Pregunta in english


pronunciation: kwestʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

pregunta = enquiry [inquiry, -USA] ; inquiry [enquiry, -UK] ; question ; enquire ; query. 

Example: A threshold weight appropriate to the specificity of the searcher's enquiry must be established.Example: Several possible rules governing the reference interview are examined; one calls for inquiry into client's underlying wants, 'the face value rule', another for inquiry into underlying needs, 'the purpose rule'.Example: One argument against including a list of questions is that often analysts will think they are the only questions that might be asked.Example: A policy of maximum courtesy and minimum delay is adopted in attending to all enquires.Example: We might therefore argue that our information retrieval system should enable us to rank documents in response to a query using the weighted vector 'wij'.


» acosar a/con preguntaspepper + Nombre + with questionsgrillbombard + Nombre + with questions .

Example: She spent long hours in a cramped conference room, her fractured ankle propped on a trash can, as lawyers took turns peppering her with questions.

Example: The police would like to grill her, but she steadfastly refuses to say anything.

Example: The students grabbed the opportunity to bombard her with questions and came away inspired by her humility and her humour.

» acribillar a/con preguntaspepper + Nombre + with questionsgrillbombard + Nombre + with questions .

Example: She spent long hours in a cramped conference room, her fractured ankle propped on a trash can, as lawyers took turns peppering her with questions.

Example: The police would like to grill her, but she steadfastly refuses to say anything.

Example: The students grabbed the opportunity to bombard her with questions and came away inspired by her humility and her humour.

» a la cuarta preguntapenniless  ; brokeskintdown-and-outout-at-(the)-elbowshard-up .

Example: Now he lives penniless near a beautiful lake surrounded by rainforest and teeming with waterfowl.

Example: The article is entitled 'Tough luck: To be a professional sport climber in America probably means you're broke, fed up and still no match for the foreign competition'.

Example: How does it feel to be skint in a world that seems to be obsessed with money and riches?.

Example: The story is based on an overheard conversation between a well-meaning librarian and a down-and-out old man seeking validation for his unpublished poetry.

Example: Nature meant him for a slipshod, shambling Bohemian -- happy, out-at-the-elbows, always in debt, always irresponsible, and always pursued by duns and bailiffs.

Example: Parents are so hard up they are leaving their babies in wet nappies because they cannot afford to change them.

» asediar a/con preguntaspepper + Nombre + with questions .

Example: She spent long hours in a cramped conference room, her fractured ankle propped on a trash can, as lawyers took turns peppering her with questions.

» bombardear a/con preguntasgrillpepper + Nombre + with questionsbombard + Nombre + with questions .

Example: The police would like to grill her, but she steadfastly refuses to say anything.

Example: She spent long hours in a cramped conference room, her fractured ankle propped on a trash can, as lawyers took turns peppering her with questions.

Example: The students grabbed the opportunity to bombard her with questions and came away inspired by her humility and her humour.

» dejar una pregunta sin contestarleave + a question unanswered .

Example: It is important to note that not all questions were required for completion of the survey, so some items were left unanswered by some respondents.

» dejar una pregunta sin responderleave + a question unanswered .

Example: It is important to note that not all questions were required for completion of the survey, so some items were left unanswered by some respondents.

» enviar una pregunta a una lista de correopost + a question .

Example: An email discussion list that allows subscribers to post questions to hundreds of users.

» esquivar una preguntadodge + a question .

Example: They had dragged her there and they weren't even giving her an explanation, just going around the houses and dodging every question she asked.

» evadir una preguntadodge + a question .

Example: They had dragged her there and they weren't even giving her an explanation, just going around the houses and dodging every question she asked.

» expresar una preguntacouch + question .

Example: The question was innocently and diplomatically couched.

» FAQs (Preguntas Más Frecuentes)FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) [En Internet, tipo especial de documentos que contienen respuestas a las preguntas más solicitadas sobre un tema concreto] .

Example: FAQs are documents that list and answer the most common questions on a particular subject.

» formular una preguntaarticulate + a questionformulate + a questionframe + Posesivo + question .

Example: And he carefully articulated certain questions which were surely in his mind about whether technological developments and computerization would allow the preservation and retention of these values.

Example: If his decision is to ask about his need, then it becomes necessary to give it a sharper intellectual shape, to describe it in words, and to formulate it as a question.

Example: It is not always correct to conclude that if users fail to frame their questions more specifically it is because they are incapable of doing so.

» hacer algunas/unas preguntaspick + Posesivo + brains .

Example: Her knowledge seemed endless, and all of us in the room were eager to pick her brains.

» hacer preguntasask + questionsinterrogateair + questionsmake + an enquiry .

Example: And let me stress yet again that I do not mean we should be constantly stopping in midstream during a reading to ask questions and provoke discussion.

Example: Thus, a predominant feature of such software packages is the user related interfaces, which permit a non-programmer to comprehend and interrogate the data stored.

Example: After an additional brief discussion, during which several questions and comments were aired, a motion was made that an ad hoc committee be appointed 'to investigate the issue of employee performance appraisal systems'.

Example: The author discusses the general tendency noted for more girls than boys to make enquiries at the library.

» hacer una preguntaput + Posesivo + questionraise + a question .

Example: But the moment he puts his question to the librarian his problem becomes shared and the reference process enters its second phase.

Example: Instead, one might raise the question: 'Why do we need all the works of an author together?'.

» intentar responder a una preguntapursue + a question .

Example: It is important to ensure that one is pursuing the patron's question and has not gone off on another track.

» modo de hacer preguntasquestioning behaviour .

Example: The author explores the questioning behaviour on an electronic list (e-list) focused on colon cancer.

» molestar con preguntasheckle [Específicamente a un orador con preguntas, comentarios en voz alta, sonidos de desaprobación, etc] .

Example: In stark contrast, these students, who heckled the ambassador in a much smaller venue, are being criminally charged and could potentially face prison.

» pregunta abiertaopen-ended question [Pregunta que le permite al interlocutor una gran libertad en cuanto al contenido de la respuesta] .

Example: The technique of questioning at these interviews is that you start with the general or open-ended question to get the candidate talking.

» pregunta capciosatricky question .

Example: Tricky questions help you improve your thinking abilities and are the right food for critical thinking.

» pregunta cerradamultiple choice questionclosed-ended question [Generalmente, pregunta usada en un cuestionario que consta de varias alternativas como respuesta para que el encuestado escoja una] .

Example: For example, a multiple choice question and an open-ended question that each ask the willingness to pay for a particular good or service can result in different estimates.

Example: The written survey consisted of 30 closed- and open-ended questions developed in consultation with librarians = El cuestionario escrito constaba de 30 preguntas abiertas y cerradas hechas en colaboración con bibliotecarios.

» pregunta con respuestaanswerable question .

Example: The article is entitled 'Research: turning research priorities into answerable questions'.

» pregunta con trampatricky question .

Example: Tricky questions help you improve your thinking abilities and are the right food for critical thinking.

» pregunta con trucotrick question .

Example: The person conducting the interview will most likely ask you trick questions, just to see how you react to surprise situations.

» pregunta delicadaawkward question .

Example: The press spokesman 'ominously warned' Americans to 'watch what they say,' which amounted to telling citizens 'to accept the administration's version of events, not ask awkward questions'.

» pregunta de referenciareference question .

Example: From the analysis of some 5760 questions, Wilkinson and Miller developed a 'step approach' to differentiate reference questions according to how many judgmental steps were required to answer them.

» pregunta de respuesta libreopen-ended question [Pregunta que le permite al interlocutor una gran libertad en cuanto al contenido de la respuesta] .

Example: The technique of questioning at these interviews is that you start with the general or open-ended question to get the candidate talking.

» pregunta difícilposer .

Example: The first category of problem, the naming of subject, involves consideration of the following posers.

» pregunta difícil de responderawkward-to-handle enquiry .

Example: Librarians also provide some assistance with that most familiar and awkward-to-handle enquiry from library users concerning the possible value of Grandpa's old Bible or other old book unearthed in the attic during a clear-out.

» pregunta + ocurrirquestion + pop into + Posesivo + mind .

Example: The question that popped into my mind, is that I don't believe any of our users ever saw our card catalogues as an integrated point of access to all the information they needed.

» preguntasquestioning .

Example: Are you saying that books and courses that encourage wholesome questioning and explore wider circles of experience have nothing of value to say to us?.

» preguntas de cultura generalquiz [quizzes, -pl.] .

Example: A variety of extension activities, such as book clubs, competitions and quizzes also help to publicize the stock and the work of the library.

» preguntas de examenquestion paper .

Example: There is an old joke that examiners in economics need never set the candidates new question papers because the answers change every year = Existe una vieja broma que dice que los profesores de económicas nunca necesitan ponerle a los alumnos nuevas preguntas de examen ya que las respuestas cambian cada año.

» pregunta sin respuestaunanswerable question .

Example: These unanswerable questions arise because it is impossible to forecast with complete accuracy the sale of any one book.

» preguntas para incitar el debatediscussion question .

Example: The stories are accompanied by learning activities and discussion questions for students and are arranged under the headings of bear, mountain goat and deer, and seal and sea lion.

» preguntas y respuestasquestions and answers [Q&A] .

Example: The following questions and answers (Q&A) pertain to these laws and how they may affect you.

» pregunta tipo testmultiple choice question .

Example: For example, a multiple choice question and an open-ended question that each ask the willingness to pay for a particular good or service can result in different estimates.

» pregunta trucadatrick question .

Example: The person conducting the interview will most likely ask you trick questions, just to see how you react to surprise situations.

» que ha sido abordado con preguntasaccost .

Example: In a flash, without a moment wasted on intelligent astonishment, the poor accosted earthling gives a detailed description of the instrument he apparently assumes without further investigation the stranded space man needs.

» responder a preguntasentertain + questions .

Example: The student will give an oral presentation summarizing the written report and will entertain questions from the members of the committee.

» responder a una preguntafield + a question .

Example: Questions concerning stock, hours, staffing and so on cannot be fielded at random, nor with any degree of authority, if institutional priorities are not solidly in place.

» responder preguntastake + questions .

Example: Thank you for listening and now I'll be happy to take any questions = Gracias por su atención y ahora estaré encantado de responder a sus preguntas.

» responder una preguntadispatch + questionanswer + a question .

Example: Library staff should be provided with the opportunity to see blunders which they occasionally commit as well as the laudable 'savoir faire' with which they dispatch some reference question.

Example: The head of the circulation was asked to investigate the desirability of theft detection devices and to answer questions about their legality and health risk.

» ser acribillado a preguntasget + grilled .

Example: The president got grilled by conservatives for his promise to end the ban on gays in the military, then by liberals for appearing to back away from that pledge.

» ser bombardeado a/con preguntasget + grilled .

Example: The president got grilled by conservatives for his promise to end the ban on gays in the military, then by liberals for appearing to back away from that pledge.

» sortear un preguntafield + a question .

Example: Questions concerning stock, hours, staffing and so on cannot be fielded at random, nor with any degree of authority, if institutional priorities are not solidly in place.

» suscitar una preguntaraise + a question .

Example: Instead, one might raise the question: 'Why do we need all the works of an author together?'.

» turno de preguntasQ&A session [question and answer session] .

Example: The delivery of each presentation should last 15-20 minutes which should include a Q&A session.

preguntar = ask ; make + an inquiry ; question ; enquire [inquire, -USA] ; make + an enquiry ; ask about ; put + Posesivo + question. 

Example: Having just demolished enumerative classification to some extent in the previous section, it is reasonable to ask how effective menu-based information retrieval systems might be.Example: The library services person will then give you the author's address, if he does accept engagements, or, often, make a preliminary inquiry for you.Example: If this appears to be excessively difficult, maybe it is time to question whether the tool is too complex.Example: Users can enquire at the reference desk.Example: The author discusses the general tendency noted for more girls than boys to make enquiries at the library.Example: The physicians interviewed said that they did not like asking people about suicidal thoughts because they were worried that it might make them feel worse.Example: But the moment he puts his question to the librarian his problem becomes shared and the reference process enters its second phase.


» el que preguntainquirer [enquirer, -UK] .

Example: In such instances the attitude and disposition of the inquirer is important.

» hacer que Alguien se pregunte Algomake + Nombre + wonder .

Example: Apart from the fact that the lecturer was at fault for not attending to the well-announced changes in program, the incident did make one wonder about the way teachers are trained.

» no preguntes porque no te puedo decir la verdadask no questions and hear no lies .

Example: It is a case of ask no questions and hear no lies: if you have not been asked for it, then you will not be required to tell the truth.

» por si te lo preguntabasin case you were wondering .

Example: In case you were wondering, clam chowder isn't complete without the perfect amount of clams.

» preguntar acheck into .

Example: You might want to check into local firms that do that sort of work.

» preguntar a todosask (a)round .

Example: I asked around but nobody had seen my wallet = Le pregunté a todo el mundo, pero nadie había visto mi cartera.

» preguntar irritadoask + peevishly .

Example: He phoned Diana and asked peevishly if she had discussed it with their children.

» preguntar porask aboutask afterask for .

Example: The physicians interviewed said that they did not like asking people about suicidal thoughts because they were worried that it might make them feel worse.

Example: As I hugged her with relief and asked after her family and the situation in Palestine, she started crying.

Example: Different enquirers might ask for this subject in quite different ways -- eg, is there anything on 'TV advertising of aluminium pressure-cookers'?.

» preguntar por una direcciónenquire + the way .

Example: On arrival in Algiers we were besieged by boot-blacks and street gamins whenever we stopped to inquire the way.

» preguntarsewonder .

Example: Like others, I've been wondering when I'd get my money's worth out of this meeting, and I was beginning to despair.

» preguntarse a Uno mismoask + Reflexivo .

Example: If you continually feel intimidated, ask yourself if the feelings are warranted or possibly unfounded.

» sin preguntarunasked .

Example: Quite apart from the great toll of unasked questions, any hint of mutual antipathy between enquirer and librarian is fatal to the reference interview.

» volver a preguntarcheck back .

Example: Inquirers should be advised to leave their names and phone numbers or to check back after staff members have had time to consider the question.

Pregunta synonyms

head in spanish: cabeza, pronunciation: hed part of speech: noun wonder in spanish: preguntarse, pronunciation: wʌndɜr part of speech: verb, noun motion in spanish: movimiento, pronunciation: moʊʃən part of speech: noun query in spanish: consulta, pronunciation: kwɪri part of speech: noun inquiry in spanish: investigación, pronunciation: ɪnkwaɪri part of speech: noun doubt in spanish: duda, pronunciation: daʊt part of speech: noun, verb enquiry in spanish: investigación, pronunciation: ɪnkwaɪri part of speech: noun interview in spanish: entrevista, pronunciation: ɪntɜrvju part of speech: noun interrogate in spanish: interrogar, pronunciation: ɪnterəgeɪt part of speech: verb interrogation in spanish: interrogatorio, pronunciation: ɪnterəgeɪʃən part of speech: noun oppugn in spanish: opugnar, pronunciation: ɑpən part of speech: verb interrogative in spanish: interrogativo, pronunciation: ɪntɜrɑgətɪv part of speech: adjective, noun dubiousness in spanish: la duda, pronunciation: dubiusnəs part of speech: noun doubtfulness in spanish: llenura de dudas, pronunciation: daʊtfəlnəs part of speech: noun interrogative sentence in spanish: Oración interrogativa, pronunciation: ɪntɜrɑgətɪvsentəns part of speech: noun
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