Predispuesto in english


pronunciation: pridɪspoʊzd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

predisponer = predispose. 

Example: Previous experience with computers or card catalogue use predisposed users to attempt to use OPACs.


» no predisponer a Alguien en contrastay on + the right side ofkeep on + the right side of .

Example: Many of the stories told about fairies seem to be cautionary tales, showing that they can be very helpful, as long as you stay on the right side of them.

Example: Gods did nothing, but you had to honour them with a daily offering to keep on the right side of them.

» predisponer a Unodispose + Pronombre Personal .

Example: The conditions in the helping professions, including those in special librarianship, dispose one to burnout.

» predisponer en contra deprejudice + Nombre + against .

Example: Many biased headings still persist that disparage or distort the topic itself, prejudice the user against the material cited, or demean the very people who use the catalog.

predispuesto = forthcoming ; nothing loath. 

Example: In addition, this method is preferable where patrons may be less than forthcoming using another method (e.g., questionnaire) regarding behaviors that would traditionally be frowned upon by librarians = In addition, this method is preferable where patrons may be less than forthcoming using another method (e.g., questionnaire) regarding behaviors that would traditionally be frowned upon by librarians.Example: The stranger, nothing loath to start a conversation with them, looked at them smilingly.


» estar predispuesto abe predisposed to/toward(s) .

Example: A person will be predisposed, or not, to seek and use information depending upon his or her goals and habits.

» predispuesto a favor dedisposed for .

Example: No one comes into the world already disposed for or against words in print.

» predispuesto en contra deprejudiced againstdisposed against .

Example: He inspired intense lasting loyalties, but also made many enemies, being unshakably confident in his own judgement, stubborn, and racially prejudiced against Jews.

Example: No one comes into the world already disposed for or against words in print.

Predispuesto synonyms

susceptible in spanish: susceptible, pronunciation: səseptəbəl part of speech: adjective
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