Prefabricado in english


pronunciation: prifæbrɪkeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

prefabricado = prefabricated ; precast ; ready-made. 

Example: Even the earliest cloth-covered bindings of the 1820s appear to have been made with prefabricated cases.Example: Then, jack hammers will be used to remove the concrete and precast concrete beams will be installed.Example: In some cases UDC provides the indexer with a ready-made class number for a compound subject.


» casa prefabricadamanufactured homeprefabricated house .

Example: Over 17 million people in the U.S. live in manufactured homes.

Example: More and more architects are incorporating modern designs into the prefabricated houses of today.

» caseta prefabricadaportacabin .

Example: Outside the portacabin there is a board with a few useful bits of information, such as the temperature of the water, visibility, and opening/closing times.

» mobiliario prefabricadoready-made furniture .

Example: Ready-made furniture which is available in the market is made from 80% particle board.

» muebles prefabricadosready-made furniture .

Example: Ready-made furniture which is available in the market is made from 80% particle board.

Prefabricado synonyms

prefab in spanish: casa prefabricada, pronunciation: prifæb part of speech: noun ready-made in spanish: confeccionado, pronunciation: redimeɪd part of speech: adjective
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