Preferente in english


pronunciation: prefɜrentʃəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

preferente = preferable ; preferential. 

Example: The existence of a number of dead headings in our catalogs is preferable to the situation created by the delay in establishing headings.Example: Canada had depended mainly on British preferential tariffs until that time.


» derecho preferente de comprapreemption [pre-emption] .

Example: Companies mounted a successful campaign for federal preemption of all local moratoriums that communities had used to buy more time to assess issues, risks, and opportunities.

» tipo de interés preferentebase rate [Inglés británico]prime rate [Inglés americano] .

Example: Despite the Bank of England's base rate having risen by a full percentage point, the average savings rate is still 'measly'.

Example: The prime rate is set by Bank of America based on various economic factors and is used as a reference point for pricing some loans.

» tipo preferentepreferential rate .

Example: Taxpayers eligible for the preferential rates before the new law takes effect will have a five-year transition period to slowly adjust to the higher rates.

» trato preferentepreferential treatment .

Example: So what can you do if you're viewed as an employee who has benefited from preferential treatment?.

Preferente synonyms

advantageous in spanish: ventajoso, pronunciation: ædvənteɪdʒəs part of speech: adjective discriminatory in spanish: discriminatorio, pronunciation: dɪskrɪmənətɔri part of speech: adjective
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