Predominar in english


pronunciation: prɪdɑməneɪt part of speech: verb
In gestures

predominar = hold + sway (over) ; predominate ; reign ; reign + supreme. 

Example: This ideology appealed widely to the librarian as well as the library user and held sway for nearly a quarter of a millennium when, in 1841, a catalytic event in the history of cataloging took place.Example: Amongst the present 2,700 or more registered readers, pupils and students predominate.Example: After reigning for sixteen years, Gandash was succeeded by his son.Example: Chaos reigned supreme on Monday after violent clashes between municipal cops and vendors resulted in stones being thrown and nearby vehicles being damaged.


» predominar sobrewin out over .

Example: One of the problems with Internet or Web based information retrieval is that quantity always wins out over quality.

Predominar synonyms

rule in spanish: regla, pronunciation: rul part of speech: noun prevail in spanish: prevalecer, pronunciation: prɪveɪl part of speech: verb paramount in spanish: supremo, pronunciation: perəmaʊnt part of speech: adjective reign in spanish: reinado, pronunciation: reɪn part of speech: noun dominant in spanish: dominante, pronunciation: dɑmənənt part of speech: adjective dominate in spanish: dominar, pronunciation: dɑməneɪt part of speech: verb predominant in spanish: predominante, pronunciation: prɪdɑmənənt part of speech: adjective overriding in spanish: primordial, pronunciation: oʊvɜrraɪdɪŋ part of speech: adjective preponderant in spanish: preponderante, pronunciation: pripɑndɜrənt part of speech: adjective preponderating in spanish: preponderante, pronunciation: pripɑndɜreɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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