls than boys to make enquiries at the library.Example: The physicians interviewed said that they did not like asking people about suicidal thoughts because they were worried that it might make them feel worse.Example: But the moment he puts his question to the librarian his problem becomes shared and the reference process enters its second phase.


» el que preguntainquirer [enquirer, -UK] .

Example: In such instances the attitude and disposition of the inquirer is important.

» hacer que Alguien se pregunte Algomake + Nombre + wonder .

Example: Apart from the fact that the lecturer was at fault for not attending to the well-announced changes in program, the incident did make one wonder about the way teachers are trained.

» no preguntes porque no te puedo decir la verdadask no questions and hear no lies .

Example: It is a case of ask no questions and hear no lies: if you have not been asked for it, then you will not be required to tell the truth.

» por si te lo preguntabasin case you were wondering .

Example: In case you were wondering, clam chowder isn't complete without the perfect amount of clams.

» preguntar acheck into .

Example: You might want to check into local firms that do that sort of work.

» preguntar a todosask (a)round .

Example: I asked around but nobody had seen my wallet = Le pregunté a todo el mundo, pero nadie había visto mi cartera.

» preguntar irritadoask + peevishly .

Example: He phoned Diana and asked peevishly if she had discussed it with their children.

» preguntar porask aboutask afterask for .

Example: The physicians interviewed said that they did not like asking people about suicidal thoughts because they were worried that it might make them feel worse.

Example: As I hugged her with relief and asked after her family and the situation in Palestine, she started crying.

Example: Different enquirers might ask for this subject in quite different ways -- eg, is there anything on 'TV advertising of aluminium pressure-cookers'?.

» preguntar por una direcciónenquire + the way .

Example: On arrival in Algiers we were besieged by boot-blacks and street gamins whenever we stopped to inquire the way.

» preguntarsewonder .

Example: Like others, I've been wondering when I'd get my money's worth out of this meeting, and I was beginning to despair.

» preguntarse a Uno mismoask + Reflexivo .

Example: If you continually feel intimidated, ask yourself if the feelings are warranted or possibly unfounded.

» sin preguntarunasked .

Example: Quite apart from the great toll of unasked questions, any hint of mutual antipathy between enquirer and librarian is fatal to the reference interview.

» volver a preguntarcheck back .

Example: Inquirers should be advised to leave their names and phone numbers or to check back after staff members have had time to consider the question.

Preguntar synonyms

take in spanish: tomar, pronunciation: teɪk part of speech: verb demand in spanish: demanda, pronunciation: dɪmænd part of speech: noun, verb need in spanish: necesitar, pronunciation: nid part of speech: verb, noun pose in spanish: actitud, pronunciation: poʊz part of speech: verb involve in spanish: implicar, pronunciation: ɪnvɑlv part of speech: verb expect in spanish: esperar, pronunciation: ɪkspekt part of speech: verb require in spanish: exigir, pronunciation: rikwaɪɜr part of speech: verb inquire in spanish: preguntar, pronunciation: ɪnkwaɪr part of speech: verb enquire in spanish: preguntar, pronunciation: ɪnkwaɪɜr part of speech: verb necessitate in spanish: necesitar, pronunciation: nəsesəteɪt part of speech: verb call for in spanish: pedir, pronunciation: kɔlfɔr part of speech: verb
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