Predominante in english


pronunciation: prɪdɑmənənt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

predominante = dominant ; predominant ; prevailing ; prevalent ; ruling ; mainline ; mainstream ; overriding. 

Example: English is the dominant language for the dissemination of information.Example: Generally, AACR2 recommends entry of all works under a uniform title, chosen as the predominant title.Example: It directly or indirectly incorporated or paralleled several prevailing objectives and concepts of the communication and behavioral sciences and other contributory disciplines.Example: Pre-co-ordinate indexes are particular prevalent as printed indexes.Example: The impulse to learn is a ruling passion in very few people; in most of us it is so weak that a frowning aspect can discourage it.Example: This is 'scientific journalism' at its worst, but its standards are not wholly different from those of the mainline press.Example: Some children may be constrained by a mainstream curriculum that does not match their ability level.Example: Consequently, the overriding demand made by the academic community is bibliographical in nature.


» nombre predominantepredominant name [Nombre o forma de nombre de persona o entidad corporativa que aparece más frecuentemente en los trabajos de esa persona o entidad, o en las obras de referencia] .

Example: The predominant name is the name or form of name of a person or corporate body that appears most frequently (1) in the person's works or works issued by the corporate body; or (2) in reference sources, in that order of preference.

Predominante synonyms

paramount in spanish: supremo, pronunciation: perəmaʊnt part of speech: adjective dominant in spanish: dominante, pronunciation: dɑmənənt part of speech: adjective prevailing in spanish: predominante, pronunciation: prɪveɪlɪŋ part of speech: adjective frequent in spanish: frecuente, pronunciation: frikwənt part of speech: adjective predominate in spanish: predominar, pronunciation: prɪdɑməneɪt part of speech: verb overriding in spanish: primordial, pronunciation: oʊvɜrraɪdɪŋ part of speech: adjective preponderant in spanish: preponderante, pronunciation: pripɑndɜrənt part of speech: adjective preponderating in spanish: preponderante, pronunciation: pripɑndɜreɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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