Preferencia in english


pronunciation: prefɜrəns part of speech: noun
In gestures

preferencia = bias [biases, -pl.] ; precedence ; preference ; taste ; tendency ; choice ; favourability [favorability, -USA] ; like. 

Example: The place of publication may also warn of biases in approach or differences in terminology that arise in the text.Example: The citation order now gives precedence to processes, such as circulation control and cataloguing rather than to types of libraries.Example: It is important to recognise, then, that a variety of different indexing approaches are inevitable, not only for reasons of history and indexer preference, but because different situations demand different approaches.Example: This is to ensure that the taste for good English is kept alive and developed by the provision of good literature.Example: In this case we find a tendency to ignore the author's identity as found in the document, and to prefer instead a real name to a pseudonym.Example: Users are able to use terminals many miles distant to search the computer data base of their choice, with the support of a telecommunications network to link terminal to computer.Example: A week-by-week analysis found that photographs of the 2 candidates rose and fell together in favourability.Example: I would also like to know where to find other expats in Dusseldorf would have the same like for beer/wine and talking rubbish.


» adaptar a las preferencias de Unosuit + Posesivo + own preferences .

Example: Does this happen simply because the reader has forgotten the original, or because there is an unconscious desire to change the story to suit the reader's own preference?.

» con preferencia sobrein preference to .

Example: Thus popular or common names of subjects are included in preference to technical or specialist jargon.

» dar preferenciagive + preference .

Example: This gap is a result of the municipality's policy of 'positive discrimination', which gave preference to the socioeconomically weaker neighbourhoods.

» enfrentamientos sobre preferenciasflame war .

Example: I would greatly appreciate any feedback (no flame wars, please) on this issue.

» en preferenciapreferably .

Example: At his point, the indexer must decide what categories the constituent concepts of the analysis represent and, therefore, in what order they should preferably be cited.

» mostrar preferencia porslant .

Example: Initially the course was oriented towards academic library services, but in recent years has become more slanted towards information technology.

» no ocultar las preferencias de Uno sobre Algomake + no bones about + Algo .

Example: In 1910 John Cotton Dana made no bones about it; indeed he was an early advocate of positive discrimination.

» orden de preferenciaorder of preference .

Example: The predominant name is the name or form of name of a person or corporate body that appears most frequently (1) in the person's works or works issued by the corporate body; or (2) in reference sources, in that order of preference.

» preferencia de pasothe right of way .

Example: Most drivers stop at stop signs: Some do under duress -- there may be a policeman concealed in nearby bushes, others as a matter of prudence -- a fast car with the right of way can be injurious.

» preferencia personalpersonal preference .

Example: Like with crochet hooks, knitting needles come in a variety of materials and the choice of which one to use is a matter of personal preference.

» preferencia porbias in favour of .

Example: These headings, therefore, in addition to exhibiting a bias in favor of the majority, actively hinder access.

» preferencias sexualessexual preference .

Example: Topics include promiscuity and adultery, pornography and prostitution, sexual preference and sexual deviance, sexual harassment and sexual violence against women.

» preferencias y aversioneslikes and dislikes .

Example: How can we channel this fission energy so that children help each other through the network of social relationships which so much affect their likes and dislikes?.

» relación de preferenciapreferential relation [Relación formal entre términos que están representados por el mismo o mismos descriptores o notación]preferential relationship .

Example: A preferential relation is a formal relation between terms represented by the same descriptor(s) or class symbol.

Example: Preferential relationships generally indicate preferred terms or descriptors and distinguish such terms from non-descriptors or non-preferred terms.

» sentir preferencia porhave + a preference for .

Example: Librarians have a preference for nice, clean-cut, definable, easily-retrievable questions.

» tener preferenciabe preferentialhave + the right of way [Aplicado en circulación] .

Example: Where the public library sector is adequately developed the regional system would be preferential.

Example: Henry filed suit against the city and the driver, alleging the driver failed to yield to plaintiff even though he had the right of way.

» tener preferencia (sobre)take + precedence (over) .

Example: Single holds take precedence over title holds.

Preferencia synonyms

penchant in spanish: inclinación, pronunciation: pentʃənt part of speech: noun taste in spanish: gusto, pronunciation: teɪst part of speech: noun predilection in spanish: predilección, pronunciation: predəlekʃən part of speech: noun druthers in spanish: druthers, pronunciation: drʌðɜrz part of speech: noun
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